You two?

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Shuichi and Kokichi stopped, still.

Kaito walked over to Shuichi and crossed his arms. "Shuichi..uhh.." Kaito spoke, nervously. Shuichi took a deep breath and tried to speak but Kaito cut him off, "So you and Kokichi huh?" He asked, "I would never of thought."

Kokichi cleared his throat. "Do you have a problem with that Kaito?"

Kaito was startled by Kokichi's comment, not only had Kokichi admitted that him and Shuichi were a thing, he had questioned Kaito's friendship with Shuichi. Of course Kaito didn't have a problem with Shuichi and Kokichi, he was just surprised. He didn't really know that Shuichi was gay. Instead, he thought that Shuichi liked Kaede but he was obviously wrong.

Kokichi looked at Shuichi and smiled. Kaito saw his loving look and he suddenly realised. He saw the gentil smile and the tearful gaze. Kokichi really liked Shuichi and Kaito could see that.

Kaito loudly cleared his throat by coughing loudly, snapping Kokichi of his gaze. "I won't tell anyone if that's what you guys want." Kaito declared. Shuichi was stunned, he was sure that Kaito would of told but he misjudged him. "Thanks..Kaito.." Shuichi stuttered.

"It's alright mate." Kaito said sounding curious, "How did this even happen?"

Shuichi laughed along with Kokichi who had a big grin plastered onto his face.

"I swear you guys were enemies before." Kaito declared.

"Not after last night." Kokichi grinned.

As soon as Kaito heard the comment Kokichi had just made, his jaw dropped open. He had thought that was what had happened but Kokichi had just blatantly said it. Out loud. Shuichi was also shocked at how loudly and proudly Kokichi had admitted what happened the night before. Shuichi just looked at Kaito who was understandably shocked. Kaito tried to not show how shocked he was but instead, made the situation all the more awkward.

"" Kaito spoke, awkwardly.

Shuichi simply just nodded and Kaito started to walk off, still slightly fazed from Kokichi's statement. Shuichi turned to Kokichi and rolled his eyes. "Did you really have to do that?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi grinned.

"Yes, I did." Kokichi grinned, "I'm just so happy, I want to tell everyone!"

"Please don't...not yet---" Shuichi pleaded awkwardly.

"But I won't if you don't want me to." Kokichi smiled.

Shuichi took a deep breath. He wanted people to know, of course he did but it was way to early to start telling people. Shuichi kissed Kokichi passionately then simply smiled. "Thank you." Kokichi blushed and Shuichi laughed. The thought of him making Kokichi blush was still funny to him.

They then walked off holding hands down the corridor leading to the kitchen. They wanted every moment possible together as they knew as soon as they went to the kitchen, they just had to be 'friends' again.

Everyone was already in the kitchen, sitting down at a giant dining table. They were chatting and laughing. Kaito entered the room then sat down opposite Maki. Shuichi entered the room with Kokichi who no one really payed any attention to. There we two seats, across the table from each other. Shuichi sat down and Kokichi sat down opposite him. It dawned on them both that pretending that they were 'only friends' might be more difficult that they first expected. Keebo brought in the food for everyone else and when he had finished dishing out the plates and food, he stared at it longingly. He of course, couldn't eat the food because he was a robot so he just stared at everyone else eating. 

Occasionally Shuichi looked up at Kokichi to see how he was doing but he was too busy stuffing his face with food to notice. Shuichi rolled his eyes and continued eating. Sometimes Kokichi would look up at Shuichi to see how he was doing but didn't catch his attention. If they were lucky, they both looked up at the same time and made awkward eye contact with one another, making them blush gently. 

Maki ate extremely quickly and as she was about to leave the dining table, she noticed the weird looks Kokichi and Shuichi were giving each other. She couldn't place what the looks were for or why their faces changed colour after looking at one another. She just couldn't figure out what was going on and it frustrated her. Her looks darted between the pair but she still couldn't figure out why they were looking at each other so weirdly. So she decided to ask them. "Shuichi, why are you looking at Kokichi so weir---" Maki was cut off mid sentence by a loud cough made by Kaito. "I had to clear my throat." Kaito explained, obviously lying. 

Maki tried to finish her sentence. "Looking at Kokichi so weirdl---" but was once again cut off by Kaito, coughing extremely loudly. Maki was frustrated, the first time was fine but a second time? No. She was just going to give up. "I'm leaving." Maki hissed before storming out of the room. Kaito sighed and headed on after her but before he left he turned to see Shuichi smiling at him, Kaito simply nodded.

Kaito quickly followed after Maki, not wanting to lose her. Maki stormed down the corridor with Kaito chasing her straight afterwards. Regretfully, Maki was extremely agile due to her talent and Kaito couldn't keep on running after her. "Maki roll!" Kaito shouted down the corridor. Maki stopped dead in her tracks. Maki rolled her eyes, then turned around to face Kaito looking frustrated. "Don't call me Maki roll." Maki scowled. 

"It's cute though, Maki roll."Kaito exclaimed.

Maki rolled her eyes. "What did you call me for? I have places to be." 

"Listen, Maki roll.." Kaito asked, "Don't think to much of Shuichi and Kokichi." 

"But they were looking at each other" Maki scowled, "Do you think Kokichi is up to something??"

Kaito shifted his stance and Maki crossed her arms. "He isn't exactly up to something." Kaito murmured. 

"What do you mean?" Maki asked, not putting the pieces together.

"Well, Maki roll.." Kaito said awkwardly, "I can't really tell you but just don't jump to conclusions." 

Maki looked curious. 

"Conclusions about what?" Maki shrugged. 

Kaito sighed. Maki obviously wasn't good at taking hints so he might have to be a more obvious. 

"Shuichi and Kokichi..." Kaito stuttered

"They're friends after all." Maki said, raising an eyebrow at Kaito.

"Yeah, right.." Kaito lied, "Just friends." 

As Kaito turned to leave, Maki spoke up. "Are you lying to me Kaito?" 

Kaito stopped dead in his tracks. He took a deep breath and turned around to face Maki. "I can't tell you Maki roll." Kaito sighed, "I'm sorry." 

Maki rolled her eyes and huffed. "And I was going to start trusting you." 

Kaito sighed. He couldn't tell Maki could he? No, that would betray Shuichi's trust in him. Shuichi's and Kokichi's relationship was brand new and Shuichi and Kokichi didn't want everyone finding out straight away. On the other hand, Kaito knew that Maki wasn't one to spread gossip and normally didn't talk to anyone other than Shuichi or Kaito. He could definitely trust her. 

"Hey, Maki roll." Kaito shouted.

Maki stood attentively. "Yes." She shrugged, "What is it?." 

"I'll tell you, just don't tell anyone else." Kaito decided.

Kaito trusted Maki...and she wouldn't tell anyone...right?...

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