~Ice Cream-LIZKOOK~ (SHORTish)

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A/N: I don't know if you consider this short but I kind of liked this chapter and at the same time I don't. It's rushed and if there is any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. I'm really tired and I had too much homework. I hope you like it. 

Story Line: Lisa works after school in a local ice cream parlor and when she notices that the same boy comes to the parlor frequently she wants to know why. Lisa finds out who it is. When she does she notices one day that he wasn't there. Lisa cleaned up the tables and closed the shop up. But what happens when she hears someone? (I swear this chapter won't be creepy)

~Lisa's POV~

Another day and I'm standing behind the register. I love working in the parlor but then it gets boring during the winter because it gets cold. I watch as the customers eat their ice cream happily. I hear the bell ring and knew that a new customer had come in. I bowed and waved.

"Hello, what can I get you? Probably your usual?" I said and looked at him. He nodded and he paid. I grabbed his usual and grave it to him.

He comes here frequently and I noticed for a while. When he orders I would already have his order down and done. I walked over to the register and watched him and noticed that would always be by himself. I smiled and clocked out for lunch. 


 I walk into the parlor and notice that he was already here and I clock in. I take orders because school just got out and it was a hot day. I get ready at the cash register and I take orders. 

When everyone is done I sit down and smile. I don't get help but I learned to be quick. I take a quick break and feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see the same guy.

"Hey, your in my class so can you help me if your not busy?" he asked and I looked at the line but there wasn't one. I nodded and looked at the work. 

I explain to him how to do each problem and when I hear the bell I look up and see 6 people. I take their orders and sit where the guy sat. I looked at him confused.

"Their my friends. I'm Jungkook." Jungkook said and nodded.

"Lisa." I said and looked at the work that he has done. I nodded and he figured out how to do everything. 


Clock in.

Take order.






Clock Out.

Go home.


Clock in.

Take order.






Clock Out.

Go home.


Clock In.

Take Orders.

No one to talk to.


Sit around.

Clock out.

Go home.


I clock in and notice that the parlor was busy and I started to take orders and give them ice cream. I smiled at each customer but my smile faded when I didn't see that familiar face.

I keep taking orders until it closing time. I clean the tables and lock the door. My and someone I work with clean up and clean the dishes and I open the register and count the money. 

While I was counting I hear a tapping and look at the door. 

I see a familiar face.



I walk over with the key and open the door.

"What are you doing here? I was closing up." I said and he looked out of breath. I moved out of the way and he sat down in the booths. I locked the door and walked over to the booth.

"What are you doing here, again?" I asked again. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"I wanted to see you but then I lost count of time." Jungkook said and I got up.

"Jungkook you know that the shop closed right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I need you to leave." I said and he frowned. I walked to the door about to unlock it when I feel his hand grab my wrist. I turn around and see Jungkook.

"Please. I need to ask you something." Jungkook said and I looked at the time. 

"Okay. 5 minutes. GO." I said and looked at my clock.

"I lost count of time. I fell asleep. I wanted to visit but then I fell asleep. I didn't get enough sleep the other night because I was trying to finish something. I didn't know if you were gonna say yes or no so I took me the whole night to figure out the right thing. Lisa, I know that we aren't that close and we only met here. I couldn't think of anything better but I want to know if you. If you can be my girlfriend?" Jungkook asked and I looked at him.

"I knew the answer. Can you just open the door?" Jungkook asked and he walked to the door. I grabbed his hand before he can leave and kissed him. I didn't know what I was doing but it just felt right. Jungkook grabbed my waist and he kisses back. I smile and pull away.

"So it's a yes." Jungkook said and I nodded.

"Thank you." Jungkook said.

Love doesn't start in school. Love can be anything and with anyone. Love is everywhere and you can find it anywhere. You can find it anywhere if you look in the right place.

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