Chapter 5: The full moon

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We were about ten minutes away as I, every five minutes, turned to check on my new Beta. "Why are you looking at me every five minutes?" Stiles asked, yep he clocked on I smiled,
"Just checking to see if everything is fine. You are okay though?"
"Yea I mean do I look okay?" I turned to face him I studied his face for a few seconds until I realised something different about him,"umm... Your eyes are blue and your ears are pointy"
"WHAT..." He looked at the side mirror, his eyes widened he gulped and started to panic. "Scott what the fuck do I do!"
I looked around for anything to help him then I found it. "Use the treskelet I gave you and say the words out loud" he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled the fragile thing out then he slowly started to chant "Alpha, Beta, Omega... Alpha, Beta, Omega. Umm Scott it's not doing anything STEP ON THE PEDAL!" I stepped on the pedal and told him to monitor his heart rate. This was way worse than bad, this was bad bad. Before I knew it we were parking the Jeep in front of my house, I went inside with Stiles. "GUYS WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM!!" I screamed, everyone rushed into the living room where Stiles was sitting on the couch and groaning as he started to breathe heavier and heavier. "Stiles look at me, what are the three things that can't be hidden forever?" Derek asked Stiles.
"The sun, the moon, the truth"
"Say it slower take a breath between each word say it again!"
"The sun... The moon... The truth" it was working his ears went back to normal and the colour of his eyes changed back to brown. I sighed in relief. As I sat down on the wooden chair next to me, Derek looked at me and whispered in my ear "why the fuck were his eyes blue,"

I tried to look away but his eyes were glued to me, I had to tell everyone... "Guys the reason why I didn't go to college and why Stiles' eyes were blue is because well... HE WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT RAN TO THE WOODS AND WENT ON A KILLING SPREE BUT HE ONLY KILLED A GIRL SO IT WAS FINE BUT STILL THEN I FOUND HIM IN THE MORNING WITH HIS EYES BLUE SO-!"
"Scott breathe..." Lydia told me so I took a deep breath in and then I realised that I had just said everything aloud. My cheeks went a crimson colour, "umm sorry I talked so loudly,"
I apologised to everyone. Alec looked at me and smiled Stiles looked over to him "so... who's that exactly?" He asked. Alec walked over to him "Hi the names Alec, what's yours I'm assuming that it's Stiles." He said with a friendly tone. Alec put his arm out for Stiles to shake, Stiles on the other hand looked at it and refused he gave a spud instead "well that was awkward," stiles said laughing it off. "Well Stiles is definitely sleeping round mine tonight" I said giving him a glance. For the next two to three hours we all helped Stiles control his abilities until everyone fell asleep on the couch with my little pony on the TV.

It was the next day as I woke up I realised that power rangers was on TV and looked quickly over at the time. It read 8:37 am. Shit I was late. "Stiles, Stiles wake up we're late" Stiles opened his eyes and yawned "what's the time?" He asked
"It's 8:38 now get up!" I said trying not to wake anyone up. Stiles sluggishly got up and looked at the TV screen and started to laugh before I switched it off. "Hey I was watching that!" He said.
"Well your not watching it anymore hurry up and get dressed, your a mess." He picked up his freshly ironed suit and put it on as I walked upstairs and grabbed the nicest looking shirt out of my closet we were about to open the door as we took a glance of each other "What are you wearing" we both said "no look at what your wearing, quit copying me oh my god DO THAT ONE MORE TIME!" We looked down and smiled "Can you guys shut up I'm trying to sleep if you hadn't noticed" Malia groaned as she turned around and went back to sleep. Derek got up and scratched his head, "aren't you meant to be in college" he asked. We both slowly headed towards the door. We got into the parked Jeep as Stiles started to drive. We both heard a groan from the boot of the vehicle. I turned around and gasped.

"Hey it's okay, it's only me" the voice said
"Alec?" I called out, this was weird. Stiles looked at me, licked his lips and sighed heavily. "This guy gets weirder and weirder" he whispered
"Thank you!" He called out. Stiles turned back to the wheel and started driving again, before we knew it we were on the highway on the way to Beacon Hills College, with Alec in the back. He lifted his head up and made his way to the back seat, making the car shake violently. "Alec I haven't known you for that long to be saying this but, what the actual fuck are you doing?" He settled down as we arrived to the college. Alec couldn't drive so he had to stay in the Jeep until school was over. "Bye guys, I'm gonna sleep while your gone," he turned and said to us. We both shaked our heads and sighed. He looked at us and laughed before laying his head down with his arms crossed on his stomach. He stared up to the roof of the small Jeep. "Hey, I thought you were going to sleep" I said
"I am, good things take time you know" he replied still staring at the roof.

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