Call It What You Want

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In honor of Reputation's release day, I'll start to write stories based on several songs in the album, starting from my favorite one, Karlie What You Want. LOL.


"Oh, great," Taylor mumbled as she put her phone down.

"What's wrong?" Karlie said, walking out of their room with Olivia trailing behind the model's insanely long legs.

Taylor didn't immediately answer as she was too busy watching Karlie, who was just out of the shower with her hair all mussed up and still slightly wet. She was just wearing a long T-shirt which barely covered her thighs. After almost four years together, Taylor still found herself dazzled by her beauty, inside and out. In secret or not, she felt so damn lucky to have Karlie by her side. The only one who didn't run away. Even when Taylor herself asked her to, in several moments of doubt. The only one who stayed. Firmly, stubbornly. Her rock, her port, her home.

"Nothing's new, really," Taylor gave her first smile of the day, beaming at her sunshine. "Just the never ending drama."

"Yeah?" Karlie arched one of her brows, looking slightly intrigued. She walked toward Taylor and took the seat beside her at the breakfast nook. "What did they say this time?"

"Mmmm?" Taylor absently responded, as she was basking in Karlie's after-shower scent. Too distracting, really, Taylor thought.

Not really wanting to explain or talk about it, Taylor picked up her phone and opened the article she just read. She gave her phone onto Karlie's opened palm and rested her head on Karlie's shoulder, so she could also look while Karlie read the article.

"Ah, I see," Karlie said after she finished. "Don't listen to them. You know better than anyone that words can be twisted into rumors and lies. They need the exposures, unlike you do."

Grinning, Karlie nudged Taylor's head gently, which was still resting on her shoulder, with her own. Chuckling, Taylor turned to nuzzle her nose into Karlie's neck. Then she blew a raspberry.

"Taylor!" Karlie protested, moving away slightly while chuckling.

"I've made you coffee," Taylor stated in a sing-song voice.

"Awesome," Karlie got up and kissed the top of Taylor's head, before she padded into her elixir of life.

Karlie poured a cup and inhaled its strong scent with her eyes closed. Sighing contentedly, Karlie took the first sip. Taylor watched her girl being intimate with her coffee with an amused expression. If she had to be jealous, it would be over Karlie's relationship with her coffee. The amount of pictures of Karlie's smiling happily at her coffee was ridiculously big on the internet. Of course scrolling through Karlie's pictures was one of her favorite things to do while she lurked on Tumblr. She remembered the first time she showed Karlie the meme of Karlie's coffee telling her jokes. She couldn't even stop laughing long enough to tell Karlie what the fuss was about. Karlie's response to the meme made Taylor fell even deeper for the girl. Shrugging, Karlie just said, "well, guess I should keep the tradition alive then." Hence, the growing number of the pictures of Karlie laughing at her coffee.

"Ah, thank you, baby," Karlie finally got over her intimate moment with her cup and smiling gratefully at Taylor. "I know I date you for a reason."

"Only for a cup of coffee?"

"Well, you also can cook," Karlie teased.

"So, I'm the hired help," Taylor laughed.

"And your service is excellent."

"Well, damn right. You seemed pretty satisfied last night," Taylor said with her trademark smirk.

"Tay-lor!" Karlie scolded with blushing cheeks.

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