FATE Chapter 15

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The next few weeks were hectic.

Logan was taken to the doctors who then referred him for xrays and discovered he had broken bones that had been left unattended so fused themselves. The doctor explained that babies have 'green stick fractures' which means the bones bend but is difficult to break so he must have been subjected to some very viscous impacts to result in the breaks they could see evidence of on the xrays.

Logan had come on leaps and bounds. He was able to feed himself in the highchair and we had got him one of his own which he loved.

His cot had been turned into a bed with a bar to stop him falling out of it but he got in and out as he pleased. He loved whispering at night as he was amazed by it and cracked Liam up by whispering in his baby talk then saying 'shhh' with his little finger to his lips.

He adored Liam and followed him everywhere... Everywhere! He would cry and run after him with his arms up.... Tyson would take the mickey saying he was like ET when he went out dressed as a ghost and chased after Elliott. I couldn't remember it so he brought the film around and showed me. I fell about laughing as it was spot on. He was just like ET.

As soon as Liam came in from work the boys would cheer and run over to attack him with hugs and kisses. Logan at first was startled by it all and would run and hide. Liam would always entice him out by playing with Alisha and making her giggle. Logan eventually got used to it and now ran over with the boys and wrap himself around Liam's legs. Alisha would crash into Liam in her walker and the boys would jump up into his arms. How Liam managed to stay upright was beyond me but he always had time for the children no matter how tired he was and loved coming home from work to his daddy time.

Of course we had our time when the kids were in bed and although some days we fell asleep on the sofa together watching TV and never made love, we would make up for it in the early hours of the morning or Liam would come back from work at lunch when Alisha and Logan were having a nap. One day he only had fifteen minutes until he should be in a meeting five minutes drive away. He pulled up in the car and ran through the door, lifting me up onto the sideboard in the kitchen and taking me there and then. I barely had time to take my knickers off and we were banging away like a couple of babysitting teenagers. He ran off to his meeting hoping no one would complain that he stunk of sex as he had no time for a shower!

Tyson and Louisa had been going through a rough patch these past two weeks and he had stayed in the guest room on more than one occasion. Just when I thought they had made up I heard banging on the front door and when I answered there stood a naked Tyson cupping his hands over his 'man bits' and Louisa was screaming and throwing his stuff in the street. Apparently they were having 'make up' sex and Tyson thought he would try something new to please her. I don't know what it was or where he found out about it but she stopped half way through and accused him of having an affair during their separation and learning the trick off some 'slapper' in a bar. In the end Liam had to go over and speak to her when he got back from work.

Liam had been away with work for the past four days and was due back tonight I was so excited. The kids were too. I had missed him so much I felt sick and my heart literally ached. He spoke to me every night and I promised him a major shag-athon when he got home.

I spruced myself up and cleaned the house top to bottom. Logan and Alisha were kept clean and I took them to collect the other children school. When I got there Joe came running out but Marvin took his own sweet time about it and came out with a face as long as a horse.

"What's up baby?" I asked.

"Nothing!" he said moodily.

"Well you don't look very happy, something must have upset you," I said.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now