I'm ready.

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"We should get ready." Kokichi smiled, stroking Shuichi's hair.

"Yeah, we should probably change into something that will help us blend in." Shuichi agreed before getting out of bed.

Shuichi walked over to his case and pulled out some plain clothes. He turned to Kokichi, "Hey K, you think that these clothes are alright?"

Kokichi looked up and nodded, "Yeah, you look great in everything."

"Thanks." Shuichi smiled awkwardly, "But seriously, this okay?"

"Yeah, the clothes look great. Stop overthinking things." Kokichi replied in a more serious tone than usual.

"Sorry.. I'm just stressed." Shuichi got up and walked into the bathroom where he started to get changed.

When he had finished changing, he headed back into the bedroom where Kokichi was fully changed and was trying to tie his hair up into a ponytail.

(Like this..)

Shuichi stood in the door frame and crossed his arms flirtatiously, "Changed already?"

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Shuichi stood in the door frame and crossed his arms flirtatiously, "Changed already?"

Kokichi nodded back with a smile plastered onto his face.

Shuichi continued, "You've got your hair up, you look cute."

"Cute? What are you, five?" Kokichi replied sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

Shuichi walked over and kissed Kokichi gently on the forehead. "Yes, you do look cute."

Kokichi blushed slightly then picked up his coat and put it on ready to go. "Let's go." Shuichi nodded in reply then, just as they were about to leave, grabbed Kokichi's hand stopping him from leaving. "I'm scared."

Kokichi stopped still and remained frozen for a few seconds before turning back to face Shuichi. He turned serious but remained to treat the situation gently. "You've got me, no need to be scared, I'll always stand by your side." 

Shuichi's eyes started to tear up but he managed to stop himself from crying. He nodded back to Kokichi gently. "I'm.. ready." 

Kokichi nodded back, guided Shuichi out of the room then locked it after him. "Let's go."

As they were walking towards the tour location, they were holding hands. They hadn't really anticipated how nervous they both were going to be but they continued to walk anyway. 

They didn't know how long it took them to get there but they were there, standing outside the stadium. The stadium was massive, plastered with posters and advertisements for the other tours and shows. There were crowds of people surrounding the venue which, Shuichi assumed was for the same tour him and Kokichi were going to. 

All of a sudden Shuichi felt Kokichi squeezing his hand tighter. 

Kokichi was as scared as he was. "Let's go?"

"Let's go."

The two of them then took a deep breath, in unison, then tried their best to hide their faces as they walked into the crowd. 

It must of been around half an hour of awkward crowding before the doors opened and the crowds of people hurried in to find their seats. Shuichi couldn't really remember where their seats were but he remembered that they were nearer to the back than the front. 

Around an hour later..

Everyone was sitting down waiting for Keebo to come onto the stage. Shuichi was gripping Kokichi's hand extremely tightly due to his pulse racing  because he was too nervous. 

All the lights suddenly dimmed except for the light on the stage. 

Keebo walked onto the stage and they both resisted the urge to shout out to him. He was basically the same apart from some adjustments to his body. His face was the same as it had always been and it brought back so many memories. 

He introduced himself then started to talk. He talked about what had happened, not in a great amount of detail but still enough to make people understand clearly what had gone on. 

He covered the basics of what had happened in the game, making Shuichi hold Kokichi's hand even tighter than before. Eventually, the floor was opened up to questions. 

More people than they thought put their hands up. 

Keebo scanned through the audience and picked out someone. "Yeah, you ask a question."

The person stood up, "Hi, my question is.. where are the survivors from the game?" 

Keebo took a moment to think to himself before answering the question, "Well, I'm right here and I know where some of the others are. I know that Shuichi is somewhere in Japan, that Kaito is training to be an astronaut also in Japan.. Tsumugi is in jail, I don't know where Himiko, Maki or Kokichi are."

Th person smiled, nodded then sat back down.

"Any other questions?" Keebo asked. More people put their hands up and Keebo answered their questions one by one. 

Shuichi couldn't take anymore. He had re-lived too much, all the questions brought back way too many memories from the game. Kokichi turned to face Shuichi and saw his scared face and he decided to do something risky. He put his hand up. 

Shuichi noticed this, "What are you doing!" 

"I'm talking to Keebo." 

Keebo scanned through the audience then saw Kokichi's hand. "You have a question?" 

Kokichi stood up, "I have a question." 

It took a few seconds for Keebo to recognise him. When he realised Kokichi was there, his shocked face turned to a happy smile. The rest of the audience were murmuring excitedly that Kokichi was really there. "Is it really you?" 

"Do you remember the class trial where me and Shuichi told you and you said that we needed to tell you everything.." Kokichi explained, "And then I said something along the lines of.. 'We don't have to tell you anything, It's nothing to do you with you'." 

Keebo laughed robotically, "I remember that. Why are you here?" 

"Well, me and Shuichi wanted to track you down to ask you something." Kokichi shouted back. 

Keebo thought to himself for a second. "Wait.. Shuichi's here?" 

Kokichi turned to Shuichi and shrugged to him, asking what he wanted to do. Shuichi nodded back then stood up. "Hey Keebo." 

Keebo was too shocked for words. "Y-you.. you guys look so.. different..."

The audience had so many questions for both Shuichi and Kokichi. Never in a million years had they expected to see Kokichi and Shuichi as well as Keebo. 

"Come on up guys, help me with the tour!" Keebo exclaimed as excitedly as was possible for him. 

Shuichi's head darted to face Kokichi, "Should we go up there?" 

Kokichi smirked back, "I don't think we have a choice.." 

(As a little treat, the next chapter is out on Thursday (8th March 2018) 

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