FATE Chapter 1

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I figured it would take Liam ten minutes to drop the kids off to school and then he had to nip into the office to collect something he needed for a deadline he was working on. He also took Alisha to show her off and then Cilla was taking her to see a friend and spend some quality time with her so I had about half an hour.

I had cheekily text his Secretary Valda to ask her to tell me when he was on his way back. She was a lovely woman and kept him organised. She was a great help during my stay in hospital and he adored her. Sometimes when he worked from home she would pop around with papers to be signed and have lunch. I would hear them giggling over some work stuff that meant nothing to me but the sound of their laughter always made me smile.

They would come out of his office at home to eat lunch with me and she felt just like a member of the family. She would help with Lunch, make the drinks and bring cake. If Tyson came over she would pinch his bum and tell Louisa she was very lucky. Louisa would giggle her ass off at Tyson blushing when Valda would say 'oh if only I were twenty years younger.'

Or she would embarrass Liam by saying 'So do you want to know who your latest admirer is?' He would shake his head and frown which she would follow up with 'You should see the queue behind you Shannon. So many broken hearts now this boy is off the market and all loved up. I knew he was in love the very minute I mentioned your name once in relation to work. There was something about the look and the smile he gave me just at the mention of your name. I said to him have you been romancing this girl and he just smiled and walked off. You know how he gets when he concentrates on something and you can ask him questions but he doesn't pay attention, well I would just have to say your name for his head to pop up and see what I wanted. It was like a password into the inner sanctum so I teased him about it and he told me to 'bugger off and mind my own beeswax'. Cheeky sod. He got a clip around the ear for that one and I said 'I'm going to tell all your admirers you are off the market and in love, there will be heart breaking wide open. Prepare the flood gates.' He just shrugged and that was confirmation enough for me.'

Valda had been married to her husband since she was 18 and now their kids were all grown up with kids of their own. She was a delightful woman and I loved to have her around. I also loved it when she text me to say 'Operation Secret Squirrel is a go. The bird has flown the coup with cutie pie. ETA five minutes. P.S. Check fax ;o)'

Quick, Quick my mind kept saying.

I ran to the fax machine in his office and cracked up laughing. Valda was hilarious.

I heard the car approaching as I got ready. I watched Liam get out and take Alisha over to his Mum's house. I checked my appearance again. My heart racing. I got into position as I heard Liam walking up the drive and opening the door.

"Babe?" he called.

I cleared my throat.

He opened the door and walked into the room his hands holding the paperwork he was reading. He looked up and..... Bam! That was just the reaction I was looking for... he was gob smacked.

There I was sat on the edge of his desk, legs crossed dressed as a sexy secretary. Black lace top stockings, six inch heels, tiny skin tight black skirt, tight white shirt open enough to reveal a black lace push up bra which matched the panties he was getting the tiniest flash off. My hair swept up in a loose bun held delicately in place with a pencil. I looked over my glasses and removed the pencil from my hair letting it fall loose as I shook it gently. Placing the pencil tip against my lips forcing his gaze to notice my red lipstick I let the tip of my tongue slip out and moisten my lips as I looked down at the fax I held and bit my lip thoughtfully which I knew was one of the things I did that Liam thought was the cutest and sexiest thing ever.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now