Chapter 4: A Beta's kill

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"I'm sorry I couldn't control it and I told you that I wasn't innocent, please don't hurt me," he said as if he were the prey. "Stiles I won't hurt you, your a friend as well as a beta," I replied.
"Now who did you kill," I said in a lighter tone this time. "I don't know, but I can show you," he lead me along a path where the trees blocked the sun's ray so it was very dark.
We stopped dead in our tacks when we heard footsteps. Just then a sparkling arrow flew towards us and pierced itself into the tree behind us. " OW, Scott my eyes," Stiles said as he rubbed them.
"Stiles RUN!" We took a shortcut to the main road, another arrow was shot and it peirced Stiles' arm, he screamed in pain but kept on running. Finally heading towards the road we lost him or at least he lost us. "He was a hunter!" Stiles said frightened.
"Yea no shit Sherlock," I said in a tired tone. "Scott help me ta-," were the last words he said as he plummeted to the ground. "STILES, Stiles wake up!" I screamed desperate for an answer. 'oh come on he fainted again, well I better take the arrow out of his arm before he wakes up' I said to myself. I found a firm grip and started pulling the arrow out of his arm, it was hard to pull out as it had gone deep into his arm, not long later Stiles woke up screaming like a lunatic. "Stiles, shut up the hunter will hear you!" I whispered, he immediately covered his mouth with his functioning arm.

After I took the arrow out of his arm I decided to ask some questions."Stiles, how the hell did you find your way into the woods?" I asked
"I have no fucking idea like one second I was going to bed and the next I was in middle of the woods with no shirt on and in my puppy pyjama pants, like just look at this doesn't it look cute,"
"STILES, focus we are talking about something much more serious than your pyjama pants right now!" I snapped at him with my fingers
"Okay let's try and see if you can control it, give me your hand." I took his hand and put pressure on his palm, his claws shot out of his fingers like it was second nature to him. "Woah how did I do that," he asked
"You do it for protection if someone touches or even puts the slightest pressure on your palm your claws come out." I explained, the expression on his face looked as if he was enjoying it. "How do you make them go away?"
"Oh you breathe and stay calm then they should automatically go away," Stiles concentrated and stayed calm the claws did go away. 'I know how to test him' I thought to myself. "Hey Stiles, follow me" I said as turned around and ran into the woods, "Scott wait up!" He shouted before sprinting towards me. I turned and hid behind a tree, "Scott! Scott! Can you hear me? Where are you?" As soon as he said that I leaped onto him. He got up and growled at me showing his fangs, they were as sharp as knives. "Another tip, don't do that when someone leaps on you."
"How am I meant to supposedly 'not do that' like, you know I can't help it?" He asked
"Keep your heart rate under control especially when a human is starting to annoy you," I explained "the full moon is tonight so use this," I handed him a necklace with the treskelet printed on it, it gleamed in the sunlight. "Liam used to use it but he doesn't need it anymore so I'm giving it to you, you do know what it's used for right?" He nodded "good."

"Now we basically missed the first day of college but we had to," I said "what do you say we find that body huh?"
"Yea let's find it!" Stiles said with enthusiasm in his voice
We ran back into the dark wood which was even darker due to the sun setting. Stiles stopped and stared at the ground I looked down and saw the body covered with scratch marks and bites. "That was a gruesome kill now wasn't it," I teased him
"Scott it's not funny! What do we do with it,"
"Honestly I have no idea like aren't you meant to be the brains? Stiles?" I turned over and he was on the floor again 'oh for god's sake Stiles!' I said to myself, with a heavy sigh I leaned over him and slapped him. He almost immediately woke up "huh what happened?"
"You fainted that's what happened!" I explained "right the moon's almost up and we are supposed to meet Derek, Malia, Lydia, Peter, Liam and Alec in my house so let's go!"
"Wait what about the body?" He asked
"Oh right umm, we'll have to tell Parrish then I guess, as your dad would freak out if he found out it was you." We both headed towards the Jeep and reluctantly got in "wouldn't it be better to sprint it back" he sighed
"Yea but then where is the Jeep gonna go," I explained, he sighed and shrugged, in no time we were on the road and heading to my house. Along the way we saw something behind the trees ahead, Stiles looked at me. "What was that Scott?" He asked, I replied with a 'i don't know' however it looked like a figure standing, 'what if it was the hunter?' I mused.

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