~New Year -Jirose & Jinsoo~

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[Story Line] It's New Year's Eve and Jimin, Rose, Jin, and Jisoo travels to New York for New Years. Jimin and Rose shares a room but what happens when they aren't really the best of friends. Jimin and Rose don't have a good background together but they got dragged to New York by Jin and Jisoo. Jin and Jisoo have been friends since they were kids and now Jin wants to be more than friends. What happens on New Year's for Jin and Jisoo? What will Jin and Jisoo do to help Jimin and Rose's friendship? What will happen at the end of the night with Jimin and Rose?

[Words] 3079 words (the most i've written)

[Theme] (LATE) New Year's  Special

[Ships] Jimin X Rose (JIROSE) & Jin X Jisoo (JINSOO) 

[Seoul, South Korea]

{Kim Seokjin's POV}

Jisoo thought it would be perfect for us to go to New York for New Year's. She bought ticket for her parents and us, but her parents were too busy so we had to figure out who to bring. I look at Jisoo and she was trying to finish an essay before we leave.

"Jisoo-ah, you do we bring?" I asked and looked at her. Jisoo looked up from her computer and stared at me and looked back down.

"Who do wanna bring? Let's just bring anyone." Jisoo said and I thought about some people.

"How about Irene? We can bring her." I asked and looked at her. I noticed that Jisoo got tensed and she looked like she was going to kill someone.

"Sure, let's bring her." Jisoo said typing quicker and hitting the keys faster.

"Or how about Sowon?" I asked and that was the name that snapped her. 

"I DON'T KNOW FIGURE IT OUT! JUST BRING SOMEONE IF YOU WANT, I'LL BRING SOMEONE IF I WANT TO!"Jisoo screamed and stormed out of the room. I looked at her and I got up.

I opened my phone and looked at the background. Jisoo and I been friends since childhood. We don't keep secrets. We tell everything to each other. Except for one thing. 

I got up and called Jimin. Jimin picked up and I smiled.

"Jimin, hey. Jisoo and I were going to head to New York tomorrow. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come." I said and Jimin hummed in response.

"Umm....hyung, I remember that you guys bought 4 tickets and you guys are already using two of them. So who's using the last one. I would love to come, too." Jimin said on the phone. 

"I'll Jisoo that and I'll text you. Thank you for coming." I said and hung up. 

I walked to Jisoo's room and knocked on her door. 

"Jisoo-ah, can I come in?" I asked and knocked on the door.

"Sure." was Jisoo's only response.

"Jisoo, I just invited-" I started.

"Okay, so when is Irene and Sowon coming? Huh?" Jisoo asked and stopped typing. I looked at her and continued what I was saying.

"I just invited Jimin." I said and Jisoo looked shocked. 

"Oh...I already invited Rose...."Jisoo started and looked worried.

"Umm....doesn't Jimin and Rose have a terrible background." Jisoo asked and I shook my head. 

"Yup. This is not going to go well." I said and Jisoo closed her computer.

"Jin, do you like Sowon or Irene?" Jisoo asked and looked at the ceiling.

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