~Birthday-LIZKOOK~ (SHORT)

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A/N: This was suppose to be up earlier but I got distracted so here it is. Sorry if there are any mistake I was rushing. I was planning on doing another one but my battery is about to die and its almost 8 so I'll try to write one tomorrow. The only reason I wanted to write another chapter is that I have an open house on Wednesday that takes place from 6:30-9 and I want to make up for it. So hopefully you like this and hopefully I 2 chapter tomorrow. VOTE. COMMENT. 

Story Line: It's Lisa's birthday and when she goes to school she expects 'Happy Birthday's' and 'I hope you have a great birthday' but no it was like a normal school day. Jungkook and the others set up a birthday party but how long can they stall Lisa? What will happen?

~Jungkook's POV~

Today was Lisa's birthday but we planned a birthday party for her but we are going to surprise her. 

~Lisa's POV~

I walk into school and see everyone. I hug Jungkook and he pats my head and goes back talking to his group. My smile fades and I walk over to Rose and Jisoo. I wave at them and I smile again. Hopefully they remember.

"Hey, Lisa. How are you feeling?" Rose said and I frowned.

"What's wrong Lisa?" Jisoo asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing. I just remembered that I had to be somewhere right now." I said and walked away.

'Did they really forget my bithday? Even Jung kook even though we've been together for so long? I thought and walked to the library.


I walk into class and listen to whatever the teacher is saying. My mind kept wondering back to my birthday. I went on with my day.

Because I'm a senior, I work part time at a small cafe and tonight I only work until 6:30 so I can spend it on my birthday. I usually work until 8 or 9. I walk to the cafe and take orders.

~Jungkook's POV~

I walk into Lisa's dorm which she shares with the girls. When I got there the boys were already finishing up the decorations and the girls were in the kitchen. 

I passed by the cafe that Lisa worked in and wanted to know if he went to work or else she went home and saw the surprise. 

I walk around and saw balloons and gifts. I smiled and walked into the kitchen. My nose engulfed the aroma of the food and I knew that the girls were trying to make most of Lisa's food. I smiled and walk outside. I walk to my car and drove to the mall. 


I walk back to the dorm and noticed that it was 6:15 and that Lisa would be home in 20 minutes. The cafe isn't that far from her house and it would take her no less than 10 minutes. She always clocks out early and I know that because I would visit her and she would clock out early. 

I walk back with her present and I see that the food was set on the table and the balloons and gifts were in the right place. I smiled at what we just accomplished and I look out the window. 

No Lisa. 


About 15 minutes later, I notice a shadow and looked at my watch. She was 5 minutes early. I turn off the lights before she notices and hide behind the couch. Everyone waits about 2 minutes and we hear the door open and close.

"Why is it so dark? The girls are asleep this early." Lisa whispers and I see the lights turn on. We jump up and yell 'Surprise'. Lisa yells and calms down. I walk over to her and hug her. 

"I thought you guys forgot." Lisa whispers in my ear and I chuckle. I brush her hair and kiss her forehead. 

"We didn't. We jut wanted to surprise you." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Let's eat and then we can open presents." Jin and Jisoo said and walked over to the dining room. We walk over to the table and start eating.


We watch Lisa when she opens her presents and I walk up to her and hand her a small box. Lisa opens it and sees a necklace. It had 'JJK' and she looked up at me. She smiled and I pulled out a necklace that was around my neck. It had 'LMB' (I don't really know what Lisa's intials are.) and she looked at them. I had Lisa's and she had mine.

She came up to me and gave me a hug. I heard awww's and I smiled.

"Thank you so much for everything." I said to Lisa.

"Thank you for doing everything for me even though you didn't have to. Thank you for everything." Lisa whispered and I hugged her tightly.

I love that she understands. Birthday's are meant to be celebrated with our loved ones and with our friends and family.

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