~Break Up?-Taennie~

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A/N: I feel bad for not updating for like three days. I got super busy. I had multiple tests this week and i think I failed all of them. But I just updated. I'm sorry but I was planning on updating twice tomorrow but because I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow I don't really know if I can but hopefully I can try. Hopefully you like this chapter.

Story Line: What happens when Taehyung sees Jennie with another person that's not him? What will happen? What's Taehyung going to do? 

~Taehyung's POV~

We finish up performing and we walk back stage. As we walk to our dressing room, I decide to take a trip to Jennie's room. 

I walk towards their dressing room and see two figures. One of them was familiar but the other one wasn't. I walk a little closer and see her hugging the person. I frown and look at them. I turn around and walk to the dressing room. 

I walk through the door and I see everyone getting their make-up fixed or just hanging out. I see everyone looking at me and I force a smile.

"How did it go, hyung?" Jimin said looking at me. I just nodded and put headphones on. I tried blocking everyone and everything from me right now. 

I feel my phone vibrate and I open it.

'hey, can we talk?' ~Jennie

I look at the text and I thought about what I was going to write. 

'let's break up.' 

I closed my phone and I ignore all the text messages. I listen to the music and relax. 

~Jennie's POV~

I walk to my dressing room and see everyone. I smile and sat beside Rose.

"How did it go?" Rose asked and I looked at her.

"How did what go?" I asked and looked at her. 

"What did you and Taeyang oppa talk about?" Lisa said and I shook my head.

"I was talking to him about if our group and can be featured or if we can collab with each other." I said and grabbed my phone.

"What did he say?" Jisoo said jumping up and down.

"He said to ask our manger but he's sure that we'll collab together." I said scrolling through my phone trying to find Taehyung's name. I found it and tapped on his name.

'hey, can we talk?' 

 I closed my phone and listened to the girls talk. I feel my phone vibrate and open it.

'let's break up' ~Taehyung

 I dropped my phone and tears are falling. I cry and I feel Rose hug me and I hear Lisa whispering what the text said. I look at the girls and I didn't know what to do. I grab my phone and text Taehyung.

'Please, what did I do?' 

'I don't know'


'don't leave me.'

'your the only one who understands me.'

'please tae, what did I do?' 

'tae please.'


'thank you for everything you have done for me...'

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