~Goodbye's-Yoonnie [Pt.1]~

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Story Line: Yoongi and Jennie have been best friends since their parents met each other. Yoongi's mom got a new job but that means that they have to move. Yoongi has to move to a new school, new house, and new friends. Jennie doesn't know anything. What happens when Yoongi finally tells Jennie but Yoongi has to leave right after? What will happen to their friendship? What will their last words be?

Parts: Part 1 [2 Parts]

Word Count: 1341

[Yoongi's POV]

Busan, South Korea

"Yoongi, can you come down here for a moment? Please!" Eomma called and I run down the stairs. 

"Yes?" I answered and walk into the kitchen.

"Yoongi tomorrow will be your last day in school. Also please pack you room before Saturday. I need the movers to ship it to Daegu. Please inform your teachers and friends that you're going to leave." Eomma said and continues cooking.

"What do mean 'ship it to Daegu'? Yoongi asks.

"I mean that I got a new job in Daegu and it's too far from here and we need to move. Now go pack up. Tomorrow will be your last day in school." Eomma responded and continues to cook. I roll my eyes and walk up the stairs to my room.

"THERE ARE BOXES IN THE GARAGE! GET SOME AND START PACKING!" Eomma yelled from the kitchen. I walk to the garage and found some boxes.

I start packing all of the small things and ended off with my music and other things. I here a ring and look around my room. I see my phone ringing and I try to get to it. It turns dark again and I walk over to the light switch. I flick it open and head towards to where my phone is.

I open it and look through the messages. (Jennie is also Princess in Yoongi's phone)

[👑Princess💕]: missed called. 

[👑Jennie💕]: yay, answer my call!

[👑Princes💕]: missed called.   

[👑Jennie💕]: did I do something?

[👑Jennie💕]: why aren't you answering my calls

[👑Princes💕]: missed called.    

[👑Jennie💕]: tell me what's wrong

 [👑Princess💕]: incoming call.... 

I look at my phone and Jennie is calling. I click the green icon and put the phone against my ear.


Me: I'm sorry. I was busy.

Jennie: That's fine, but did I do something?

Me: No, no it's just that I'm a little busy.

Jennie: With what?

Me: Homework and music.

Jennie: Ohh..okay. I'm sorry I bothered you.

Me: It's okay.

Jennie: 'JENNIE, come down here!!' Umm..I'll call you back eomma is calling.

Me: okay bye.

I hung up and closed my phone and set it down on the table. I look around and see most of my room gone.

imagine 2. blacktanWhere stories live. Discover now