Chapter 8 : Wedding Night Drama

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Hi Guys...!!!
Here I'm with next chapter of this story...I just hope you all are liking it...!!!
So without any delay start...!!!


Previously : Sanskaar Jealous and irritated due to Swara's Ignorance...!!!


Say That You Love Me
Season 2

Chapter 8 : Wedding Night Drama

Gagodia House

Laksh go and bring Swara back home...she was also happy on getting her family back...all were behaving nicely with her...but still she was unknown from the fact that what a new storm is gonna enter in her life...soon Shekar reveal that he has fixed her marrige with someone she wanted to say NO but as she was getting her family once again back so she stays mum...

Days passes in a blink of eye and Swara was still unknown from the fact that her Groom in non other than Sanskaar...she was just waiting for her destiny which always was decided by others...first that Sanskaar who ruin her and now her family who fix her marrige without her permission...

Other side Sanskaar was too much excited for his marriage with Swara he was waiting impatiently for Swara to come in his life in his room and in his soul...he always remember how she used to get scared from him and her cute little expressions...


Wedding Day

Soon it was time of wedding Swara was sitting in her room wearing a heavy bridel dress...she was looking divine...but there was no sign of happiness on her face as she don't want to do all this... It was all forced one to her...

Now it was time when Priest call bride in Mandap...Sanskaar was already sitting in Mandap with Vail on his face(sehra guys don't get confused ok)...Swara was also in veil soon she was made to sit with Groom and Priest started to recite Mantars...she was just blank and was like a doll who is in show room and some one is buying her...

Now it was time for 7 Rounds both get up and started go take round it was almost 5 rounds and now 6 one was started she unwillingly see here and there and see Ap standing with whole MF...she was so confused that what are they doing here as she hasn't invite confusion she stumbles and was about to fall but on nick time Sanskaar holds her and in doing so His veil(sehra) fell down making Swara to extremely was good that she as in veil otherwise seeing Sanskaar as her groom she was looking totally pale as if she is going to die...she was having no strength to walk further...all were worried regarding bride and soon their worried expressions were replaced by admiring ones when Sanskaar picks Swara in his arms and complete the two rounds...

Soon their marriage was over and Sanskaar make Swara wear Holy chain and fill her hairline with red holy powder...Tears were flowing from her eyes but she mask all expressions and give only blank looks to Sanskaar...

After marriage Swara goes to her room to Collect some things and a soon as she enters in her room she closed the door of room and started to cry bitterly sitting on the floor...

Here she was thinking to start a fresh life with her husband and here again her past comes in front of her...the person who once ruin her was now her everything...she was feeling suffocation she don't know what to do and where to go...her whole life has become a joke...first his useless revenge than those filthy bastered who try to use her and now her own family who make her marry with the person who was the sole reason behind her all miseries...

Soon there was knock on door and she immediately wipes her tears and gets up...she open the door where Ragini was standing and was calling her for her Bidaai...she somehow manage to gather herself and left towards lounge where groom was waiting for her...and soon she was leaving with her so cold groom...


Maheswari Palace

After all rituals Swara was now sitting on a bed of roses waiting for Sanskaar...don't know what has written in her destiney that she always ends up in miseries...

On the other hand Sanskaar was feeling so much proud as finally he has gotten His Love...he enters in room and see Swara sitting in the middle of bed with a veil...he was so happy and also more than happiness he was feeling proud on himself that Sanskaar Maheswari has gotten Swara as his Love Trophy...he slowly yet with heavy steps moved towards her making her heart to bounce in her chest...

He slowly sits on bed beside her and lifts her veil only to be met by her two two black doe eyes which were full of tears anger and hate...this thing make him startled as he was expecting her to be shy and here she is sitting like she will kill Him with her looks...and that was honestly true she was looking divine that anyone will die seeing her enchanted beauty which was now totally his...

He sees the bride on bed...he goes towards her...And sit beside her...he started to talk...

Sanskaar(with proud) : Finally I got you...I can't tell you how much happy I know you are the first girl...who have the power to Attract The Sanskaar Maheswari's Heart...(holds her hand)I...

His words left incomplete as she pushed him...and stands up from the bed...making him shocked and confused...she started to yell at him pouring out her all frustration...

Swara(jerks his hand and walks till a distance) : (angrily)what you think...that by doing all this you will get me...what you think...(taunts)you will earn respect in my you are thinking it...then you are truly wrong...(with full force shouts at him)I HATE YOU DO YOU HEAR ME I HATE YOU...(crying)And I'll never forgive you what you did with get lost...I don't wanna see your face...

Sanskaar(tries to make her understand) : but...where will I go...the whole house is filled with guests...what will they think about us...

Swara(crying) : have you ever think about me like this...if you would have thought what will people think about me after your act...(started to shout and throwing things here there making Sanskaar worried)No...but you just satisfy your Ego...go and tell to everyone that I was innocent Swara was innocent and pure after that night also...go and tell to my so cold family who see me with disgusted expressions after that night...go tell to whole world that you just did all this to make your revenge...

Sanskaar(don't know how make her normal) : Swara listen calm Down...I...

Swara(angrily yelling) : no I will not...what you think...I'm a doll who don't have emotions...Mr Sanskaar Maheswari I will never forgive you and will never accept you as my just go from here...(shouts with full if hate)I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE...

Saying so she started to throw things on few seconds the whole room was messed up...Sanskaar tries many way to stop her but she was just out of control...she was behaving she just wanted to show her anger which she was hiding from many days or months...

Having no choice Sanskaar left from there making her to sit on bed and started to cry once again...


Next :

Sanskaar(irritated) : now what's your problem with my song collection...

Swara(taunts) : what you want to prove by listening to such songs...that your wife don't live you...


So here was episode...!!!

I hope you all would have enjoyed it...!!!

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Say That You Love Me Season-2 ***Short Story***CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now