FATE Chapter 19

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"You just won't die will ya bitch," the man holding the gun said.

"Liam, Liam," I said shaking his slumped body. No response. Oh my fucking god.... ARRGHHHH!

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I screamed charging at him.

Gun or not.... I wasn't scared.... I was going to kill him with my bare hands. I was so fast he didn't have time to shoot. Slamming my body against him I wrestled with him. He was so strong but my anger and some sort of super strength that I possessed at that moment in time gave me the upper hand and I wrestled the gun from him. Another shot sounding off as it flew to the floor.

He slammed me against the wall running for the gun and I ran forward kicking his head like a rugby ball! He flew back and I kicked the gun away grabbing the lamp and swinging it at him.

I missed and the weight of the lamp made me fall forward. He booted me in the stomach and smashed me over the head with something.

Don't you dare fall unconscious I told myself as I scrambled around kicking and screaming "TYSON!" "HELP!" "TYSON!" I screamed as loud as I could.

My hands were getting weaker and I had broken every nail as continued to fight for my life against him. I was starting to pass out.

"Tyson!" I screamed. "BOB!" "Please somebody... HELP!" I just screamed and screamed at the top of my lungs all the time wrestling and kicking. Pushing him off using moves I saw on wrestling programs with the boys. "HELP!"

I caught sight of Liam's lifeless body on the hall way floor. Rage consumed me. I needed to get help! They couldn't hear me because of the double glazing.... Shit!

The man and I were eye to eye breathing heavily and looking at each other with pure hatred. I picked up the fire iron. He expected me to hit him with it but instead I threw it full pelt against the front room window smashing it.

"TYSON!" I screamed as he lunged for me. "TYSON! HELP ME PLEASE! LIAM NEEDS YOU!"

As I was slammed against the wall I felt something strange, he had punched me in the side. I scratched my hands down his face as pushed my thumbs in his eyes. "BOB!" TYSON! HELP!"

I heard Cilla screaming in the street.

"CILLA PLEASE HELP! He killed Liam please someone help me!"

"TYSON!" Cilla was screaming. "TYSON! Quick somebody take the baby. Get Bob and Tyson NOW! RUN TO THE GYM! Call an ambulance.... Please somebody call an ambulance and get my husband."

I wasn't giving in! But my body was! Fight god damn it! I screamed to myself.

I wrapped my legs around him, squeezed tight making him cry out. I pulled his hair and bit his face. "MURDERER!" I screamed and lunged at him again still tasting the blood on my mouth from the last bite.

Someone was helping me and I realised it was Cilla. She took a punch to the face and fell back. She jumped back up and lunged. "GET OFF HER!" she screamed.

Someone else started to help. I heard Louisa scream and felt the pulling as I continued to fight along side them. Cilla, Louisa and I fighting for our lives and he was still so strong.

I started to fell faint again as I struggled for breath. I could see Cilla and Louisa wrestling as chunks of Louisa's blonde hair fell to the ground as he pulled her by the hair and slammed her against the wall.

I lunged forward slamming him into the fireplace, screaming like a banshee. Kicking and kicking him wildly. He caught my leg pulling it out from under me and I fell smashing to the ground. Cilla took another punch to the face. He jumped on top of me and started to smash my head on the floor, I couldn't see, the vibrations hurt my head to much to focus. I heard the screaming and fighting and sirens.

Keep going, just a few minutes more, I told myself.

I opened my eyes to see Tyson fly into the room and drag the man off me with another guy from the gym. They set about him as I felt myself being dragged by the arms out of the front room. I heard screams and wailing. I turned my head to see Bob over Liam and Cilla kneeling beside him rocking back and fourth crying. "My baby, my baby!" she said over and over.

"He killed him, he shot him," I said as I lay on the floor barely conscious.

Bob pulled Liam into his arms hugging him close. Whispering to him. "Come on son wake up please, for daddy, open your eyes son." He placed him back down and continued CPR with the help of some others, "Come on my brave boy, we are all here for you, don't you go any where. We need you here. Stay! Liam listen to me. Come back, Liam. Come on you can do it."

"Dad?" Tyson said falling to his knees beside him as Bob continued CPR. Bob looked up and shook his head. "No, no way, Liam? Liam? Come on Bro wake up. You ain't gonna let a little bullet take you down are you. Where's the fucking ambulance?! Come on Shannon and the kids need you. Wake up, fight, get angry... Liam! Come on please wake up. Is this all his blood?"

"Liam McKendrey you wake up right now!" Cilla yelled at him as Tyson and Bob continued their efforts.

"Erm we need some help over here," I heard from beside me, probably another guy from the gym. "She been stabbed and is bleeding out." Bob's brother was a policeman. I realised that is who the voice was, he must have been at the gym that was his siren sounding.

So he hadn't punched me, he had stabbed me in the side. THE BASTARD!

"I'm ok, see to Liam," I said as the adrenaline started to leave my body and I began to shake with cold.

"She is going into shock. Shannon... stay with us now... Shannon," I heard as my ears began to make a whistling sound and then silence as I watched the chaos. Bob, Tyson and some more guys from the gym working over Liam with CPR. I looked at the large pool of dark blood on the floor and felt sick.

Cilla and Louisa both stood watching looking like they had been into battle, all bloody and cut.

It hit me like a tonne of bricks. Liam was gone... I was a widow.


I saw the gun on the floor next to the door. I pushed myself up as quick as I could and grabbed it. Stumbling into the front room to see the murderer handcuffed to a piece of furniture.

"No way are you getting away with this," I said as he looked up at me and I pointed the gun. "You may not have loved him but I do!" I said pulling the trigger as a round fired out of the gun and rocked me on my feet as it kicked back.

I heard him scream as I pulled it again and a second shot fired. I could barely stand or see. My eyes filled with tears and stinging, my chest unable to breathe properly.

Arms wrapped around me gently and another over my hands that held the gun. "Let go Shan, let go," Tyson whispered.

"He killed my husband...." I said as everything felt strange and I slumped into Tyson's arms. "Kiss..." I struggled for breath. "Kiss the.... kids for us."

Tyson nodded as his tears dropped onto my hands. Cilla held my hand as I choked, coughing up blood, "I'm gonna go... see Liam now," I said.

"No, no, you stay... think of your babies," she begged.

"I want....Liam..." I said as I felt everything in my body stop. My chest did not rise, my blood did not pump and my heart did not beat. My eye sight faded as I watched Tyson calling my name but I could not hear anymore. My body gave in. No more fight left.

(To be continued) http://www.wattpad.com/story/1584545-destiny-kismet-series-book-3

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