Teasing You (26)

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I'm half way through chapter 27 and i want to get this finished by monday so, i think one tomorrow and epilogue sunday, it's all most over thanks everyone for reading my crappy story.

It will be edited, but very slowly and re-writer and made longer because it's not even 100 pages on word, be sure to check out strike a pose which is my next story it on the second page because i wrote the first chapter agers ago.

The epilogue will be in Xander's Point of View.

Not Proofread


The same question was asked throughout the whole day. Are you really dating Xander? He only told a few of his friends who kept their mouth shut. The reason why the whole school knows is because when we got into school Xander pull me into his arms and kissed me. He kissed me in front of the whole student body and told me he loved me. So, the smile on my face was never coming off.

When I slid into the seat next to Xander at lunch he presses his lips gently to my cheek and whispers in my ear.

‘This  is why I kissed you this morning because I couldn’t go a whole day without touching you.’ Colour flushes to my cheeks and I slide onto Xander’s lap. His arms wrap around my middle and he pulls me close.

He kept kissing me every two seconds and I could tell the table was not very impressed so, ten minutes before the bell went I was pulled from the room and  pushed into a classroom. Well for the next ten minutes we were making out and I had to pull away every so, offern in case I had the urged to rip off his clothes. He was my drug, I needed him. I wanted him. I loved him.

The bell rang and Xander’s hands had found a way under my cloths and against my skin as they lingered at my bra I let out a small giggle. He gives me another kiss and says. ‘Well, that was a fun lunch break. I think we should leave this for home.’ I smile and say.

‘I love you and see you later.’

‘Love you too and coach said I can have training off.

‘I’m going shopping with Selena.’ I say and kiss him again.

‘Just don’t tell anyone that.’

‘It’s Jesse birthday tomorrow.’ Xander nods. ‘And I need to get him a present.’ He kisses me again and says.

‘Fine I’ll see you later.’ I smile and walk out the room. The halls are full of people and after I grabbed my books I rushed to my next class. I slid into the seat next to Selena, but it was Bella who spoke from behind me.

‘So, you and your make-out session with Alex, good?’ I roll my eyes and I could feel my cheeks heat with colour. I nod slowly and Selena glared at me.


‘Honey you may be my best friend, but I do not want to be hearing you making- out with my brother.’ My cheeks flush red and she smirks.

‘Well, I’m sorry. Hey I always hear about the fact you're crushing on my brother.’

‘Yes, but he is like six years older and it’s never going to happen. While you’re dating my brother.’ I smile. ‘And anways he’s boring now.’

‘Sorry what. You like him being a dick.’

‘I don’t have anyone to take my anger out.’ She pouted.

‘I have an idea, but don’t say anything.’

‘What are you planning.’

‘You’ll see.’ At that moment our teacher walked in.

I turn my attention to the class and the lesson past very slowly.

When the bell rang for the end of school I walked out and Xander was waiting for us. He leant in to kiss me and I turn my cheek. He pouts and I shake my head. Selena comes over and he glares at me. He opens the door for me and I slide in. Selena get’s in the back and he says.

‘So, you want me to drop you off at he mall.’

‘Yes.’ I look at the mirror and put on my lip gloss. Xander is watching my lips and I catch Selena’s eyes and she smiles. It doesn’t take long and he pulls up to the mall and walks around to open my door. He leans in to kiss me again and I turn my cheek and kiss him on the nose. I link my arm with Selena and we walk into the mall. She says.

‘You are evil I think my brother would have killed you if he wasn’t in love you. Why.’

‘Come on I may be dating him, but I love pulling pranks on him. That will always come first. Anyways you will find him incredibly easy to wind him up tonight.’

‘How long could you last.’

‘Most likely till tomorrow morning.’

‘Okay I’ll be mean all night and don’t back down.’ I laugh and we walk into a shop.


After about three hours I call Xander to pick us up. When he arrived he again try to kiss me, but at the last second his lips went to my cheek. I could see he was getting annoyed. He looked a little confused and took him a while to walk around get into the car. I made him take my bags up stuff and I sat down on the sofa. Selena was already sitting down.

‘So, is he pissed enough.’ She asks and I nod.

‘I’ll just go and get a drink be back in a second.’ I nod. My vision goes into darkness and Xander lips go to my cheek and he says.

‘Now why are you not letting me kiss you.’ He comes and sits down next to me and pulls me onto his lap. He holds onto my face and presses his lips to mine I try and move my head, but my strength is nothing compared to his. I find myself being pulled into him. I kiss him back and feel the blood to my face. I feel sparks run through my body. He pulls away and says.

‘I win.’ I hit him on the shoulder. ‘So, are you going to tell me.’ I shake my head. I stand up and walk across the living room and then fall flat on my face. I hear a light chuckle and roll over to find Xander perched above me. He presses his lips to mine.

‘I knew you couldn’t last.’ I hear Selena’s voice.

‘So you were doing this because my sister.’ I nod. He gets off me and pulls me to my face and Selena says.

‘You suck.’

‘Okay if she hates you. You have me.’ He presses his lips to mine and I kiss him back.

‘Get a room, but when I’m not here.’ I let out a small giggle and he picks me up and sits on the sofa and I bury my head in his shoulder.

‘Sorry sis looks like you’ve lost your friend. Did you get Jesse a present?’

‘Yeah I had got him one like a few months ago, but I got him something else.’


‘Okay when I was dating him I brought an X-box because I got a second hand one for like 80 bucks which was a lot and his parents can’t afford one. Anyways I then got tickets to a Lakers game, basketball right.’ He nods.

‘You have to get me an amazing 18th birthday presents.’ I nod and kiss him on the cheek.

Only Time Can Tell (Going through editing) ✔Where stories live. Discover now