Family (24)

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NOT PROOFREAD Author's note at the end.)

I walk back into the main room of the suite and my brother was on the phone. He looks up to me and says bye. He hits the place next to me and I curl up to him. He kisses me on the top of my head and I smile.

‘He broke up with you.’ I nod and cling to him.

‘You knew.’

‘Yes. I know you hurt, but he’s right.’

‘I went a year without him a few more weeks I think I’ll be okay.’

‘You want me to talk to you.’

‘Why does love suck?’ He lets out a small laugh and pulls me closer.

‘That is a question that has yet to have an answer.’

‘About mom is that the real reason.’

‘Yes. She lost a child. You can talk to her. You were the same. She was nineteen when she gave birth and twenty when she lost it. Talking s the best thing. There are so many secrets between all of us and most of which are hidden from you. I told Xander because I knew him telling you wouldn’t have hurt. I love you. You’re my baby sister and I’ll do anything for you.’ He says pulling me closer. ‘Why don’t you go and get changed.’ I nod and get up from the sofa. I walk back into the bedroom. I grab a pair of of jeans and then a stripy top. I slide them on and walk back into the room and find my brother tapping on his phone. He looks up and I follow him out the room.

Once we arrived at the hospital we walk in silence to my mother’s room. Ryan kisses me upon the cheek and I take a deep breath and open the door. My mother's sitting up in the room with one of her arms on the covers wrapped in bandages. She is upright with the pillow behind her back. I close the door behind me. She doesn’t look over at me, but I walk over to sit next to her.

‘Mom.’ I say barely more than a whisper. She turns to face me and my tears come down. She pulls me into a hug and wipes my tears. ‘I’m sorry. I can’t believe what I said. Xander broke up with me.’ Her face drops and I look at her and say. ‘It’s that what you wanted to happen.’

‘Sweetie. I was mad. I never forgave you about last year.’ I smile and she pulls me into a hug. ‘I just wish you had told me about you and Xander.’

‘We didn’t tell anyone. It was two months and the best moment in my life was when he told me he loved me. Yes I wish I told you, but I know you’ve never liked him.’

‘It’s not that I didn’t like him. It’s that I knew one thing could well; turn him into a player as some would say. I just didn’t think I would be the one to make him like that. I thought he was already a player so, I thought I'd protected you. Unfortunately it seems to have backfired. Honey I knew when you were six that you'd be with Xander at some point. I'd hoped it would have been after school and when you were in your twenties, but you were a teen. I lost a child and never forgave myself. Yes I was married to Ryan’s uncle before your father. Yes, I loved him. I still do, but he wasn’t the right guy for me. I see Justin when I look at Xander. I see a guy broken, always drunk, always high because we lost a child.’

‘Mother when you asked him to break up with me. He only became that way because of you. He was the player before me, but I told him how I felt and he returned the feelings. He gave me this locket and told me remember forever and always. He made me feel like a princess and even though the world didn’t know. I didn’t care all I needed was him. All I wanted was him. He holds my heart. I do love Jesse, but over the past few weeks I realized it was more like a brother and sister sort of love. He mended my heart and you were the reason it broke. Mother I can forgive you, but I’ll never forget it. Xander broke up with me because he didn’t want to drive a wedge between us.’

‘Honey I didn’t think he would. I am so sorry. Do you want me to call him?’

‘I promised that I wouldn’t talk to him until I’m back home. He said he would wait. Mom please can you give me a little space. I’m not you. I don’t plan marring Xander high school relationships never work after all. I mean yours didn’t. Dads didn’t. Why would mine.’

‘Okay. I promise from now on I will not mess in your relationship, but if you and Xander get serious and I mean nearly having sex I wish you to tell me. We do not need you having a baby.’ I smile and hug her.

‘So, have you made up?’ I hear Ryan speak. I turn around and see him leaning against the door.

‘Getting there.’ He comes over and sits down on the cheek. ‘By the way I broke up with that girl.’ Ryan said looking at me and my smile grew.

‘No offense, but she looked like a slut.’

‘She was cheat. With one the lifeguard oh well.’

‘Guess you can go back to having a different girl every week.’ I smile at him.

‘You’re not doing that. Ryan have you ever thought about I don't know, growing up.’ He rolls his eyes and the corner of my mouth turns up.

‘Hey I’m graduating this semester.’ My mouth falls open as I look at my brother. ‘Sis I’m not dumb. I took a year off school because I knew I would finish early, only by three semesters.’

‘Well congratulations can I throw you a party.’ He kisses me on the cheek and says.

‘Yes, but where I live not where I’m from.’ I roll my eyes. Mom’s eyes were on Ryan and her lips were pursed. He held his hands up and she said.

‘And when did you plan to tell me.’

‘Um the day after I get my diploma. He smiles and she rolls her eyes. He kisses her on the cheek and whispers his sorry.

‘You are in big trouble mister.’ I burst out laughing and say.

‘And this is why it is not good to be a mama’s boy.’

‘Hey you’re dad’s princess. A lot worse for a girl.’ Ryan says. I hit him on the shoulder. ‘Hey.’

‘Ryan you’re supposed to be the adult.’ I smirk and Ryan rolls his eyes. ‘Now Ryan why don’t you go back to school and finish and please tell me when you graduate.’

‘What now.’

‘We don’t need you here. Your father will be on his feet next week and I’ll be fine in six and then we will come home. I don’t think it you need to hang around any longer.’

‘The next flights to the US of A not for two days so, you’ve got to put me up till then.’ I say. She kisses me on the cheek and I hug Ryan.

Only Time Can Tell (Going through editing) ✔Where stories live. Discover now