FATE Chapter 12

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I was woke by Liam's alarm sounding on his phone. He stretched across and stopped it. At first I thought it was just going off because it was set to go off daily but then he started to get up.

"Where you going?" I whispered so as not to wake the children.

"Work," he whispered back.

"No way, you are ill," I said waking up more with disbelief.

He ignored me.

"Liam," I said.

He ignored me and walked towards the door to take a shower.

"Liam," I said again very close to shouting. "Don't ignore me. You know you are too ill to go to work yet so why do it?"

I was fuming!

"This house, the bills, the holiday, the wedding, that bloody extension we have to have built. It all costs money, where do you think I get it from? It doesn't just fall out of thin air. I'm not an endless money pit. It may shock you know that you haven't married a rich guy. I have to work," he snapped at me.

It was like a slap in the face with a cheque book. Ok I didn't pay attention to the money as he did all that and I didn't want to interfere. I had money in my account that I got for fostering the kids but that was not a lot and I used it for general things like shopping and getting my hair done, and my new dress and shoes.... Oh god I was a bitch. I had taken it for granted we were ok for money and used it without talking to him about our finances. We were a couple and I should be doing that.

He had gone for a shower as I sat going over things in my head. When he came out I planned to reason with him to stay off work just a little longer. I went downstairs and made him some breakfast and coffee and took it up to the room. The boys woke up so I took them down to have theirs. Alisha was still asleep.

I nipped back upstairs to see him. He stood gorgeous as ever in his work clothes, I loved a man in a good suit. He wore it well.

"Erm, I was thinking maybe you could stay off just one more day," I said.

"No," he said.


"I said No," he mumbled as he did his tie up.

"Liam, I don't want you to go to work, you are still unwell and I think if you rush into working you will get ill again," I said quickly. "I'm sorry if we are struggling for money, I didn't realise and I will give you every penny I have..."

"We are not struggling and I don't need the pittance you get paid for the kids either," he said. He was in a foul mood.

"Well why you going into work then?" I asked. "You don't look very well, you have only just got off bed rest, you haven't even touched the breakfast I made you, you could get all stressed and..."

"You nagging me like this gets me stressed. Have you ever thought I am going to work to get away from you?" he said as he put his shoes on.

It was like another slap in the face.

I could hardly speak as the tears started to rise and the colour drained from my face, "That was uncalled for. If that is the way you feel why did you bother marrying me in the first place? Oh right the kids. Well I will find a way to keep them without your help. I'll get an annulment," I said and turned and left the room covering my mouth as I ran to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and cried my eyes out into it so the kids didn't hear.

"Shan?" Liam called through the door. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that, can you open the door please so I can apologise properly?" he asked.

"I'm busy," I said trying to sound normal.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now