Chapter 7: Ryder, Manroe's brother

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We were now nearing the last class of the day, history AKA my least favourite. As we stepped in and sat down we were told that we had to work in a group of threes, we didn't know anyone so we both started to look around for anyone who looked friendly. I turned to my left and saw a guy with a crimson coat and blue jeans. "Stiles let's work with that dude over there in the crimson coat," I pointed at him. We both passed all the people in our way, squishing each of them as we tried to get to him. However when we did get to him he had already found a group to work with so we looked for someone else. Finally we found another guy in a black coat and a red scarf. He looked familiar. We both slowly but surely started walking towards him. When we got to the man I tapped him on the shoulder, "hey do you want to work with us?" I asked.
He replied with a "sure why not?" So as soon as we got to a work space we asked each other Questions. I started by asking him his name "my name is Ryder," he said then I asked him if he had any siblings and he said yes. The next thing he said sent a shiver down my spine, it could literally make the west winds blow east. He said he had an older sister by the name of Tamora Manroe. We looked at each other with our mouths wide open. "Oh good you know who she is," he interrupted. I had to think of something fast.
"Umm yea I love the work she does you know, she protects the world from you know the supernatural," I said trying to be persuading but also through gritted teeth "Umm, You might want to look at your friend over there," he said looking in Stiles' direction with a weirded out expression.

I turned to face Stiles, he had his hands over his face and he wasn't breathing as normal. In fact he was breathing at an abnormal rate. I put my arms around his neck and lifted him up I told Ryder that it was just his disorder kicking in. I ran out the class the teacher was yelling to come back but I refused to. This was bad. I took him to the nearest restroom and layed him against the wall. "Scott I can't breathe!" He said looking at me with fear in his eyes. "Stiles what are the three things that cannot be hidden forever?" I asked him, he replied with "the sun, the moon, the truth" I told him to say it slower and take breaths between each word. He said it again but this time much slower. "The sun... The moon... The truth" it still wasn't working, I didn't know what else to do. What an alpha would do in this situation? I ask myself. The only option left was to Howl. I took a deep breath but just then, without any warning Stiles got up and started to growl. He ran straight for me. He Leapt Claws first on to my chest I didn't have enough time to get out of his way. He roared with all his might. The only thing I could think of was to show my alpha eyes and growl back. By now there were people outside the door banging on it asking if we were all right in there. I could hear them whispering from behind the door, one man was telling another to go and get the keys from the janitor's closet. At this point I was panicking, I looked up and found a window. 'All I have to do is get Stiles to jump out of it.' I thought to myself then I had an idea. "Hey Stiles," I said catching his attention I quickly made a leap for it. He followed me out the window, smashing the glass behind him. "Jeez Stiles I didn't know you were that clumsy." I Lured him to the backside of the building, hid behind the trash and made him look for me, then I leapt on to him and pushed him to the hard brick wall. "Ha, pay back!" I screamed, Stiles was not having this. He resisted me pushing him backwards. Finally he got tired and stopped. Then I sent a text message to Derek to come and get us. Within ten minutes of growling and pushing Stiles to the wall, Derek finally arrived.

"What the hell took you so long?"I said panting as I was out of breath. " Oh you know the traffic these days," he replied. We all decided to go home as he couldn't control his abilities. I told Derek about Monroe's brother being at the College and about Stiles with his 'issues'. He told us to stay away from him especially if we couldn't control it. We got home and everybody was there waiting for us. "So how's your first day" my mum asked. "Amazing," I was lying. "You know I'm your mum so I can tell when your lying,"

"I knew that," I said sarcastically. Malia stared at my ripped shirt "what the hell happened to you?" She asked but I refused to reply, instead I shrugged and headed upstairs to change my shirt, which at this point didn't even look like a piece of clothing. Today was an unusual day. I don't even want to know how tomorrow will be like...

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