End it.

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"Shuichi!" Kokichi screamed after him, "Hey, Wait up!" 

As soon as Shuichi heard Kokichi's voice, he stopped in his tracks. 

Kokichi managed to catch up with Shuichi and kindly wrapped one of his arms around Shuichi's shoulder. "Hey.. what's wrong?" 

Shuichi used to tense up whenever someone would touch him but he didn't this time, maybe he was because he was warming to the idea of having someone he could trust with everything he had and everything he knew. Shuichi knew that it wasn't just a possibility. He loved him and trusted him with all his heart.

"Tsumugi escaped..." Shuichi sighed, still facing away from Kokichi. 

"Tsumugi escaped?" Kokichi thought to himself but he knew that he couldn't be shown to panic as Shuichi needed to be reassured that she couldn't do anything to harm him. Even though Kokichi didn't really believe that. 

"She isn't going to hurt you.." Kokichi tried to reassure him. 

Shuichi turned to face Kokichi and managed to scream out, "If Tsumugi is out and she killed Himiko, chances are that...she's killing us one by one and....JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" 

Kokichi was shook, he had never heard Shuichi shout before and it was extremely frightening. "Calm down..." 

"You heard what I said, go help Kirigiri or something." Shuichi sighed, brushing Kokichi's arm of his shoulder, then walked off leaving him alone.

Just as he was about to call after him, a stern voice arose from behind him, "I wouldn't.." 

Kokichi instantly spun around to see Kyoko standing there with her arms crossed delicately in front of her chest. "Oh Kirigiri.. I didn't see you there." Kokichi defended.

"You can call me Kyoko, we are working the case together and it would make sense to drop the formalities." She replied in a more friendly tone than usual. 

"Sure, Uhh you can call me Kokichi.."

"Thank you." Kyoko smiled.

Kyoko sighed then let her guard down slightly, "You and Shuichi then? I heard your fight." 

"Was it a fight?" Kokichi didn't really want to accept the idea that they had a fight but realistically they had. 

"I think he just needs some time." 

Kokichi walked up to Kyoko and asked, "Do you think.. I did something wrong?" 

"Honestly, I think Shuichi is stressed and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you and because of that, he might push you away. He probably doesn't mean anything by it, I could tell he cares a lot for you." Kyoko replied, trying to be reassuring. 

"Yeah, I suppose.." Kokichi replied doubtfully. 

It seemed that, at that moment, everything was going to work out but because this is a story things don't always go the way we want.

Makoto Naegi suddenly ran down the corridor where they were standing with a panicked look on his face. "Kyoko... Shuichi's gone... and so is one of the cars.." 

Kokichi's face suddenly turned pale with worry as she turned to face Makoto. "What..do you mean.. he's gone..?.." 

"This isn't good." Kyoko sighed, "This really isn't good."

"WELL, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?" Kokichi shouted.

"Calm down Kokichi." Kyoko instructed, "Makoto, see if he left any clues, do it now it's urgent." 

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