Chapter 12: Pack reliability

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I was panicking. We both impatiently waited for the loud bell to ring so this could all be over. I was so concentrated that even the sound of my phone scared me. I jumped and sighed then quickly reaching for my phone inside my bag. It was a text from Liam. I looked up with a smile, "okay even my jokes don't make you smile like that," Stiles said. "Liam just texted, he said he's coming over after school." I explained.

"Cool, I haven't seen the little bugger in ages and now he's going to find out that I'm one of his kind," he explained, I hope that him knowing about Stiles doesn't change anything. I hope it doesn't change the way Liam acts around him. "Scott!" Stiles screamed grabbing my attention. I stopped staring at the ground and lifted my head up. "Jesus, for a second I thought you were dead!" Stiles sighed in relief. I laughed and shook my head. The bell rang finally, we both headed towards the door. The days in school were getting easier, that was good to know. We both headed out of school. Stiles walked ahead of me and opened the rusty doors to the jeep, he sat in the drivers seat. I sat next to him, we talked about all of my pack even the ones who left. "Stiles do you remember Isaac?" I asked. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "really? the one who never helps with his negative comments, yes I remember him. Now I'm wishing I didn't," he explained. "oh come on he wasn't that bad," I replied shocked.

We were now in the front yard of my house, I could hear my mum talking to someone. It was Liam. I grabbed Stiles and ran inside, I pushed open the door. "SCOTT CALM DOWN!" Stiles screamed. I didn't care, I missed Liam being in my business. He was standing in the kitchen, he was staring out the window. "Liam!" I shouted. Liam turned sharply around. I smiled. He came to me and hugged me. I guess the bond between an Alpha and a Beta was stronger than the bond of a parent and a child. "Scott you don't know how different it is without you in school!" he said. I replied "yeah same here, I already hate life in college," We both made our way to the couch in the lounge. Me, Stiles and Liam talked until we were offered food and drinks. Liam looked at me as if he had something serious to say, "Liam what is it?" I asked

"Nothing it's just that... There is this guy that is a werewolf and he doesn't know who his alpha is and he wants to join our pack and I told him to talk to you and he said that he can't go so he told me to tell you-" Stiles interrupted him "Liam breathe," I didn't know what to say, it had only been twenty minutes and already things had gone way too far. "what's his name?" I asked, he looked up and then he replied "I don't know, he never said his name," with everything else on my mind that the was the least of my worries. "Liam don't worry about him, either his alpha will find him or he will find his alpha." I took a deep breath in. "you know what, I think it would be better if we see everyone else, don't you?" I suggested, they both nodded. In a matter of minutes we were in stiles' jeep, as we were getting in, my phone rang. "What is it Scott?" Stiles asked. "It's Derek.. He's hurt badly."

Stiles was in the driver's seat, he was speeding on the highway. "Stiles slow down!" I said to him. "It's okay, my dad is a cop, remember?" he replied. In about ten minutes we were at an old abandoned hospital. The place looked at least twenty years old, if not older. The sign read: Beacon hills mental hospital. "wow, we already have Eichen house, we don't need another one." Liam explained. We all walked inside cautiously, I mean it could be a trap. Now all these thoughts pierced my head, what if this was a trap? What if Derek didn't even send that text?

I saw him from the corner of my eye, he was on the floor. He was hurt. A blanket of blood covered his shirt. Cuts were on both his legs. I ran over to him, "Derek who did this?" I asked, eager for an answer. He looked up at me with pain in his eyes. I immedietly took his hand into mine. Black veins appeared on the back of my hands. Derek looked much more comfortable now. "Thanks..." he said softly. I asked again, "Derek who did this," he looked down, hiding his face. he took a deep breath in before repliying "okay, it was a vampire" he replied.

"okay so a mythical creature did this to you?" Liam asked. Derek laughed to himself. "You know, werewolves and vampires are enimies, the memories of their past aren't good ones-" he was interrupted by Stiles, "Yea I think we knew that," Liam replied with "I didn't, im kinda still new to this." I turned to Stiles, "not as new to this as he is," Liam looked at me confused. I told Liam that I had bitten Stiles as he was literally going to die. "No way, I never thought this would happen... wait you guys aren't tricking me are you?" Liam asked. Stiles laughed and showed Liam his eyes. They were bright blue, Liam's jaw dropped. "Wow," he said "that's... AWESOME!!" But then his facial expression changed "umm why are his eyes blue?" he asked. "It's a long story" I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. I looked at Derek. Guess we could rely on each other after all.

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