FATE Chapter 18

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Hmmm something was not quite right... I couldn't put my finger on it but Liam was definitely not a happy bunny as we sat having breakfast with the kids.

It turned out Logan smashed the bowl on purpose and Joe cried because he thought he would get told off and not allowed to do breakfast anymore.

Logan was not himself either he wore the same frown as Liam and wouldn't go near him. He even refused to eat a piece of toast Liam passed him but when I passed him a different piece he took it and gave Liam a killer look. Liam and I looked at each other as if to say 'what the hell'.

After breakfast we packed the kids up ready to go out for the day. Logan wouldn't let Liam help him into his coat and shoes. He folded his arms and turned away scowling.

"Logan, go and let daddy put your coat on or you can stay here," I warned him.

He walked over picked up the TV remote and pressed it on sitting down in front of it to watch it. He didn't care!

"Everyone in the car," I said nodding to Liam. He took them out and I walked out too closing the door and leaving Logan in the house alone to teach him a lesson. It was killing me but he was being a nuisance for no good reason and I could see it was hurting Liam every time he got blanked by him. That was not the kind of welcome home, I wanted him to have.

I turned to see Cilla hugging Liam at the car. Bob was next. They had missed him too.

Liam nodded towards the house as I stood to the side of the door listening to see if I could hear Logan. I could.... The little shit was singing! He was watching kids TV and singing along.... Grrr!

"I'll sort him," Bob offered.

I turned to look at him. "I don't know what is wrong but he is being out of order to Liam," I explained.

"Don't forget where he came from. He was an abused child whose mother was murdered. He was brought here to strangers. Who did he cling on to? What was he obsessed with? Who made him do his ET impression as Tyson calls it?"

"Liam," I said as it started to dawn on me.

"That's right, the very person he saw as his anchor, his safety blanket. That person went away but a child doesn't understand work so to him it is just an absence. Plus Liam was suppose to be back loads of times but got delayed so promises were broken. A month is a lifetime to a child and to an abused child like Logan who thought he found security, he feels betrayed, abandoned and angry but he doesn't know how to tell Liam so he is doing to opposite, he is ignoring him. Refusing to let him back in so he can hurt him again," Bob said.

I was all choked up. "How did you become so wise Bob?" I asked as we turned the key in the door.

"Oh I am not wise. Liam was just like him and still is. Cilla and I couldn't leave him with anyone, if we did and we weren't back at the precise time we said we would he would be he was just like that," he said pointing at Logan who was now sat with his arms folding, scowling at us in a gruff.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Reassurance that no matter what time it was on the clock we were coming back, he was ours and we were his, time had no meaning but love means everything and we love him. He was usually ok if he was with Tyson but on occasion Tyson would pine after Cilla something awful and cry until we came back. Seems strange now looking at them as grown men but they were kids once and needed just as much love as this little man. Abused kids don't take love for granted or give it easily," he said.

We looked at Logan again who was now scowling at the floor.

"Logie," Bob said. His nickname for him.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now