Chapter 3: A Beta On The Run

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"Sherrif it was either let him die or help him live," I tried to persuade him I didn't think he would make eye contact with me any time soon. The Sherrif turned away and started walking towards the kitchen. I could tell from his eyes he hated me.
"It would be better to see him dead," Peter said,
"He wasn't asking you for an opinion Peter" Stiles replied with disgust. "So when are you gonna tell me about my wolf abilities eh?"
"Soon," I told him even though I knew it was going to be a lot of effort and on top of that his dad had already hated me. Stiles could tell that I was stressed "hey stop worrying he'll be back to normal by tomorrow,"
"Easy for you to say I have you and Alec to look out for, being an alpha is hard enough." I replied, now twice as stressed as before.

Everyone went home after a long day. It was surprisingly quiet not having my pack around but I did have my first day of Beacon Hills college tomorrow so I had to get some sleep otherwise I'd miss it. I also had to pick up Stiles as we had to go to school together.

It was the next day and I had managed to wake up on time the clock read 6:19, I got ready and went to see Stiles as I had to be around him more than often. I took a deep breath in and walked through the wooden door into the crowded Sherrif's department. There were officers on the computers and some standing around drinking an espresso and talking with each other. I glanced over to the corner of the room, there was Parrish. He had his hand on his forehead he looked uneasy. I went over to him, "hey Parish what's wrong?" I asked him. He looked up and said
"Well you might want to go and find out yourself." He pointed towards the Sherrif's office. I sighed and walked towards it. I walked in sluggishly and waited patiently. A few moments later the sherrif walked out and looked VERY worried.
"Sherrif where is Stiles?" I asked hoping for a good answer and that he didn't ignore me like he did all day yesterday.
"I DON'T KNOW I'VE BEEN SEARCHING EVERYWHERE!" He told me, grabbing me by my shoulders and rocking me back and forth.
"Okay don't panic I'll catch his scent, I am supposed to go to college with him anyway," I tried to calm him down. I searched everywhere for his scent but I couldn't find it. "How long ago did you find out that he was gone?" I asked
"About an hour ago," he replied seeming a little calmer.
"Okay I'll try my best to look for him" I said and inside I hoped I would.
I left the Sherrif's office and thought to myself 'when I first transformed where did I go? The woods!' Stiles' Jeep was still parked outside the big building, I got in and started driving towards the dark woods. looking at every inch of it from top to bottom with my full attention. The road came to a close meaning I had to walk. Ignoring the 'no trespassing' sign, I ran in. The night before it had rained so the path was wet, slippery and full of leaves. I said to myself 'i should howl to get his attention' I took a deep breath and howled the loudest howl I could do. Hopefully he heard me.
As soon as I said that, something moved in the bushes. I could hear faint footsteps.I could smell fear among them. "Stiles? Is that you?" I asked nervously, it moved again but this time much closer to me, I could tell by now that it was Stiles. "Stiles let me help you, come out of the bushes" I said in a polite tone but yet seriously.
"Get away from me, I'm a monster," he called out I could feel him trembling.
"Stiles your not a monster your a werewolf come out so I can help you control your wolf,"
"Scott you don't understand, I've done something horrible" this sounded terrifying. All these thoughts rushed into my head. What if he had lost control last night?, what if he sleep walked to the woods like I did?, what if it was something way more serious?
"I'm sure whatever it is can be resolved, now come out where I can see you." I said forgetting about all the emotions I felt. He came out from the shadows with his head pointed down towards the floor covered with a blanket of leaves which hugged it really tightly. It looked as if he was hiding something.
"Stiles show me your eyes," I said with desperation as I knew he was hiding them.
"Scott I can't," he replied he sounded vulnerable. By now he was getting the feeling that he was the prey and I was a Predator.
"SHOW ME!" I shouted, I couldn't bear it anymore, my anger built up. He turned his head up with his eyes closed to face me, his face was covered with blood, his claws were dripping with the substance. As I panned his face he slowly opened his eyes I noticed that they were filled with tears and I gasped to the sight of them as the colour of them were off...

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