Chapter 6: The New College

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We were almost at our new college and, as we are to most things,were late. "Can this thing go any faster" I said with a sigh as by now was bored of hearing Stiles talk about FBI school. "Calm down we're here," Stiles said with a look of excitement. We both stepped out and admired the building, "this is going to be horrible I can tell" I explained. Well here we were standing in front of what was about to become the next four to five years of our life. We both looked at each other. "Well go in before you guys become even more late!" Alec said to me. We walked along the long gravel path up to the building and stepped in. It was surprisingly quiet as there were only sounds of phones ringing and soft whispers as the staff talked. I could hear the clock tick, the longer we stood there the more time we wasted... I didn't care. The corridor was long and looked gloomy with doors on either sides of it. This gave me horrifying memories of Ichein house. I still shiver thinking about it.
As we looked around for help, it was like we were brought into a world we knew nothing about, but this was kind of like that anyway. We finally found our way to the reception. "Hello, welcome to Beacon Hill college how can I assist you?" The lady behind the counter asked. She had short red hair and was wearing a green sweater, she had a pearl necklace finished with some glasses. She had bright blue eyes with bright pink lips to compliment them. She looked as if she was in her late twenties. "Umm yes we are a bit late to class as we were supposed to be there about twenty minutes ago" I explained glancing over at the clock.
"Okay what are your names then?" She asked in a friendly manner.
"Oh I'm Scott McCall and this is-"
"Stiles, Stiles Stilinski." Stiles interrupted,
"Umm I've found a Scott McCall but there isn't a Stiles on the list," she said
"There isn't... can I see the list?" Stiles asked.
Stiles took the list and slowly panned down the crumpled paper with his finger "oh that's me umm the one above Gina Swarsk and under Daniel Seavey." He explained pointing to 'Mieczslaw Stilinski' the lady looked at the name and found it hard to pronounce "what a name," she said raising both her eyebrows. "Don't worry I can't pronounce it either, just call me Stiles." The lady looked at him weirdly then looked at me. "Okay so Scott you are in room 47 and so are you Umm Stiles."
We both thanked her and headed to class. The hallways were long and dark, I looked on either sides there were doors with numbers on them '53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, aha 47'. This was as if the ghost riders were back but they weren't, thank god. It was going to be a long day. We sighed and walked in, as we both entered all eyes were on us. "Good morning gentlemen please talk to me about why you were late after class has ended, can you find your names on the list, mark yourselves in and take a seat." The man turned to the class, which looked like no one in it was enjoying the lesson.
"Right, as I was saying my name is Mr Niemour and I will be your teacher for English this year..." He explained. Me and Stiles exchanged looks our faces reading 'he is already so stuck up' good thing there weren't any dorm rooms. I couldn't live here for four years, no way in hell. I suddenly turned round as I heard a noise. She was just sitting there with her hands under the table, so uncomfortably that it made me feel uncomfortable, I nudged Stiles and hinted toward the girl. "Scott what is she doing under the table?" He asked
"Honestly I don't even know, it looks like she is scratching the table" I replied. As soon as we finished the conversation she got up looking nervous and headed out the class. This was beyond strange. We sat through the predictively boring English class and as soon as it ended we headed to the door. We were stopped however, by a voice. "Excuse me, Gentlemen but aren't we supposed to talk a about why you are late?" He asked. We both sighed and turned around. " Sorry sir we had family issues at home as my parents came over," I said hoping that would work. Sir gave me a glance and then looked over to Stiles who ,reluctantly, gave a smile in return.
"So you two are roommates I suppose?" He assumed, I replied with "yes sir we are."
"And what sort of family issues were you dealing with?" He asked, by now I was starting to think he was a bit nosey the next thing I hear is Stiles shouting "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW ITS OUR PRIVATE MANNER!" I looked down at his hand, and realised that his claws were out. His hands trembling with anger. I slapped it down and whispered "Stiles monitor your heart rate." Mr Neimour looked at me and scrunched his eyebrows "what was that about then?" Just then the next class started to come in. "Sir I think we should go, bye have a good day" I said as we walked out the door. "What the hell Stiles we could have gotten caught, remember what Derek said?"
"Be careful and help each other." He replied, "why are they so stubborn"
"They?" I asked. "Yea you know... humans" with that said we both headed up to the science department. I hoped that this next teacher wasn't going to be as bad and by the looks of it so did my partner in crime. This was going to be one hell of a long day...

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