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Shuichi unfolded his sheet. 

Kokichi unfolded his sheet. 

Their heart rates were exceptionally fast, unjustifiably fast. Shuichi shouldn't be this worried. He just needed to get himself together, take a deep breath and read it. 

So he did. 

Kokichi's pulse was extremely fast. He just needed to get it over with. He took a deep breath and unfolded the note. 

And he read it. 


Kokichi read Shuichi's answer card and well

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Kokichi read Shuichi's answer card and well ... he didn't expect it. His writing was very detective like but very rushed and untidy. It wasn't as neat as he expected for a detective. He didn't know why he was concentrating on his handwriting. He had his answers. And he couldn't believe it. His name was there. His name was written by Shuichi. His name under who Shuichi would---He took a deep breath and continued to read. 

Shuichi read Kokichi's answer sheet and was surprised to say the least. Kokichi had written Shuichi's name within the 'Marry' section of the paper. His first thought was mistake. It could be a mistake. He took a deep breath. No, it wasn't a mistake. Part of him was surprised that someone could  even like him like that. No, Kokichi didn't like him. He was just forced to write down his answers, that's all. Why did Kokichi even write his name? Why did he write all guys to marry or f*ck? 


Shuichi shot a startled glance up towards Kokichi who was studying his sheet with a hint of happiness in his eyes. Then he remembered, Kokichi had his sheet and his answers and now he knew what he wrote. He forgot it worked both ways, he had Kokichi's answers but Kokichi had his. Kokichi suddenly dusted himself off and started looking around, he caught Shuichi's eyes and they just looked at each other. They looked at each other for ages, so long that they didn't know how much time had passed. 

"Oooo, interrupted something did I?" Monokuma asked curiously, "It looked like you guys were about to--"

"NO! Not that!" Kokichi and Shuichi interrupted Monokuma in unison. 

Monokuma laughed then came off the monitor. Kokichi and Shuichi just stood around awkwardly for a little while before finally making eye contact. "So..." Shuichi said, standing awkwardly. 

"Surprised by my answers?" Kokichi shrugged, hiding his deepest emotions of pure fear.

"Just a little bit, same question for you." Shuichi said, in an abnormally detective like tone.

"Ever the detective." Kokichi smiled, "And yeah, I thought you wanted me dead."

"I don't want you to die Kokichi, you just frustrate me." Shuichi said, unintentionally flirting.

Kokichi blushed but when he realised, he desperately attempted to hide his face. 

"I didn't mean to say it like that." Shuichi declared, desperately trying to justify his actions. 

Kokichi didn't reply, he was too concerned about trying to get the blush out of his face, he couldn't have Shuichi seeing him like that. He had to keep some dignity. Shuichi misunderstood this and instead of thinking Kokichi was blushing at his flirtatious comment, he thought that Kokichi was offended in some way. Shuichi was disappointed in some sort of way that he managed to offend Kokichi without meaning to. "Sorry Kokichi, I didn't mean to offend you.." 

Kokichi suddenly realised how this situation looked to Shuichi and that was the last thing he wanted. He shot his head up. Kokichi didn't remember or realise how red his face still was. As soon as Shuichi noticed, he realised why Kokichi was hiding his face in the first place. "Oh--I'm-sorry-" Shuichi stuttered before falling over due to the pure awkwardness of the situation. 

"You want a hand?" Kokichi asked nervously. 

"No, I'm okay." Shuichi moaned, holding his head in his hands. 

Shuichi slowly got up, dusted himself down and then stood around awkwardly. He didn't know what to say to Kokichi. It was just awkward between them. "It doesn't have to be awkward you know."  Kokichi managed to say.

Shuichi wasn't too sure. They, by the looks of things, maybe felt something towards one another? He wasn't sure. Their time locked inside the room had taught them one thing, they had made assumptions about each other but hadn't really got to know each other. 

"I--" Shuichi stuttered but was interrupted by Monokuma  who had once again appeared on the monitor.

"It's time for the third one!" Monokuma chimed, "And this one is really fun!"  

Shuichi huffed, annoyed that he didn't get to finish his sentence. Kokichi was also curious about what Shuichi was going to say but he knew he was never going to find out. 

"What is it?" Shuichi huffed. 

"Well, this one is easy." Monokuma cackled, "Within the monitor there are two pills, one will kill you and the other one is harmless." 

Shuichi and Kokichi were mortified. They didn't want anyone to die in that room, they didn't want each other to die. But Shuichi had a plan, he made a promise to himself before. He couldn't let anyone die. Shuichi took a deep breath and darted towards the monitor and before Kokichi realised what he was doing, he had grabbed both the pills. Kokichi looked and then he realised. 

Kokichi darted towards Shuichi but it was too late, Shuichi downed the pills just before Kokichi reached him. "What have you done?!!" Kokichi screamed, "You idiot!" 

Shuichi started to cough and cough and cough.

"I'm -- not--go-ing--to le-t--you-d-ie..." Shuichi smiled.

"You idiot!! You can't die now!" Kokichi screamed frantically. 

Shuichi was getting breathless. "Promise you'll carry on without me..." 

Kokichi broke down in tears.


Shuichi suddenly felt really heavy. Cold. Lifeless. 

"No. You idiot.." Kokichi cried. 

"Damn it, it wasn't supposed to end like this!" Monokuma moaned, "You were both supposed to die." 

"Both the pills would of killed us?" Kokichi shrieked.

"Yes, only one death. I'm disappointed." Monokuma huffed. 

Kokichi realised that Shuichi had given his life and saved his. He died to save him.

"Bring him back Monokuma, bring him back and let us go." Kokichi demanded.

"Why would I do that?" Monokuma said, doubtfully.

"You'll get higher ratings if you do" Kokichi accused, "I know people are watching."

"You make some good points." Monokuma thought, looking intrigued.

Monokuma waddled over to the door, typed in the correct code and waddled back to Shuichi's body, inspecting it. "You, get out." He instructed, "I'll think about your idea." 

Monokuma growled and Kokichi walked towards the door slowly. Before he left he saw Shuichi's body lying on the floor. It broke him. 

Regretfully, he made his way out of the room, through the endless corridors and to his own dorm. "This is what heartbreak feels like huh?" He sighed. 

Locked in - OumaSai - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now