Party & The Cops

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Beauty and the beast TiTlE. I love that movie XD

It was about 9:00 so I wasn't normally aloud to leave the house. I grabbed two hoodies off of my desk and opened my window. I still wasn't scared of the roof even though I fell of and Fractured my spine. ((These ppl are amazing XD))
I looked down and aimed for my jump. The tree had an empty spot that I could always jump into so I didn't get hurt... To badly.
I crouched on the edge((WHO WILL TELL US NOT TO MAKE EDGY ART SO WE CAN RESIT!!!~Preston)) if the roof and aimed my body toward the tree. And, like a cat, launched forward. My back skimmed some branches as I grabbed a branch in the tree. 'Hi TaRzAn~!' One if the twins yelled. 'I don't wanna look at you dumb identical faces right now So GO AWAY!!' I yelled. Angry gasps sounded from above me. So much happens in 1 month. I sighed before releasing the branch and landing on my feet. David once put me in gymnastics. Of corse I had to go. I Hated is SO much. I pondered on my thoughts as I strode quickly to the park.
'HeY Kid!!' A male voice said from behind.
I stopped and looked around and saw a middle aged man sitting on the ground. 'Hey... Wait. Arn't you Bonquisha's lover?' I asked. He shook his head.
'I was. But she dumped me here and never came back. She sent me a text saying we were through.' He said, voice broken and quivering.
'Its okay man. You stole Bonquisha from my dad before and he ended up moving on.' ((Idr this mans names XD. Max don't card tho.))
He waved me on and I shrugged. Damn. He is WASTED. The park pulled into view sooner that expected. Looking up at the park fence I jumped up. Grabbing the top of the fence I sprang over it and crouched behind the brick wall at the bottom. A flashlight beam came through the fence bars and stayed there for a bit. I looked at the beam and it hovered right above my hair. I really need to pull my hair back or I'm dead meat. Putting my hand in my hair I pulled it down to the base of my head. I threw it in a simple ponytail. God I need a haircut. The light beam moved on and I made a break for a bush. The light beam hit the bush right as J jumped in. 'Who's there?!?' The night-guard yelled. My eyes growing wide in fear I made a random animal sound. I made angry clicks that an angry squirrel would make. 'Click click chat chatt chatter cli-Chatter!' A few clicks of the tongue and snappy squirrel sounds later the night-guard moved on. He apologized with a chuckle as a real squirrel clicked too. I held back a laugh. The guard moved on and I army crawled out of the bush and crossed the path. I looked back and the night-guard as he closed the door to a lookout tower stairwell. Poor guy has to walk up a lot of stairs. I stood up and ran toward the trees. A big smile on my face.

{<>} 10 min later {<>}

Two feminine laughs came from a clearing about a quarter mile in. 'Ahhahahhah!!!' A new laugh joined, a masculine voice. 'Harrison? Nerris? Nikki?' I called.
'Yeah!' Nerris yelled 'Over here!!' A song started to play on the radio. I jumped
over an old broken down fence me and Harrison built when we were 13. That was the year my birth parents passed and let me free of life in total HELL. Then David & Daniel adopted me. David convinced Harrison's parents that it was slight of hand magic. Harrison jumped over the fence behind me and patted my back. 'Is it just me or are we the luckiest guys in town?' He laughed.
'Yeah. Why were you behind me?' I asked.
'Had to pee.' And with that he walked to the small fire and grabbed a bottle of something. I strode up and looked at the crate. It was full of snacks and drinks. I looked at the crate and grabbed a light beer from the top. I opened it and Nerris started to do elf joke thingys.
'What did-hic- one elf say to the other elf?' Nerris asked us.

We all shrugged.
'Wait... Who the Elf is Santa.' She laughed.
I snorted and sipped my beer. Both the girls were wasted. Harrison was on the verge of Dying  in laughter and Neil was supposed to be coming soon.

{<>} Two hours of laughing waiting and watching Neil Arrive and half a box of beer later {<>}

The fire had died and we were all drunker than ever before. The thirty bottle beer box was half empty. Neil was Throwing ip again. Harrison and Nerris had snuggled up and fallen asleep. And now Nikki's head lay lightly on my lap. 
A flash of bright light illuminated my shadow and a deep male voice yelled a warning to leave. I froze and kicked an empty bottle at Harrison and he looked up.
'Its the PoPo...' I mouthed
The officer came closer and Nikki sat up. Harrison Woke Nerris and the two girls stood up and walked away a bit toward the "Escape Path". I signaled Harrison to stand. I was a Big teenager, so i stood about five inches over him. I grunted as the flashlight shone in my eyes. I quickly pulled my hood up and flew the bird. Harrison then dropped a smoke egg that is used for disappearing acts. He yelled a few pissed off words before stumbling threw the smoke. 

'RUN!!!!' We both yelled.

I grabbed Harrison's hat and ran. I glint of pure mischief gleaming in my Aqua eyes. Nikki and Nerris were now only a few feet in front of us. Nerris stumbled and fell. Nikki stopped and looked over the other girl before lifting Nerris's torso. 'HEY KIDS GET BACK HERE!!'
'WE'LL NEVER SURRENDER !!' Nerris screamed as she regained footage. I smirked. Harrison and I stopped and looked back. The cop was close. 'C'mon. Harrison carry her.' I was "6'5 and he was 6" both girls were extremely smaller than us. Harrison picked up Nerris and we started to run again. The cop was super close and I started to see fatigue in my friends. Harrison slowed so Nerris could use her own feet and move ahead. Then the worst possible thing happened. The loud barking of a K-9. A tall fence was up ahead and there was no way they could get past the barbed wire at the top. We hit the fence hard. Both girls instantly started climbing it. I gave Harrison a broken beer bottle from the ground and i picked up a sturdy stick. The fence curved inward at the top and the girls slipped in and landed with a soft Thud.
'Girls. Run. We got this.' I said. At least I hoped we had this under control. The Doberman ran from the tree line and jumped at us. I knocked him in the head. Dazed the strong dog snarled. A smaller growl erupted from behind us. The doberman stopped and whimpered. We took the chance and jumped up the fence. The wolves waited with the two cowering girls in their ranks.

1249 words. Damn.

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