Don't Touch My Nikki

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Nikki POV(this is the only other POV their will be.)

I got on the bus and sat in the back. David had started to drive Max to school so I was always venerable(vonerable?) here. One of the two twin girls that lived by Max threw a pencil at my eye. But worst of all, the old Flower Scout girls rode this bus. They  me everyday so I was always the target to them. I hope this day ends soon... Tabbi Erin and Sasha sat down in the seat next to mine. I sighed and getting ready for the bullies to attack.

'David?' I asked my father.
'Yes Max?' He said, eyes still on the road.
'How did Daniel ask you out?'
He smiled a bit. 'He didn't.'
'WhAt!?!' I said like one of the girls from Aunt Gwen's Trash Shows.
'Yeah. Daniel just kinda... Ummmm... Well proposed.' He stuttered. I raised an eyebrow and laughed.
David pulled the car up and gave me a hug before I could get out. 'Bye Max.' He said still hugging me. 'Bye dad.' I said and hugged him back.
Sasha Erin and Tabii got off the bus and headed over to Nurf and his gang. 'Thats gonna be trouble for sure.' Nikki stumbled off the bus. Her short mint hair was messed up from its normal bun. The two locks if mint hair were tangled and her short red overalls looked dirty and ragged. I instantly jumped forward when she fell to her knees. 'NIKKI!!' I yelled and wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and started to cry. I put one hand on the back of her neck. A warm wet liquid was on my hand. I removed my hand and looked at it. A trickle of blood was flowing from her neck. The bus in front of us lurched forward. I looked at the other bus and a growled. It lurched forward and clipped my shoulder as I pulled Nikki to the ground and shifting on top of her so she isn't harmed. She unfolded flat on the ground and pulled me down flat on her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and the buses all pulled forward and left. Mr.Brown came running over and tried to pull me off of Nikki. He helped me up and I carried Nikki , who was still crying, to the school Nurse.

{<>} Time skip 3 Hours {<>}

'Max. Your fine get to class already.' Mrs.Bunnie snapped. 'Fine. I'll be back though. Most likely with a few cuts and bruises.' I growled. Walking out of the Nurses Office I skipped class and left the inside if school. I slipped under the bleachers and hit a red button that triggered a loud screaming sound from the speakers. Nurf and his gang looked over and I hit the small button again. I was taller than Nurf and all of his friends. They started running over. Fists clenched. I pulled the knife that I always had in my hoodie pocket out and brandished the crooked blade. The boys slowed. The blade was Daniel's old sacrificial knife and I had sharpened it to a razor sharp point. 'Did Sasha Erin and Tabii hurt my Nikki?' I snarled. A teasing tone thick In my voice. 'N-no.' Nurf stuttered. They knew that one of my dads was a Cult Leader once. And I had learned that leadership was a combo if fear and trust.
Me. Well I just wanted the fear in their hearts to know I could kill them easily and there would be little to no evidence that it was me. Nurf pulled a pocket knife out and lunged forward. I stopped him short with a stab to the arm. The razor end slicing through his flesh sickeningly.
This js what Daniel felt like I thought. He screamed out and cried. 'Max! What the fuck!' He said through the sobs. 'Did. The. Flower. Scouts. Hurt. Nikki.' I snarled.
'Yes!' One if his goons yelled. The boy looked scared anf most likely play paramedic for the group and started toward the bleeding leader. 'Geez. You guys we're easy to break.' I said. I then put the knife to my skin and slit through with one line. There were several years worth of the scars. The blood flowed in a thin line and the boys seemed amazed at me. I shrugged and sheathed the knife in its strange looking cover and snapped them closed. I returned it to my hoodie and Nurf's gang backed up and started to take him away to be treated. U just pulled out my phone and texted Nikki:
MAX: Nikki. I got you revenge >:3
MAX: Yeah. I stabbed Nurf in the arm and now I'm going to scare the shit out of Sasha Erin & Tabii.
NIKKI: Let the war Begin >:}

Holy love of Night. 815 words. Its shorter but I like it :3.

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