FATE Chapter 3

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It had been three days since Joe was attacked. My head was constantly spinning with the shock, the police reports, the hospital, seeing it on the news and in the papers, the worry as to whether my little boy was going to live etc.

I was feeling terribly guilty for leaving our other children at home and having to rely on others to take care of them. Marvin had been told that Joe was poorly and in hospital but nothing more than that. Liam and I had stayed by his side waiting for him to wake. Everyone who came to see him broke down in tears.

Joe had apparently been taken by his biological father from school during a break time when the children were out playing in the playground. The police suspected that he had been to suss things out a few times and possibly spoke to Joe which is why Joe was upset before and didn't want to go back to school. He may have tried to take him before but Joe had rung Liam and he had come to fetch him. This time the sick son of a bitch had smashed up the phone to ensure Joe couldn't call for help.

Police believe the attempt to murder him was foiled by the off duty police man who found Joe whilst walking his police dog. He came to see how Joe was doing and explained to Liam and I that he never usually walked his dog at this time as they were off duty but the dog was going mental barking wildly at the window at his house which faced the park. The dog was giving the signals he was trained for that indicated trouble. He put the dog on the leash and expected to find a couple of glue sniffers in the bushes but as soon as they were out the door his dog dragged him so fast across the park to where Joe was being attacked he could hardly keep up. He thought the fierce growling of his dog Zimba had scared off the attacker. When he entered the scene and saw Joe's battered body lying on the floor he thought he was dead. The dog barking and growling, yanking on the chain. He knew he had the scent so he let him off the lead. The dog pelted it across to some other bushes setting on a man, sending him running and attacked him dragging him to the ground and pinning him by his neck.

Meanwhile the off duty police man told a passer by to run to the doctors surgery opposite and get a doctor whilst he phoned 999 for assistance and an ambulance. He checked Joe and was struggling to find a pulse but was too scared to move him as he couldn't assess his injuries due to the blood. Two doctors from the surgery came running over and started working on Joe. An air ambulance was sent and arrived as the police were dragging Joe's attacker away. He was taken to a different hospital and treated for dog bites. He had attacked the dog and caused it injury but the dog didn't let go. When the dog was finally called to heel he went over to Joe and stood guard as the doctors worked on him. Joe was taken to hospital in an air ambulance which I remember hearing going over the house and to think back now that my little boy was in it fighting for his life..... Just haunts me.

All of it keeps going around and around in my head as I lie here in bed feeling sorry for myself. I have flu and that means I can't go to the hospital, I can't be near Alisha and I don't want to pass it on to Marvin as he was just getting over his virus. Liam was at the hospital all the time, our parents and friends were sharing the responsibility for looking after the children.

I just lay here feeling sick and miserable and a pathetic excuse for a mother. What a stupid time to get ill. I wasn't even slightly ill.... I had full blown flu. I had a cough and sore throat which had led to me loose my voice so I had given up answering the phone. I couldn't lift my head to get out of bed as it was dizzy and heavy. I had thrown up several times and managed to drag myself to the bathroom in time but it was getting more and more difficult.

All in all, my life was officially shit!

Marvin had gone to stay with Rob and Lindsay as he loved playing with their kids and didn't want to miss football practice. Lindsay had never seen Rob cry until they came to the hospital and he saw Joe.

FATE (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 2) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now