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"He probably thinks I'm an idiot.." 

Kokichi was trying so hard not to laugh at the last comment Shuichi had made saying that he was 'cute' 

"You think I'm cute?" Kokichi flirted nervously. He hadn't had to flirt for years because he had no one to flirt for and honestly, he didn't want to flirt with anyone else. 

"I guess...I mean cute isn't exactly the right word.." Shuichi answered awkwardly.

"So, what is the right word?" Kokichi asked nervously. 

"I don't know...uhhh" Shuichi stuttered, "Hot?.." 

Kokichi's blush suddenly rose to a very visible level so that Shuichi could see. Shuichi crossed his arms awkwardly as Shuichi had just called Kokichi 'Hot'. He never was good in awkward situations like that. 

Kokichi on the other hand, was trying to get himself together and was also trying to get the blush out of his face even though he was finding it extremely hard to do so. 

After a few minutes, Kokichi finally spoke again, "You know, if it wasn't for that stupid rule about dinner first, I'd kiss you right now." 

Kokichi intended the statement as a joke but it didn't turn out that way. Shuichi laughed gently to himself then replied, "That rule is pretty stupid.." 

Kokichi was shocked. Did Shuichi seriously just say he might be open to a kiss from him or did he read the signs wrong somehow? 

"Come on Kokichi, I've got to get lunch anyway." 

Shuichi then subtly took Kokichi's hand and started to exit the building. Kokichi was dragged behind but caught up with him just as they left the office block. 

The sky way grey and it was raining heavily. The streets were filled with people desperately trying to escape from the rain to get inside where it was warm. There were a lot of clouds in the sky and the sun wasn't visible. The afternoon looked quite dismal, a lot like England actually... 

(I'm from England so... I can say that, because it's true. Sorry for the interruption!" 

Although the afternoon was rather depressing, Shuichi was happy and this time he knew why. Kokichi was there with him and he hoped in that moment that they would never loose each other again. 

"It's rainin—-" Kokichi sighed but was cut off mid sentence by Shuichi's lips clashing with his own. Kokichi was surprised but he kissed back. They didn't know how long they had been kissing for but neither of them wanted the moment to end. They were truly happy for once in their lives knowing that even after 7 long years, they had never lost their spark. 

Time flew by but eventually Kokichi pulled away gently, "What about dinner first?" 

Shuichi laughed to himself gently, "It was a stupid rule, I just couldn't let the moment pass." 

"We still going out tonight though?" Kokichi asked nervously, hoping for a yes.

"I sure hope so, I've been looking forward to it." Shuichi smiled.

"Really?" Kokichi blushed.

"Yeah, it's going to give me a reason to dress up nicely for once." Shuichi laughed.

Kokichi grinned then looked Shuichi up and down. He hadn't really taken in how much older Shuichi looked, he looked like a grown up now, not like a teenager anymore.

"You're looking at me weird.." Shuichi said anxiously. 

Kokichi snapped out of his state to see Shuichi staring at him. Kokichi laughed, "Sorry.." 

Shuichi pulled his phone out of his pocket to see the time. 2:40pm. "Lunch break over.."  Shuichi smiled at Kokichi and tried not to stress about the fact that he hadn't had any lunch. 

Kokichi noticed that Shuichi had his phone out so he got his phone out as well. Shuichi signalled that he needed to go but Kokichi caught his arm, causing Shuichi to be dragged back. "Uhhh...Can I uhh...." Kokichi stuttered, "Have your phone number?..." 

Shuichi instantly laughed to himself quietly then got his phone out to read out the number. " number is...." Shuichi read out and Kokichi copied down into his contacts. When they had finished, Shuichi checked his phone for the time and as soon as he saw it he quickly pecked Kokichi on the cheek and rushed back inside the office. 

Kokichi just looked at his phone and smiled. (the number below isn't a real number.)

He finally had his number

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He finally had his number. Kokichi stood around for a few minutes just staring at the number on his screen. When he suddenly realised it was raining, he ran from outside the building to a nearby restaurant to book a table for the evening. 

When Shuichi entered the building, he realised that he was soaking wet. He didn't care though, after seven years he finally kissed Kokichi again. He headed slowly into his office when he stopped because he saw something strange. The door to his office was open. He normally made sure the door was shut and locked before leaving so he knew it wasn't him who had left the door open. 

Someone had been in his office.  

Shuichi cautiously made his way closer to the door. As he got nearer he saw a figure standing in the centre of the room looking around it. 

Shuichi suddenly became extremely nervous but decided to head in the room anyway. He needed to know what was going on. 

Shuichi entered the room as calmly as he could and closed the door behind him. The figure stood with their back to him, not showing their face. Shuichi crossed his arms and put on his 'poker face' so he wouldn't be vulnerable to be used for information or something like that. 

"I see you came in." The figure spoke coldly. 

Shuichi didn't recognise the voice but he did recognise the tone. It was a tone that he used himself sometimes to get answers out of people. 

"It is my office, who are you?" Shuichi said, as emotionless as he could. 

The figure turned to face Shuichi. As soon as he saw her face he knew who she was. Although he was surprised, he tried not to show it. 

The figure crossed their arms, their black studded gloves made noticeable. She brushed her lavender hair out of the way and stared Shuichi right in the face. 

"I'm Kyoko Kirigiri, I was trapped in the first killing game." 

"I've got a proposal for you." 

(Kyoko Kirigiri was in Danganronpa - trigger happy havoc, the first killing game. If you don't know who she is, it won't make a big difference. All you need to know is that she is also an Ultimate Detective which is the same as Shuichi.) 

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