CHAPTER 3:knowyoumore

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jungkook's POV:
well it is a week after the MMA event and we got a 1 week day off.well yoongi he stayed on his dorm he is so sleepy always,jin had a meeting with someone and i think it is jisoo.(hehehe),namjoon had a vacation with his family and the others i dunno.
i just want to sleep but until i remembered what namjoon said to me.dont give up at her okay?show her you like her.

oh i can call lisa!but wait i dunno her phone number.i just gonna go out and ask her friends.

knock knock.someone knocked
i thought it was yoongi but as i opened the door.

well well.eunha said

what are you doing here?i said to her

oh my kookie let's date now.she said commanding me

well i dont want to hurt you eunha but my feelings are on no-before i say another word she cutted it off.

well is it about that lisa?iam more than pretty than her.she said while looking at me.

i just i dont wanna be mean to you but i want to make it straight in this point iam really sorry.i said to her

kookie please i can change my attitude for you.she said crying

sorry but iam just sorry.i said while closing the door.

aish...that girl always following me

eunha's POV:
oh,so you lefted me because of that lisa hah?i said to myself
well let us see if you and her relationship will last.

lisa's POV:
i was taking a stroll in the park with jisoo's pet dalgom she let me because she is busy and i want to stroll with dalgom.well yeah i just visited the park reminds me of our first met of jungkook and i.
while walking i saw jungkook sitting on the bench all alone.i still cannot forget it what happened on the MMA'S but let us just forget about that so i decides to talk to him.

so what have we got here?i said smiling to him.

oh lisa hi and you brought your pet?he asked

no it is not really my pet it is jisoo's pet the dog's name is dalgom.i said to him

is jisoo dating jin?he asked laughing

i dunno maybe.i said

so what brings you here?i said

well our CEO gave us 1 week day off,so i decided to stroll at the park.he said smiling

well same as you.i smirked

are you hungry?he said

well yeah but the problem is dalgom.i said with a worried face.

well i can order snacks and we can just eat outside.he said

ok thank you kookie!!i said while iam blushing

author's POV:
so lisa and jungkook is enjoying their snacks with dalgom.hmm..oppa this is yummy.lisa said to jungkook,well you dont have to call me because we are just same age.he said
arff arff!!the dog barking
oh maybe he is hungry oppa!lisa stared at jungkook and lisa gave the dog her boneless chicken.
after they eat they leaved the resto.and had stroll the park together.

so about what happened in the MMA's.jungkook said while walking

oh that?nah let us just forget about it.lisa's face becamed tomato red

oh really?jungkook said

oh it is already 3 pm iam already late for the celebration.lisa said

oh it is okay we can meet next time right?he said

oh yep.said lisa
before lisa can left,jungkook grabbed lisa's.waist and pulled her unto his chest.

ahmmm..lisa can i have your phone number?jungkook said

oh ok you can just pull me out now.lisa said while holding dalgom.
lisa gaved her phone number to jungkook and they bid goodbye to each other.

lisa's POV:
his face..aish..lisa focus.i said to myself while walking through our dorm.
i knocked on the door and happily someone opened it.

yah!lisa did you walked my dog?jisoo said

yeah am i not a promise keeper?i said smiling

so let's eat unnies!i said while jumping

oh so you saw jungkook again aye?jennie said spied at me again hah!i run through jennie and throw a pillow to her face.

yah iam just saying.jennie picked up the pillow and putted it on the couch

don't talk when your mouth is full.rose said while staring at jennie.

ok chaeyoung!ok ok!!jennie screamed that made rose closed her ears with a hand.

you two always fighting.i said to.them

well this two even jisoo even me we fight sometimes.

then someone texted i opened my phone and i checked who is it and i saw a text saying.

unknown:hey lisa

lisa:who is this?

unknown:well kookie oppa!

lisa:oh i forgot that i gaved you my phone number

unknown:well i like your dog

lisa:that is not my dog it is jisoo's dog

unknown:sorry but your cute

lisa:stop it

unknown:iam on my dorm


unknown:can you come?iam bored

lisa:why dont you just come here and join us?

unknown:ok thanks

lisa:no iam just joking..i will come what time?

unknown:maybe around.6 pm?

lisa:ok goodbye and see you later.

unknown:ok by cutie

lisa:bye jungkook!

after that someone snatched my phone

so who is it aye?jisoo said

yah!unnie give it to me!!i shouted to her then jennie and rose camed in.

can i see?rose said

me too?jennie said

after they read the text they stared at me.

so jungkook from bts is asking you to come at his dorm?rose said

no we will not gonna allow you!jennie.said angrily

okay but please just once?i said with my puppy.eyes.

oh?ok but dont blame us if something happened to you alright?jennie said

ok gotta go unnie i'll be back around 9 ok?promise!!i said while leaving the dorm,but i actually forgot to tell something to jisoo so i to the dorm again.

jisoo unnie?i said staring at her

what!!she said screaming at me

did you and jin date? i said

it is none of your buisnness kid so get out or we will change our minds!!jisoo shouting at i closed the door and leaved our dorm.

long part right but that's me hehehehehehehehe iam busy writing for you guys so read all of it it is really interesting.

yeah who is waiting here for blackpink square three?
me iam waiting for it
saranghe lisa
saranghe blackpink

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