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The door opened and the light of the true outside world shone in. The light was so pure it was almost blinding. 

Tsumugi immediately stepped outside and met was with waves and waves of shouting. 

People were waiting for them. It was the right choice. 

Shuichi, still hand in hand with Kokichi looked towards everyone else and they all stepped outside together. They were met with an unbelievable sight. Rows and rows of police were surrounding the building and around 10 policemen were pointing guns, surrounding Tsumugi forcing her to the ground with her hands held above her head. 

"Look! There they are!" One policeman shouted, pointing towards the group. 

20 of the police force ran towards them. "Do you know where you are?" They kept asking, "Do you know who you are?" "Do you know the date?" 

"SHUT UP. You're scaring them." One big voice echoed, causing all the policemen to be quiet. 

"I'm Shuichi Saihara." Shuichi introduced himself nervously. 

Then everyone followed his lead. They all introduced themselves and helped the police by answering all the questions that were put forward to them. When they had finished, the Chief policemen spoke, "I do understand that this was a lot to go through for 17-year-olds but we do unfortunately need to send you back to your guardians since you are still under the age of 18, don't worry though, we will offer you all the support you may need." 

"I'm seventeen?.." Shuichi thought to himself. 

"Where will we go?" Maki demanded coldly. 

"It depends, if you have a guardian you will go back to them or the nearest living relative but if you don't, we will sort something out for you." The Chief answered. 

Kokichi turned to stare at Shuichi. "They're going to take us apart." Kokichi sulked. Shuichi looked into his eyes and gently said, "They're never going to break us apart, we will always find each other." Kokichi was surprised, he had never heard Shuichi say something like that. They hugged for a couple of minutes before letting each other go. 

A  tall man made his way to the front of the crowd and flashed a police-style badge to the police force and surrounding officers to show his authority. "I'm here for my nephew." He demanded. 

The police tried to keep him back, "You can't take him now Detective, he's just been let out." 

"Yes I can, there are no laws against it and by the looks of things, you have no idea what you are doing anyway." He scowled, "Let me through." 

The policemen regretfully let him through and he headed towards the group. He scanned through the teenagers and identified which one he had come to collect. 

"Shuichi, come with me. Don't ask any stupid questions." The man demanded. 

Shuichi looked the man up and down. He was a tall, thin man in his late 70's with thinning black hair and he was dressed in a smart suit with a grey trench coat over the top. He had a very narrow face and looked like the stereotypical detectives from magazines. 

"I want to stay." Shuichi instructed.

"No. Come with me now." The man ordered. 

When Shuichi didn't reply or move, he grabbed him by the arm and started to drag him away. Shuichi tried to break free but the man was stronger than he looked and kept a firm grasp on his arm. Kaito and Maki tried to reach out to him but were stopped by the police force. Kokichi on the other hand was running after him, he got so far but was then tackled by police, pinning him to the ground, down causing Shuichi to cry out. 

Shuichi was in the front seat of a black car with tinted windows. His Uncle was sitting next to him, silently driving the car. "Do you know how long you were in there for?" He asked. Shuichi tried to resist the temptation to reply but he couldn't. "No, how long?" 

His uncle huffed. "Two years" 

"TWO YEARS.??!" 

"I've missed you so much." His Uncle sighed, "They were your friends back there right?"

Shuichi nodded.

"I'll track them down and make sure you'll see them again." 

"Seriously?" Shuichi exclaimed, "That would be great, thank you."

"I'm sure that girl you were kept in by will get the rest of her life as a jail sentence, don't worry about that, oh and call me Tusaki." 

"I might just call you Uncle if you don't mind." Shuichi asked.

"Of course." Tusaki replied, "I'm a Private Detective by the way." 

Shuichi laughed gently, "That sure explains a lot."

The rest of the car ride was silent. Shuichi was mostly thinking about one person, Kokichi. Was he going to be alright? Were they ever going to see each other again? Were they broken up? He didn't want to think about the answers because he knew what they were probably going to be. 

Kokichi, on the other hand, was in the place that he called home which was a small den type place with the rest of his small gang of around eight other people. The den was a small building with a few adjoining rooms. It had hardly any windows but was comfortable. 

Kokichi was wandering about Shuichi and where he could find him. He knew he could be anywhere in the world, not just in Japan. There was no hope of finding him but he couldn't give up. He couldn't give in to despair and he was hoping that Shuichi wouldn't give in and keep on fighting. Even if it took him years, he would find him. 

"I should start looking..."Kokichi smirked to himself. 

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