Together in a class trial.

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For the first time ever the court room was silent. Everyone was shocked.

Kokichi and Shuichi were looking at each other and smiling. They had told everyone and were very happy that they didn't have to keep it a secret anymore. They were also extremely nervous about how everyone would react. So far, Kaito and Maki knew and they were very supportive of them both. Maki didn't really care to begin with but had warmed to the idea of them. Kaito was originally shocked but stood by his 'sidekick'no matter what.

They were wondering how everyone else react.

"So this is real thing then?" Gonta asked.

Shuichi nodded. "Yes, it is. Can we please get on with the class trial?"

"For now we will not speak of it but after this trial ends, answer our questions." K1-BO demanded, making it sound like it was their duty to explain their relationship.

"We don't HAVE to tell you anything." Kokichi scowled, "It's nothing to do with you."

Everyone backed away. "I'm sorry." K1-BO apologised, "It's none of my business." 

Shuichi coughed loudly and continued with the case. "Miu was strangled at 6:30 which means that me and Kokichi are no longer suspects, Kaito was talking with Maki in the dining room and has Tsumugi as a witness and Gonta was collecting bugs." Shuichi explained. 

"It's obvious really who is behind this." Shuichi added. 

Kaito and Maki stared at Shuichi cluelessly. It wasn't obvious to them who was behind it all.

"I'll explain, Gonta was collecting bugs but there are no living bugs within this space or any other, except in his own research lab but it would make no sense for Gonta to collect bugs from his own research lab would it?" Shuichi spoke clearly.

Then it hit everyone, it was Gonta who had killed Miu.

 He was the only one without an alibi but it didn't make any sense. Why would Gonta do that? He was polite and kind and a true gentleman, he wouldn't of killed someone.

"Gonta no do it." Gonta exclaimed

"My theory is that you did it by accident Gonta, you lost control for a split second or she teased you and you snapped, I do not think that you did it on purpose but regretfully, you did do it." Shuichi sighed, filled with emotion in his voice.

Gonta started to back away. "I NO KILL MIU." 

"Gonta..I'm sorry.." Shuichi apologised.

"She was just mocking me and then...she didn't move anymore.." Gonts cried. 

Shuichi sighed. He knew it was Gonta but then it dawned on him that he was going to be executed. He had condemned Gonta to death even though Gonta didn't realise what he'd done, to save himself and everyone else. He didn't want anyone else to die but was Gonta's death going to stop the killing or was it going to continue? 

"I sure hope the killing stops." Shuichi wished to himself.

Then, Shuichi saw something odd, something that made him feel uneasy. Tsumugi was smirking. Her smiled was tinted with something, a kind of undertone of sickness or malice. Something was wrong. Very wrong. 

Shuichi couldn't say that he had never seen her do something out of the ordinary before or suspicious but he had just discontinued the idea. "She's probably stressed." Shuichi used to think to himself every time he saw something but the truth was different. 

"Something is wrong. Very wrong."

"Excecution time!" Monokuma interrupted.

"Monokuma...wait...please.." Tsumugi pleaded.

"Sorry, I can't do that Tsumugi and you know that." Monokuma smirked. 

"Why would she know that?" Shuichi asked himself. 

"" Kokichi asked sounding concerned.

Shuichi shot out of his trance and nodded at Kokichi. Kokichi didn't buy the face smile for a second, he knew Shuichi good enough to know that he was lying. 

Shuichi could hear everyone around him but was blocking them out. He had to figure out why Tsumugi was acting weird. Stress? No, it couldn't be. Why were Monokuma and her so close? Were they really close or was Shuichi reading the signals wrong? 

"No more buts! It's execution time for Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist" Monokuma cackled. 

Shuichi could barely hear the screams of the others as he was so transfixed on finding out the truth. He was aware of what was happening but he didn't register it. 

As Monokuma smashed the execution button, Gonta's future was sealed. A claw reached down and grabbed him to escort him to his execution venue. Everyone reached up to try and stop it but the claw was too swift. Shuichi was glaring at Tsumugi the entire time and then he saw it. 

He saw a smile as Gonta was killed, a smile that reminded him of Monokuma's. He had it. 

He was going to end the killing game because he had figured it out. 

The execution was brutal. Gonta was destroyed by a swarm of angry wasps, hornets and other insects that no one knew the name of. His stomach was smashed open and he was skewered with a leg of a giant hornet spearing him through his stomach, making him throw of blood. He was almost dismembered due to the amount of insects that flew into him and smashed him open but he left the world with a smile.

 He was almost dismembered due to the amount of insects that flew into him and smashed him open but he left the world with a smile

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As soon as the execution was over, everyone stared at Monokuma. 

"Go, enjoy being alive." Monokuma laughed.

Shuichi ran out of the room leaving everyone confused. 

"Kokichi whe—-" Kaito tried to say but Kokichi was already chasing after him. 

Kaito laughed to himself. "Kokichi really is smitten."  Maki turned to Kaito, "You see it to huh..?" Kaito kept looking at the doorway, "Yeah, I do." Kaito smiled. Maki's pulse was accelerating but she didn't know why but when Kaito turned to face her, it was clear. 

Kaito was taller than Maki so that he looked down on her. They didn't really know they were so close together until they were facing. Maki realised what was going on and decided to get out of the situation as soon as possible. But then, Kaito did something unexpected. He subtly wrapped his hand around Maki's waist so the others wouldn't notice and smiled. The others headed out of the court room and Kaito and Maki followed them. 

Shuichi was sat on his bed with Kokichi in silence. They hadn't talked or moved in ages because Shuichi refused to tell Kokichi what was going on. "Come on Shuichi..please." Kokichi asked. 

"I don't want you to be dragged into this." Shuichi sighed. 

"I want to know." Kokichi replied. 

Shuichi took a deep breath and told Kokichi what he knew. 

"I know who the mastermind is.....I might be able to end this killing game."

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