Cursing Your Name (4)

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Jesse picks me up on Monday and takes me to school. We didn't talk on the way and I have this feeling he's hiding something. There is this huge tension in the car and I didn’t even want to look at Jesse because I felt bad, I didn’t know why but I just did. He pulls into the parking lot and gets out of the car and opens the door for me. My eyes flicker over his face and bite down on my lower lip, Jesse takes my head in his hands mummers to me

‘Sorry babe. I'm a little bit tired today.’ He says. I smile at him as I press my lips to his. I feel his warm lips upon mine and he doesn’t react and he doesn’t kiss me back and I pout at him. ‘Sorry I'm out of it.’ I look at him and he kisses my cheek before placing his arm around me and pulling me close to his body kissing me on the top of my head. I always thought I'm lucky to be dating Jesse, for three reasons. First he was a year older than me and I was the good girl. The second he was on the football team and I never show interest in him. He's sweet and caring so, when he was like this, I didn’t expect it. He may have not been the person at first glance for me but over the eight months I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. He did have his moments of being a total ass and that was something I knew came with every boy, and there’s nothing that I could do that would stop that.

‘So I'll see you at lunch.’ He nods and kisses me on my cheek. The heat rises to my cheeks and I give him a faint smile. He turns to walk away to a group of guys including Xander. My eyes linger on Xander a lot longer than I would have liked. I sure still had feelings for him and that was something that would never go away. First loves were forever, second were to fix the hole that the first left. I did love Jesse, but I still love Xander. Once my eyes were now looking ahead of me and Selena had taken Jesse’s place.

‘Trouble in paradise.’ I glare at her, but her face was in a huge smile. ‘You are not right for each other.’ She says a smiling covering every part of her face. She really didn’t like Jesse and there was nothing I could do to convince her otherwise, I just I had to get over the fact she wouldn’t ever like Jesse again.

‘Selena, you are my best friend, but for the last month you have been trying to get me to dump Jesse.’ Her eyes go hard and she says.

‘I think he's cheating on you.’ I roll my eyes. I knew about one time when he cheated on me it was within our first month. I caught him all over a girl and at the time he was drunk and after a billion reasons and coming to the conclusion that it was the only bad part of our relationship I took him back, but over the last month the fact he’s cheating on me is all that Selena can come up with. I say.

‘Selena, you've said that before and that was because you don't like him. I asked that girl and she said no he wouldn't do that to me. I'm sorry Selena, but Jesse's not cheating on me.’ I had become insecure about it and asked around and it turns out that Selena just wants me and Jesse over with a capital O. Her face drops by my words. She says.

‘Okay, but when he breaks your heart. Then, don't come to me crying.’ I roll my eyes, every day I prepare for Jesse to dump me. Every day I give him a reason to and that's reason runs through most seventeen year-old boys mind for twenty- four seven, sex. The bell rang and Selena pulls me into the school and towards are new homeroom class. We sit down at the back and were instantly surrounded by people. I didn't pay attention to any of the words said until someone hit me around the head, gently of course.

‘Hey.’ I look up to see a half Mexican girl. She had long dark locks and brown eyes with tanned skin. She lets out a small giggle and says.

‘Delilah, you look a little out of it.’ I smile at her and shrug. Bella can read people and she always seems to guess what I’m thinking. I thought that maybe she could guess the bit about me and Bella. Last year she made a few comments here and there and well, I think she knew how close Xander and I really were.

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