FATE Chapter 7

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The next morning I heard the kids giggling and water splashing. They were in the bath. I got up and went to check if Liam needed a hand. I couldn't believe I had slept so late and through all the noise they usually make.

"Morning," I said.

"Mummy!" Marvin said. "Watch Alisha."

Joe was at one end of the bath, Marvin the other and Liam was holding Alisha in the middle.

I smiled at the cuteness of them all together in the bath. I bath the boys together but never thought to put Alisha in. She hates baths and cries but here she was kicking her legs and splashing the boys. She caught her breath every time the water splashed her face but Liam and the boys cheered so she giggled instead of cried.

I helped the boys out of the bath and got them dressed whilst Liam sorted Alisha out. We hadn't said a word to each other and there was a noticeable ache in my heart.

"Hiya!" I heard called from the front room as Tyson and Louisa arrived back. The newly weds, happy from their night in the honeymoon suite.

"Mummy are you ok?" Joe asked snapping me out of my reverie as Marvin ran off to jump on Tyson.

"Yeah," I said.

He stared at me. "You're sad mummy," he said his voice and face sad because of me.

Tears stung my eyes and I tried not to cry.

"Are you sad because I have to go live with another mummy and daddy?" he asked.

"What?" I asked shocked.

He didn't repeat himself he just stared as the tears I had been holding back fell and I stared at him wondering where he had heard that.

"It's ok, don't cry. You'll always be my best Mummy," he said and wrapped his arms around my neck, giving me a big cuddle. "I love you."

"I love you too my baby boy," hugging him tight. Just then realising he was the first. He made me a mummy, my first baby boy. I love him so much just the thought of not having him in my life crippled me. "Go play baby," I said and then ran off to the bathroom to cry my heart out into a towel.

I ran the shower to hide the noise and stepping into it as I broke my heart. Here I was losing my kids and it was all my fault. Liam was trying to help me and out of desperation we were now in a love less marriage. Ok I loved him but that was not enough. I didn't feel married. It felt like an arranged marriage. A marriage of convenience.

I had to make this work. I had to save my kids, our kids. I had to play the part of the dutiful wife. By the time I got out of the shower, I had decided to dedicate everything I had to it. I stood in the bedroom brushing my hair. Louisa came in.

"Hey, how's married life treating you?" she asked.

I smiled, "You look great," I said.

"Thanks but you didn't answer my question," she said closing the door behind her.

I shook my head, tears streaking down my cheeks, my heart breaking again.

"Oh Shannon," she said running over to cuddle me. "Here I am shoving my happiness in your face, I'm sorry."

"No, I like to see you happy, it makes me happy even though it doesn't look it," I said sniffing and reaching for a tissue. "Do you know I keep thinking I will run out of tears but they just keep coming."

"You both seemed happy enough yesterday, what happened?" she asked concern in her voice.

"The marriage is just so we can apply to adopt Joe," I explained.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now