I Knew You Were Trouble

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First part of High School AU series


Taylor had everything planned down to the details. Graduate from high school, escape this small town, attend Juilliard in NYC, join the New York Philharmonic before thirty and be the most badass pianist in this country. She had her ice blue eyes set on the goals and nothing would ever distract her from being the best. She was in the honor roll and the class president. Everyone respected her, even with her not being in the popular clique of her school. She had no time for those kind of social interactions anyway. Between her academic and extracurricular activities, she had her two hours piano daily practice and church charity activities to keep her occupied. Being the daughter of respected pastor in her town church, she had to be this picture perfect young woman. There was no space for mistakes in Taylor's life.

When her principal called her to his office on Monday, Taylor half suspected that something was up. She wasn't worried in the slightest, since her grades were the perfect 4.0 and her record was as clean as the sky after the rain. She walked to the principal office with confidence, passing through the almost empty waiting room, except for one student who was slouching on the metal bench in front of the office. Taylor was somewhat familiar with her face, based on her brief glance before entering the office. She guessed that the student was also a senior, but in a whole different crowd from Taylor's. She was the school troublemaker.

"Hello, Taylor," the principal greeted her with his usual tired smile. "Please come in."

"Hello, sir," Taylor replied with a polite nod.

"Thank you for coming, Taylor." The principal cleared his throat before proceed. "I understand that you have finished your duties as a tutor last semester, but I'm afraid I have to ask you for one more favor."

Taylor didn't say a word, but arched an eyebrow in mild curiosity. It wasn't that unusual that a tutoring task popped up months away from graduation. There were always one or more seniors who got stuck with a subject or two in order to graduate.

"I need you to tutor one of your classmates, Karlie. She still needs to pass calculus and physics in order to graduate. I believe that you would be the perfect person for this job since," the principal gave her a tight lipped smile, "she was a little bit difficult to handle."

"No problem, sir," Taylor answered with a heavy heart. She knew that she had no other choice anyway. The job was hers whether she agreed to it or not. "When do I start?"

"As soon as you are available, I believe. Karlie is already waiting outside, so you can talk to her regarding your schedules and the other things after this meeting."

"Alright. I'll talk to her later."

"Thank you so much for your understanding, Taylor. You've been a big help to this school."

Taylor got out of the principal office five minutes later and found the waiting room had already empty. There was no trace of Karlie, who was supposed to meet her. Taylor rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh. It was so typical of her, bailing out of responsibilities like this. No wonder she had difficulties to graduate. Taylor had class after this, so she had no time to search for Karlie. The troublemaker had to wait until after school.


After asking several of her classmates of possible Karlie's whereabouts, Taylor found her at the back of school gym, smoking with her friends. The group gave Taylor confused and unfriendly looks when she approached them. Karlie blew a cloud of smoke before sighing loudly. It was clear that she despised the idea of tutoring as much as Taylor did. Taylor kept walking confidently. Kids like them operated like pack of dogs, they could smell fears. She needed to declare who's the boss right from the start.

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