~New York - Jinsoo~

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[Story Line] Jin and Jisoo head over to New York for New Year's. Jin and Jisoo are only heading over there because their parents forced them. Jin and Jisoo are not that close of friends. But what happens when they're stuck in a room together for New Year's?

[Words]1607 words

[Theme] New Year's Special

[Ships] Jin X Jisoo (Jinsoo)


[Kim Seokjin's POV]

"Jin!! Please come down here for a moment." Eomma called. I walk down the stairs and see another two people and my parents. 

"Eomma, who are they?" I asked and sat down. I looked and saw Jisoo. 

Kim Jisoo.


The 'Queen' of the school along with Rose, Jennie, and Lisa. She's not that type of person who you think. She's the nice person but I just don't like her. Sometimes she can be annoying.

"Well, the Kim family was going to head out with us to New York but we have to go to work over the holidays. And well we have two leftover tickets and we're going to send you two." eomma explained and pointed at me and Jisoo.

"Me with her?" I asked and looked at her. 

"Eomma do I have to go?" Jisoo asked pouting. 

"Jisoo, please I don't wanna waste the money that I spent on the ticket. Please just go, it's only 2 days and 1 night." Jisoo's parents said. 

"As for you Jin, just go. It's another way you can clear your mind from everything that you've been this year. Just go." eomma said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." we both say. 

"Now go pack. You guys are leaving first thing in the morning." both parent said and we both left to go to our rooms.

[Next Day]

I walk out with my bag and a small suitcase. 

"Come on, Jin! We don't have time to wait for you." Jisoo yells from the car and I roll my eyes and run to the car. 

"Jisoo, sit in the back." her mom says.

"Why? I don't wanna sit with him." Jisoo says and looks at me then her mom.

"Jisoo, please just sit in the back." her mom says and she gets out of the passenger seat and sits beside me. I put my suitcase between us and I go on my phone. 


"Jisoo, please behave. That goes for you too, Jin. Your mom told to tell you that before you left." Jisoo's mom says to me and I nodded.

Flight 291 now boarding. Flight 291 now boarding. Seoul to New York. Announces the intercom.

Jisoo says good bye and I wave to her. We start to board and I sit beside the window. Jisoo puts her bag in the middle chair and goes and leaves. 

"Why can't I sit by the window?" Jisoo complains and I shake my head. She rolls her eyes and sits in the middle seat. 

[Plane Ride]

"Can you stop?" I hear Jisoo say and I look over at her. A man was trying to hold Jisoo hands but she keeps hitting him.

"Jisoo get up."I whisper and she looks at me.

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