Did he just say...

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Kokichi just stared at Shuichi, who was still getting his breath back, as he couldn't believe what he had just heard. 

"Did he say he...LOVED  ME.?!" Kokichi thought over and over again. 

Shuichi looked up to meet Kokichi blatantly staring at him.

"What?...Did I say something?" Shuichi asked awkwardly, "Why are you staring at me?.." 

Shuichi looked at Kokichi nervously, seeing him so silent but slightly flustered was playing with his mind. 

Kokichi smiled. Although he knew that Shuichi didn't really remember or notice what he had accidentally said to him, he knew that by the way he dropped it into conversation so normally and so innocently, he meant it. 

"Kokichi....is...something..wrong?..." Shuichi stuttered, starting to sound anxious. 

Kokichi instantly snapped out of his trance and repiled, "No, nothing.." 

Shuichi seemed slightly relieved but still slightly distracted by the recent news of Himiko's death but he tried to push the thoughts aside because he wanted to enjoy the date. For the first time, Shuichi looked Kokichi up and down and noticed the smart suit he was wearing. "You look really cute." Shuichi smiled, causing Kokichi to blush gently. 

"You look...amazing Shuichi...Why are you wearing that?..." Kokichi asked nervously, "It's your killing game outfit right?" 

Shuichi then instantly remembered that was what he was wearing and sighed. He had planned to change into something nicer but he met up with Kirigiri and Naegi, he didn't have enough time to change. 

"I uhh... don't know..." Shuichi stuttered.

Kokichi laughed. "You still look hot in that blazer, even though you haven't worn it in years it still kind of suits you." 

"I don't really know about that.." Shuichi blushed. 

"Should we get going then?" Kokichi asked anxiously.

Shuichi blushed even more than before, "You arranged something for us...?" 

"Of course I did." 

Shuichi smiled then took Kokichi's hand. They walked to outside the restaurant where Kokichi had booked a table. As soon as Shuichi walked in through the door of the restaurant, he was amazed. The restaurant was so simple, so homely. 

"I'm going to check on the table, you can wait there if you want." Kokichi turned to Shuichi and explained. Then Kokichi went up to the front desk of the restaurant and started to talk to one of the waiters. 

"So, what's the name the table is for?" 


"I don't really see one with that last name here." The waiter scowled at Kokichi.

It was almost like he looked down on him, like he didn't think Kokichi deserved a table. 

"Are you sure it's not there?" Kokichi asked again, politely.

"Yes. I'm sure, not there." The waiter snapped back. 

Kokichi looked down to the floor, turned away from the waiter and started to head back to tell Shuichi about the reservation when he bumped into Shuichi who was, to his surprise, standing behind him. 

Shuichi forcefully pushed his hand onto the front desk, causing the waiter to jump. "Excuse me, but I definitely saw 'Oma' on that name list." He continued, pointing at Kokichi's last name on the booking sheet. 

The waiter quickly replied, "Oh, Detective Saihara..I'm sorry...I'll check again.." 

Kokichi kept looking down at the floor until he felt Shuichi's hand grabbing his. "Shuichi what are you doing...people could notice---"

"I don't care about everyone else right now." Shuichi smiled, pointing Kokichi's face towards his own. 

The waiter suddenly looked up from his tablet then, snooped back to see the pair uncomfortably close to one another. "I've just found Oma on the list, I must of missed it the first time...follow me." 

The waiter looked directly at the pair, then started walking over to a table. Kokichi and Shuichi both followed him but just before the waiter reached the table, Shuichi caught his arm and said quite quietly, "I don't want you ever to discriminate against anyone ever again, no matter what class or status, no matter where they are from. A table is a table, understand?" 

The waiter simply looked back and nodded, looking rather ashamed, "I won't, ever again Detective." 

Kokichi looked puzzled but by what he saw, he knew roughly what had happened. Shuichi turned to face Kokichi and simply smiled at him, trying to reassure him in a sort of way. 

They then sat down at the table which they had been lead to, opposite each other. Like a stereotypical date from romance films. 

"Any drinks tonight?" The waiter asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'll have a beer." Shuichi repiled.

"I'll have a beer as well actually." Kokichi agreed.

"Two beers, got it." The waiter said before running off. 

Shuichi kept staring at the waiter until he disappeared from view. Kokichi noticed this and grabbed Shuichi's hand from across the table. "You okay Shuichi?" 

Shuichi wasn't okay exactly. He hadn't really processed that Himiko was dead yet and it was slowly dawning on him. "I don't know.." 

Kokichi sighed. "I can see you're distracted by something, can you tell me?" 

Shuichi looked towards the floor, he knew he couldn't tell Kokichi due to Kyoko's strict rules.       No matter how much he wanted to. 

"Is it a case or something?" Kokichi asked.

"Yeah, it's a case I've been asked to work on...it hit me pretty hard." Shuichi replied, trying not to give anything away. 

Kokichi sighed then held Shuichi's hand tighter than before, "It'll be alright, whatever it is...I'm here, even if you can't tell me." 

Suddenly, a waiter came to their table carrying their drinks that they had ordered. Not to Shuichi's surprise, the waiter was different to the one who had originally brought them to their table. "There you go, enjoy your evening!" The waiter said cheerfully.

Shuichi took a swig of his beer straight from the bottle then placed it down on the table causing Kokichi to laugh quite loudly. "Okay, why are you laughing?" Shuichi asked curiously.

"I've never really seen you drink alcohol before, it really makes me realise how much older we both are." Kokichi sighed.

"Yeah..A lot has changed..huh.." 

Both of them took a few minutes to process what they had just said then Shuichi brought his beer bottle up almost like he was making a toast, "I hope we always have each other." Kokichi then raised his beer bottle up to cheer to Shuichi's toast, "I hope that to." 

A few too many drinks later...

Shuichi and Kokichi had been out of the restaurant after talking and eating and were now at a nearby bar where they had already had a few too many drinks. The bar was quite small and people didn't really recognise the detective which was probably a good thing since he was drunk. Kokichi was also drunk and was forcing Shuichi to do shots with him. 

"No...Ohhh come onn Shuuiichi...juust do somme more shots..." Kokichi slurred.

"No..I don't thinnk that would be a goood idea..." Shuichi replied, obviously drunk.

Although Shuichi tried to say no to more drinking, he eventually gave in and did a few more rounds of shots which he was sure he would regret. He didn't know how it got to the point where they were kicked out of the bar but they were. 

They were staggering around the streets until Kokichi came up with an idea. "Your place?"         

"Are you sure? we are prettty drunk rightt now.." Shuichi replied. 

Kokichi thought to himself for a moment before speaking, "I don't think we'll regret it.." 

Shuichi laughed lightly to himself then took Kokichi by the hand and started to walk towards his apartment. 

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