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[Story Line] It's Christmas Eve and all of Blackpink and BTS members are in their shared dorm and Tae has something special to do. No one know what's going to happen. What will happen when the clock strikes 12 midnight and it's Christmas?

[Ship] Taennie- Taehyung and Jennie

[Number of Words] 1084

[Theme] Cute, Christmas Special

[Kim Taehyung's POV]

Living in one dorm with the girls is fun and ever since we've all moved into one dorm, I've fallen more and more in love with that one person. 

Not everyone knows that I like this person but I know that they'll reject me but I've never tried. It's already Christmas Eve and I've already planned everything out to try and ask her. 

[Jennie Kim's POV]

I know that our company forbids dating but I can't help but fall in love with this person. I don't know when it started. 

I lay on my bed and scroll through Instagram (they have their own personally ones, in this story) and I see some things that I'm tagged in. I look through it and it's a bunch of pictures with Blackpink and some with the BTS members. I smile at some of the pictures and hear the door open. 


"Jennie, why don't you eat? Jin and I made breakfast for everyone. I'm just going to take a shower and get ready...go and eat, please." Jisoo said and I got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed some food. 

"Jennie..." someone said and I looked back. 


Kim Taehyung.


More like crush..

"yeah..." I started and he looked at me.

"Never mind." he said and continued eating. I nodded and walked to my room. 

I sat down on my desk and opened my computer and listened to the song that was suppose to come out in 2017 but got pushed to 2018. I listen to it carefully and fix some of the errors that the editors made. I finished eating and went back and listened to the song one more time. 

I finished it and sent it to the company to finalize. I close my computer and grab some clothes. I take a shower and curl my hair. We're having a small Christmas party and I look over at my closet and remembered that I had my gifts there. 

I opened my closet and found all of them still there. I grab some gift bags and put some of them in the bag. I grabbed some scissors and gift wrap. I lay it on the floor and grab the rest of the gifts. The gifts were in boxes and I put a post-it on each of them so I know which is which. 

After 30 minutes or so, I finish and grab the gifts and put them under the tree. The tree was already full and I'm the last one to put the gifts. I look around the dorm and it was really decorated. I look and see Tae on the couch sleeping and I laugh quietly. I smile and think about when we first met. 

I look at him one more time and walk back to my room. 

[Kim Taehyung's POV]

I lay on the couch and close my eyes for a while. I hear someones door open and I don't open my eyes. I listen and hear them beside the tree and open my eyes and see Jennie's door open. I hear Jennie sigh and I close my eyes again. I feel someone starring at me and I wait for a while until Jennie leaves. 

I hear the door close and open my eyes and breathe. I smile and got up and walked to my room.

[Time Skip]

I walk around my room and hear the Christmas music playing in the living room. I was still in my room while everyone was outside. I look at myself in the mirror one more time and walk outside.

I look and see that Jennie just got out and I stared at her. 

She looked breathtakingly beautiful

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She looked breathtakingly beautiful. I look at her then I snapped out my thoughts and walked over to the kitchen. 

I hear the doorbell ring and I walk over and open the door. I see GOT7, TWICE, Seventeen, Pristin, Red Velevt, and NCT.

I look behind me and see Jisoo walking over to me.

"Let them in Tae. I invited them because there's only 11 of us in the dorm." Jisoo said and I smiled at her and she walked to Jin. Everyone walked in and the put their presents under our tree. 

[time skip] (i'm bored and haven't done this in a while)

I walk up and passed out my presents. I was one of the last people who gave their presents. I was done and now Jennie is passing out her presents. She gives my present and it was a small box and I thank her. She smiles back and I wait until she passed out everyone's. I open the gift and it was a necklace and a bracelet. 


I looked at Jennie and I saw the same bracelet and necklace on her. 

I heard some shouting and looked around. They noticed the gift and they noticed that Jennie was wearing the same thing. 

I walked over to Jennie and I grabbed her hand. 

"Jennie, I know that you probably know that I like you but it's fine if you rej-" I start but I feel Jennie's lips on mine and I stiffen. I kiss back and I grab her by the waist and pull her by the waist.

"I like you, too." Jennie says after she pulls away. I smile and peck her on the lips again. 

I hug her tightly and I smile at her and we enjoy the night. 

love the person that you love. get to know the person that you love. enjoy the people around you.

[a/n] i'm sorry if this is too short, it's been a long time since i've written something. also i don't really ship taennie soooo, but i kind of respect the ship because on instagram and twitter people are commenting that they like jennie with v better but i don't really care so...i can ship whoever i want but please know that i don't ship taennie i ship yoonnie and don't diss taennie or yoonnie or you're going to be blocked. please, i hope that you enjoyed the chapter and i hope that you don't mind that it was short. 

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