FATE Chapter 2

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Liam was at work today and I was doing to washing, changing the beds and generally being a housewife.

Alisha was getting more alert every day and started making cooing noises which surprise her, making her pull the funniest faces. She is so much like her father. I just wish we had even one photo of him as a baby to see the resemblance but unfortunately his biological parents weren't interested in taking pictures.

We on the other hand always took pictures of our children. We would print them off and put them in their own little album of 'achievement' and the 'happy days' album. They loved it.

I heard Liam's car pull up and wondered what had brought him back so early. I looked out the window and was surprised when he got out of the car and opened the back door for Joe. Joe put his hands up and Liam lifted him up and cuddled him close. Was he ill, upset? What the hell? Why didn't the school call me?

Liam opened the door and walked in the front room. He gave me the 'don't make a fuss, I will tell you later' look. Joe wasn't crying but he was holding onto Liam for dear life.

Liam walked through to the kitchen and opened up the fridge to get Joe a carton of juice out. The poor little thing looked so hot and sweaty. He offered to Joe who shook his head gently looking so sad it almost made me cry. Liam took a sip of the juice and offered the straw to Joe who took a sip this time.

"Come on then, let's get out of your school uniform and into some Jimjams so we can watch a film together," Liam said stroking Joe's hair as he spoke.

They walked upstairs and I heard Liam ask Joe to pick a film and bring it down so they could watch it. Liam then came downstairs and into the kitchen.

"I don't know before you ask. He phoned my mobile hysterical asking for me. It was in my office. Valda came into the meeting and pulled me out. I had to leave to go get him and had to keep telling him how far away I was. He was waiting on the corner outside the school using the mobile we got him for emergencies," Liam said shaking his head he was fuming. "How the hell did he get out of school and why have we not had a call to say he is not in class? I was this close to going into the school and taking Marvin out too but it took me ten minutes to calm Joe down and he would only calm down as we got closer to home."

"I'll phone the school now," I said fuming that he could be missing from class and no one noticed. "No in fact I am going down there," I picked up my car keys. "Are you ok with Alisha, she is asleep but due a feed in half hour?" I asked.

He nodded. I stormed out of the house. Cilla was in the front garden putting her milk bottles on the step for the milk man.

"Shannon are you alright?" she asked.

I shook my head as I opened the car door.

"Wait, what happened?" she asked.

"I haven't got time to explain, I need to get to the school," I said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

"If you want, you can hold me back," I said through gritted teeth.

She jumped in the car and I explained on the way. She was angrier than Liam and I put together and stormed into the school commanding the attention of everyone in it. I knew there was no need for me to open my mouth she was already on the case. She tore strips off them and had the headmaster quivering. She was fuming! I wouldn't mess with her.

We left the school without the children as we felt it would be unfair to them to be dragged out of lessons. Plus the school was going to be extra vigilant now. I dropped Cilla home and she said she would collect Marvin for me later.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now