Chapter 13: Kira's Return

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We all finished our business at that hell hole and decided to drop Derek off home as he looked like a living bag of dead meat. "You need to fully heal, you look terrible," Derek agreed as he nodded to the suggestion. Liam was sitting at the back of the jeep looking out at the veiw of open fields and long roads ahead. "As soon as i've gotten here there has been so much chaos," he sighed. "But isn't it fun Liam?" I asked confused. He lay his head back "Yea its so fun when vampires are out to kick all of our werewolf asses!" he explained. I sighed and looked at him. "Liam, don't worry we will find a way around this.. we always do," I said to him with a smile on my face.

We were pulling up at Dereks house. It wasnt as bad as the last place he stayed at. The house was a two floor house but it still looked like a witch lived there. "Wow Derek, this is a huge step up from the last place you stayed at!" Stiles pointed out. Derek snickered and looked around. "Thanks Scott," he said. That was the first time that he'd ever appreciated something. I was impressed. Derek turned his back to all of us and started walking inside. This had been an extremely long day.

I came home and as usual I was tired as hell, but i still had soo much homework to do. The good thing was that the weekend was just round the corner. I was excited to the thought of sleeping in and freedom for ... TWO DAYS! Why can't weekends be longer. Ugh. Well I was all ready to go to sleep, just one more day of hell and then im free. I lay down and in no time i was off to sleep. That night I had an unusual dream. It was about Kira. She had come back to Beacon Hills. Kira was in town for a week, but something was off about her. Her personality was different, i mean im not suprised she was with the skinwalkers for a while. She changed... a lot. Even with her outfits and her sense of humour. Just before anything else happened I was woken up by the loud ringing noise of my alarm. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I could hear the sounds of birds tweeting outside of my window. "Sometimes I really hate nature," I sighed.

I pulled back my covers, stood up and started to walk towards the bathroom door. I got ready in a reasonable amount of time and headed out the door of the house. It was cold today. I wasn't suprised as the winter was coming up. I was shivering the whole time to Stiles' house, I really needed a thicker jacket. I knocked on the door and waited for him to come out. "Stiles hurry up we're going to be late!" I shouted. Stiles heard me and told me to come in. He was standing in the hallway with someone next to him. It was Kira. She ran to me and gave me a hug. I lifted her head up with my hand and kissed her. Stiles was in the back awkwardly standing there, "umm, Scott we need to get to school," he said staring at the wall. I looked up and agreed, "Kira, you can stay in my house until we come back," I offered. She replied with "Yea okay, but I might not be in there when you come back, I'm going to walk around town,"
"Don't worry I'll find you," I said. We smiled at each other,
"Umm ... Scott we need to get going, so Kira if you don't mind," Stiles said before pulling me away from Kira.

Me and Stiles went out the house, I wanted to tell him about the weird dream I had, "Stiles can we walk today?" I asked. He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "but we always drive," he replied. "come on Stiles please!" I pleaded. He sighed and agreed.

As we were walking I brought up the conversation about Kira, "Stiles, I had this really weird dream about ... Kira"
He looked at me and examined my face for a second before saying "okay?"
"I dreamt her to be well ... different,"
"How different?" Stiles asked with squinting eyes. I couldn't find a word to describe it, as I searched for a word in my head, Stiles was getting impatient "okay Scott, listen she is normal, just like she was before. Nothing is wrong" I stopped thinking and looked up I smiled a half smile, I normally do that when I think someone is right, and nodded. We were coming up to the street where the prison like school was. "Well that's all my exercise done for a month," Stiles said panting. We entered the building. Our timetable read PHYSICAL EDUCATION - MR PORTTE. As we walked to the PE department I talked to Stiles about taking things slow. "The first time I did something like this I lost control-" Stiles interrupted me "And tried to kill me, yeah I remember." I could hear his heart beat, it was fast I could tell he was scared. "Stiles stop worrying you'll be fine," he took a deep breath in and calmed down.

We walked in and listened to what the coach had to say, "Alright you little scum bags, sit down" he already reminded me of coach Finstock, "This year we need a team of lacrosse players to compete in the school's lacrosse games" I was on the edge of my seat 'lacrosse? I feel right at home again!'  I slowly raised my hand, so did a few others. Stiles did as I did and raised a hand. All our names were put on a piece of paper for the try outs to be on the team. "Practice starts next week," he told us all. "Today we are going to have a quick game of lacrosse, it'll be a chance to see who else should be on the team," as soon as he said that Stiles gulped. I patted his back "you'll be fine," I said hoping that would comfort him... it didn't. 

We all got changed and headed out on to the field. Stiles was walking, not running. "Stiles I didn't mean put no effort into it, have some fun!" he smiled and started to run. I joined him. Me and Stiles were up for defence. The first one to shoot was a blonde boy, he had green eyes and freckle filled cheeks. "Stiles, is that enough to make you gay?" I laughed, Stiles had a serious face for a second then laughed along. The boy ran trying to get passed, Stiles ran straight for him... but the boy went around Stiles causing him to tumble to the floor with pain. "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT STILINSKI! COME ON GIVE IT YOUR ALL!" the coach shouted with encouragement from across the field. Stiles waited for the next person in line to step forward. He stood there with his head down, his grip was firm on the lacrosse stick. "Stiles are you okay?" I asked afraid of what he would do to the next person. "Yea I'm fine" he said with a rough voice. A blue eyed brown headed boy stepped out. It was Luke... oh wait, you guys don't know about Luke do you? Well you see he is the pretty boy that every girl wants, he's popular and to me he's just a show off. Anyways back to this, Luke grinned that evil grin and ran straight for Stiles, within a split second Stiles ran towards him and pushed him brutally to the floor, with his stick. Others came rushing over to Luke, they were seeing if he was okay. I ran to see if Stiles wasnt going crazy. "What the hell is your problem dude!" said a guy who was most likely Luke's best freind, Daniel. I lifted Stiles off of the grass floor and put his arm around my shoulder as I carried him to the changing room. I sat him down on the bench as he was panting. Just a second after that he screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME!" as he made a leap for the lockers. he was on top of them now. He was staring at me the whole time, if i roared then that would bring attention to us, and if I ran out then Stiles would follow me. My natural instinct was to back up. I was then cornered.  But just then someone came in...

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