Where The Angel Flies

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Heiri had picked Yukiko up off the ground as they stood face to face with their opponents. The two magical girls in front of them were complete opposites in nature, but they seemed to work well together when they needed to.

Konoe Kikyo was a tall, well suited magical girl. Her outfit resembled that of a mad scientist almost, but her pockets weren't full of chemicals, they were full of makeup that she would use to transform herself into any person she desired. Her long black hair was tinted with a red shade, and her bangs covered one of her deep garnet eyes. Her soul gem was placed neatly in the center of her back, between her shoulder blades. Making it a tough target to hit.

Shiemi Uzumaki, a shorter magical girl with fluffy golden hair. She had a bunny ear headband and a frilled idol dress that was the color of the deep blue sea. She held in her hands a small pistol-like weapon, it's original shape being that of a microphone that she would use to sway the tides of battle. Her soul gem was in the shape of a rabbit's head, and unlike her ally, was placed in the center of her chest. Making it an easier target to hit from straight on.

"I told you I would come back for you, didn't I?" Konoe put a hand on her hip as she swung her scissors around her finger. "Don't tell me you forgot about it already."

Heiri held Yukiko up as she stared down her enemies. "What's wrong with you?! This isn't the time for that! Can't you see the danger we're in?" She shouted from across the rooftop.

"What, the witch? I could care less about it. My problem, is you." She flipped her hair as she spoke. Her eyes had a deadly gleam to them as she smirked, showing a fang of a tooth. "Are you just going to stand there? Or are you actually going to do something about this?"

Yukiko raised herself to full height and held her shield tightly in her hand. She wasn't one for fighting other magical girls, and Walpurgis was certainly a powerful for that they needed to get rid of quickly.

Heiri noticed the change in stance from her ally and held her staff closely. "You're starting something that I don't think you can finish. At least not now."

Shiemi smiled and held her gun up from her shoulder. "Wow Heiri, you're sounding like a super hero right about now. It's way cool! But it doesn't fit with your cute appearance and personality. Try a savior style, maybe that'll work ⭐~!"

"I'm not a hero!" The brunette shouted at the idol, scaring her into a jump. "Don't you realize what you're doing?! The longer we stand here the longer people are going to be exposed to this witch! Don't you see what's wrong with this picture?! Shiemi!"

The blonde stepped back and returned a worried look. It was true that she didn't want to hurt her friends, and she wanted to stop the witch with Konoe, but the sadistic magical girl didn't seem to want to stand down. She was too protective and controlling. If anything, she wanted to take on the witch for herself and keep the reward. Maybe she'd even leave Shiemi without a grief seed. And what of the others? If they weren't killed in battle, there'd be no way that Konoe would allow them the seed.

Then again, Heiri still had the seed from the witch of books. Karii. She was faced with a tough decision and time was running short.

"I know things are bad, I really do. But can't we just spar and see who wins? It won't be too long right?" The blonde turned to Konoe with a small grin. "We can see who gets knocked to their back first."

"Tch." The girl clicked her tongue. "I'm not fighting for some petty competition." The four stood opposite each other as the witch approached. Shadowy familiars danced ad stretched across the sky, chasing after something that was too fast to be seen in all the commotion.

"What I'm looking for, is a fight to the death." Konoe smiled and put a hand up to her mouth, looking down on the brunette. "Why don't you be a good little girl and show me what you've got."

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