FATE Chapter 5

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"Shannon?" Liam called in my dream. "Shannon?"

I could hear him in my dream but not see him and just the sound of his beautiful voice calling my name broke my heart. I loved to dream because he was in them and I cherished the moments we had in them. I hated to wake because that meant the nightmare began. My life without him!

This dream was wonderful.... I could smell him, hear his voice and although I knew I was dreaming I could feel the tears I shed in my sleep spilling on to my pillow.

In my dream I stood alone in a field, I could feel the sun shining on my skin and blinding my eyes. I was so tired, even in my dreams. I just lay down in the field and curled up into a ball and closed my eyes.

"Shannon, wake up," he called. "Shannon, wake up."

I opened my heavy eyelids and gazed at him. He wasn't real; he couldn't be as Liam never came near me. I turned over, pulled the quilt over my head and sobbed into my pillow.

"Do you want me to go?" he asked but the sound of his beautiful voice made me worse. "Shannon, please talk to me," he begged.

"Go away," I sobbed as the realisation that he was real started to sink in and I didn't want him seeing me like this. A stupid, ugly, good for nothing mess lying in a bed I hadn't changed in weeks.

"Shannon please let me help you," he begged again.

"Leave me alone," I sobbed.

"No," he said refusing to leave and making me furious.

"Get out!" I shouted from under the quilt. "You hate me remember. You don't want to be near me. You can't bear to even look at me so just get out. I don't need your pity. I'm gonna learn to hate you right back. Go shag your new girlfriend," I snapped and as the image of him doing just that flew through my head I pushed back the covers and bolted out of the bed to the bathroom and threw up again.

Lindsay came in to find me curled up around the toilet cistern.

"I told you, you would be no help. Please just go," she said.

"No," Liam said from the hallway.

"Tyson please just take him home," Lindsay said. "It's ok Shannon I'm here." She started to cry as she stroked my hair and her tears fell on it.

"I love him," I sobbed into her lap.

"I know you do baby," she said stroking my hair. "Tyson just take him home," she whispered harshly.

"Lindsay please don't make me go. I don't want to leave her like this," Liam pleaded.

"Leave her like this, you made her like this. What part of that don't you understand?" she snapped at him.

"Then let me take responsibility, let me help her," he pleaded. "Please."

"What could you possibly do to help? And do you know what Liam for someone who apparently hates her you seem pretty damn upset. No in fact you look heartbroken to see her like this. Why is that?" Lindsay asked. "Oh that's right walk off, turn your back on her and leave... you've certainly got that move down Liam!"

"Lindsay pack it in, you're not helping," Tyson sniped at her. "In case you have forgotten he is what she wants, being without him is what has made her like this."

"Come on Shannon, lets get you up," she said helping me to my feet as I stumbled awkwardly to the bedroom and was helped back to bed.


Sometime later I woke to raised voices. I closed my eyes trying to block it out. No luck so I went to the bathroom to take another pill. The stupid child proof lid was proving problematic. Eventually I managed to open it but spilt the contents on the floor. "Shit I better pick them up before the kids find one and eat it," I thought to myself. I scrambled around picking them up and trying to count them to ensure I had them all. My hands full I swallowed one as I heard.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now