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"Oops, my fault." Kokichi shrugged without any regret. 

Shuichi couldn't believe it. Kokichi must of done this deliberately, it must of been a lie. There's no way Kokichi would of done this if there wasn't an escape. Kokichi wasn't extremely fond of Shuichi and the feeling was mutual. 

"Hey, Shuichi..." A childish voice raised from the corner of the room. Shuichi suddenly was forced to face the reality of having to work together with Kokichi to escape, it was going to be his definition of hell.   

Shuichi looked over to face Kokichi, filled with anger but his attitude changed when he saw Kokichi's face. 

"I really didn't mean it

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"I really didn't mean it." Kokichi sulked. For the first time, Shuichi saw something within Kokichi that no-one had ever seen before. Shuichi started to use his detective work on Kokichi, why the sudden change? 

Kokichi's face was turning green and significantly paler than before. He was sweating and there was a look of panic in his eyes. His eyes were darting all around the room, like he was looking for something or an escape of some sort. 

Then Shuichi figured it out. It was weird, Kokichi was so confident, threatening to close the door, joking around but when the door shut, he was different. Claustrophobia.

"I was--onl-y--jokin-g ar-ound--you--k-now." Kokichi stuttered. 

Shuichi felt slightly guilty that Kokichi was claustrophobic even though it wasn't his fault. Shuichi had low self esteem and anxiety which only Kaede and Kaito knew about. Kaede was dead, which didn't help and if anything, made it worse. Kaede was his first friend and the first person he trusted but she was also the first person to betray him and put him through such psychological torment. He knew what it was like to suffer and not have anyone to talk to. He wouldn't wish that on his greatest enemy. 

Shuichi started to carefully walk over to Kokichi who was cradling himself against the door. "Don't." Kokichi scowled at Shuichi. Shuichi stopped in his tracks. Kokichi had tears streaming down his face but was trying his hardest to hide his face. "I'm going to help you Kokichi." Shuichi said, trying to sound reassuring. 

"No-, y--ou'r-e no-t." Kokichi stuttered. 

"It's okay you know, everyone needs help sometimes." Shuichi continued.

"I need no-one's help, I'm Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader!" Kokichi said, trying to sound like his normal, confident, controlling self. 

"Fine, I'll stay away." Shuichi sighed. 

"He really is stubborn" Shuichi thought to himself.

Shuichi started looking around the room, for any escape methods. Then he spotted something useful, he couldn't believe his luck. On the door was a 4 digit number lock, with the right combination of numbers, they would get out and forget it ever happened. 

One question was lingering in Shuichi's mind. Was Kokichi really the mastermind? Was it just a lie? Or was he lying saying that he wasn't the mastermind but really was? He needed to know which of the possibilities it was. Then, he had an idea. It was wrong but it was also necessary. Shuichi was going to use Kokichi's fear to get him to tell him the truth. Kokichi was vulnerable and Shuichi was going to use that to his advantage. 

"Kokichi, are you the mastermind?" Shuichi accused, trying to sound confident.

"Maybe I am, ma--ybe I'm n-ot." Kokichi said, trying to sound like his usual self. 

"Kokichi, I'll help you if you tell me." Shuichi instructed.

Kokichi was visibly shaking and his eyes were starting to tear up. "Those assholes who make us play this game are enjoying us kill each other, ALL I WANT TO DO IS RUIN THIS KILLING GAME!" Kokichi screamed with all of the remaining energy he had left. Shuichi didn't expect that. He thought for sure that Kokichi was emotionless and didn't care for anyone or anything but in reality, he did and he was just lying to himself and to us to save us in a sort of way. 

"I want to end this and I want to win, even if that means dying myself." Kokichi scowled, "I had to pretend to be the mastermind to make the true mastermind make a mistake cuz it would make them panick."

Shuichi couldn't believe his ears, everything he was doing was to save us? He made us hate him for us to survive? Shuichi walked over to Kokichi once again but this time, Kokichi didn't stop him. Shuichi tried to calm Kokichi down the best he could but he had never had to do it before. He didn't know what to say and he probably looked like an idiot. "Thanks." Kokichi said awkwardly. 

"Yeah, no problem really." Shuichi replied.

"You better not tell anyone about me and small spaces Shuichi, I don't want Maki finding out about this or she'll probably lock me in a cupboard or something." Kokichi warned.

"Maki wouldn't do that, she likes you." Shuichi lied.

"She hates me and she would do that, ultimate assassin remember?" Kokichi declared.

Shuichi knew he couldn't win so he just gave up on the conversation. Kokichi was so stubborn sometimes. Shuichi decided he had to try and get out of the room mainly, because he didn't want Kokichi to have another meltdown and partly because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life trapped in this damn room. 

"I found a keypad over on the doorframe" Shuichi told Kokichi. "We could just guess the combination?" 

Monokuma suddenly appeared on the TV that was placed near the centre of the room. "I wouldn't do that if I were you.?!" Monokuma chimed. 

Both Shuichi and Kokichi were started at first at the bear's sudden appearance. 

"What do you want?" Kokichi scowled. 

"What do I want? What do I want? Hmm, I have an idea. This is punishment for snooping around trying to find a mastermind, I've told you already there may not be one after all!" Monokuma laughed in his normal high pitched voice. "Oh, I almost forgot! Get the lock code wrong and you guys will be executed! It's a violation!"

Kokichi and Shuichi were startled. "Violation?, that's not a violation! You've added that rule right now!" Kokichi shouted. 

"It's a violation now okay! Now as punishment, you have to play my little game." "For each one you complete, you will get a new number for the lock, do all four and you're out!" Monokuma laughed in a Mickey Mouse like tone. 

"They can't be that bad can they?"  Shuichi thought to himself.

Yes, he was wrong. 

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