Hints Of Despair

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A soul gem.

It is the result of one's wish with an incubator in exchange for servitude.

They can spread hope throughout the world, and relieve the seeds of despair.

But eventually hope can fall into a weakened state and crumble, before despair envelopes the soul. This, is the tragic tale of her despair.

Her fall.
And her rise.

The room was darkened making the surroundings barely visible. Alone in this darkened state of mind was a girl of short stature. She had brown hair reaching down to her chest, and her bangs gently brushed below her eyebrows.

She blinked her deep green eyes looking around for any sign of light, but still there was nothing. Her usual clothing had been replaced with a brown lolita style dress that had black and brown sleeves with ribbon around the chest and neck.

She sat upon a wooden chair that was protruding out of a primitive machine that slowly began to lower her into a dark abyss.


The girl heard the cry and lifted her head slightly, opening her mouth to speak but her words refused to flow. She looked back down as she raised her hands to her gaping mouth, her hair no longer relaxed as it became damp, but soon soaked in water. The water streamed out of her head like magic, replacing the dry strands of hair as it began to flow and raise upward in a pool of cascading water, reaching upward into the darkness.

Soon, two fish had appeared in her newly formed hair, one bigger than the other, but both sporting the same orange and white coloration. As the fish swam around to greet her, a sharp pain was felt along her arms, torso, chest, and neck. She winced looking down as small yellow flowers blossomed from her skin which allowed an ink-like liquid to flow from her body as if it were blood. In horror, she once again lifted her head and shouted. The darkness began to weigh on her, and she felt as if she were drowning.

Then, she awoke.

Heiri opened her eyes and jolted up from her bed with a deep gasp of air. Was it all a dream? She thought to herself as she looked around her room to see that everything was still in place. No water, no flowers, no fish. She was safe in her bed at home.

With a sigh she pulled herself from bed and went over to her mirror, grabbing her brush along the way and beginning to tame her wild hair. With her hair brushed neatly, she walked out of her room and around the corner leading into the kitchen. Her mother was standing at the counter working on heating up her breakfast in the microwave.

"Awake, Heiri?" The woman chimed as her daughter stood next to her.

"Morning Mama."

"Morning? You  slept well past morning, its the afternoon already." Her mother chuckled and set down her rag that she had draped over her shoulder. She was a little taller than Heiri and had short black hair. She dressed in a hoodie and pants, not concerned with looking good for the neighborhood. "You should go see if your friends want to hang out. It's a beautiful day after all."

Heiri looked out the window and sighed. "I guess I could go see what they're up to."

"That's the spirit." Her mother said with a smile.

Heiri walked back to her room and began getting dressed. She put on a pair of black shorts and a white T-shirt, adding a sweater over it. She tied her hair in two twin tails and wrapped magenta ribbons around the base. She looked around and grabbed her backpack, pulling out her phone to check the time before heading outside.

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