Chapter 15: Kian Miller

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Kira and I took Ashley to my house to see if she was willing to negotiate with us. As soon as I stepped through the door I saw Stiles standing in the corner of the room with his back towards us panting as if he just ran a marathon. Ashley and Kira both stood back while I stepped forward to make sure if he was alright. He turned around but looked pale, it was as if he was the nogitsune all over again. "Scott... I feel... weak," he whispered out with all his might. I stared at him speechless... weak? What does he mean weak? He lost strength in his knees and fell, I raced towards him just in time to catch him. "Kira do you have Derek's number?"
"Yeah he bought one for himself," I replied.
"With what money, I bet he stole it," Kira said jokingly, I laughed and shook my head.
"Uh guys that boy is on the floor dying and your laughing?" Ashley stated,
"This boy ... has a name...." Stiles whispered through gritted teeth. I picked Stiles up and put him on the couch where he then tilted his head and puked out blood on the carpet.
"Stiles! What the hell you just stained the carpet... but like what the actual fuck was that," I yelled. Kira then said "his body is trying to heal from something,"
"It's probably the thing you did to him earlier ... what did you even do?!"I asked out of curiosity and because I needed to know.
"I told you earlier I don't know what I did I swear, Scott if you knew me well then you would know I'm not lying to you," she insisted, I stopped to listen to her heartbeat... she wasn't lying, I trusted what Kira said and reached for my phone tucked away in my back pocket.
"What are you doing?" Ashley asked,
"I'm calling Derek," I replied within an instant.
"Who's Derek?" She asked
"You'll see when he gets here won't you?" I said sarcastically. I called Derek and told him about Stiles, he said he would be here within five minutes or so, I hung up and about two minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to see Derek. "Wow that wasn't even five minutes!" I said, surprised.

He came in and ran to Stiles, "he's trying to heal from something, that's why he keeps puking blood," he said,
"Yeah thanks but we already know that," I replied in an un-interested tone. Derek turned around and stared at Ashley, "who are you?" He asked,
"Hi nice to meet you too my names Ashley I'm a kanima," Ashley replied. Derek just nodded his head and turned back to Stiles' pale figure laying on the couch. He was pale to the point where he looked like a vampire, deep inside I was hoping he wasn't turning into one, "I don't know what's going on with him but to me... it looks like he is turning into a vampire BUT I'm not sure!" He said with concern. At that moment everything slowed down, I was beyond shocked how is that possible? It can't be possible! I kept thinking to myself but I could see why Derek said that and I started to believe it. "Scott are you okay?" I heard Kira ask.
"We need someone... someone we haven't seen for a long time," I muttered. We needed doctor Deaton.
"Scott how the hell are we meant to find him, for all we know he could be half way across the world!" Derek stated. He had a point, but I needed him for Stiles. I wasn't going to let Stiles turn into one of those... creatures. I wasn't going to let him turn into a vampire. Me and Derek took Stiles to see Peter, hoping he would be any help.
When we got to him he was staring at Stiles with an unapproved stare. "Okay he is a vampire, not a werewolf anymore... GET HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" he screamed,
"Why he won't do anything he's weak anyway," I replied disgusted,
"Yeah he might not be harmful but he's going to attract all the vampires here which puts us all in danger!" I was understanding the situation now, Stiles who was probably not going to be my beta anymore but one of the vampires... I hated myself for not protecting him. As soon as I looked back up Stiles' eyes changed to a red, but not the colour of my eyes, they looked more evil. They looked venomous. He leaned in closer to smell me, his nose scrunched in disgust before he broke down the door, I tried to follow him out but he was gone.. as soon as he stepped out the door he disappeared. I was losing my mind, I lifted up my fist and punched the side of the house, shattering the bricks turning them into dust. "Scott you know your going to pay for the damage you did to my house right?" I heard Peter say,
"Okay so my beta... just turned into a vampire and disappeared AND YOUR CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR BRICKS?!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was going to loose control because of all the anger built inside of me. Instead of staying and potentially breaking someone in half I sprinted all the way back to my house and locked the door before I fell to the ground. I then heard a deep raspy voice, "Hey Scott ... nice to finally meet you," he didn't sound like anyone I knew...

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