Chapter 38 #ChasingLove

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Laura's pov

Well i guess this is it....i was now home with the whole family packed...vanessa was cleaning her room, mom was checking if we brought everything, dad was watching tv....he likes to cherish the last moment he sits on the couch...were leaving for 2 years.........i kept on checking my phone....nothing from ross.....why do i care... He doesnt want me there anyway.....

Im now tearing up as i sat on the floor with my back leaning on the edge of the bed.....

Laura: i knew fairytales weren't real......i really think i could get a lovelife? (Im now releasing for what looks like waterfalls coming from my eyes) im i that stupid in love.......

What was i thinking! Ross never loved me.....he never even told me he loved me.!

Im never getting a lovelife.......lets face it......bop tiger was the girl who will never be liked by any guy.....i kept on crying.......

I then looked to my phone to see a pic of me and ross as my screen saver....

I just threw my phone to the side and i just decided to cry and cry and cry

I then heard someone came in....

Vanessa; laur ok? I heard everything...

I looked at her with my reddish eyes filled with tears as she sat beside me...

Laura:you think im stupid in love?

Vanessa:no i dont think that laur....

Laura:OH COME ON! Get real! Ive never had a boyfriend! No one asked me to prom! No boy has ever liked me, and the one that did, didnt fight for me...

Vanessa:laura......ross just wants whats better for you....

Laura: i dont care vanessa, I LOVE HIM! (My eyes are now crying and overflowwing with tears) i didnt really care about this movie role!........i wanted to be with him!

Vanessa just stayed quiet and rubbed my back...

I calmed down a little

Laura:can you leave pls.....

I checked my phone to see it was 7 down in a few....were about to leave...

Ross' pov

I ran outside the airplane and i saw my family...



Riker:we cant ! We need to be at that concert stadium in a few minu....

Ross:I DONT CARE! I just want to tell her something!

Riker:we cant ju...

Rydel held his collar

Rydel:listen to me riker, were going to laura! Got it!?

Ross:tnx delly....

WE WERE NOW AT THE CAR DRIVING TO HER HOUSE.... I felt all worried. If we will catch up to her......

After a few minutes

Rocky: we're here

I bursted out the door and i felt a shiver to my body as i saw no car, no light, nothing...

Rydel's pov

I saw ross as he saw the house looked abandoned, i covered my mouth with my hands as i whispered "oh no......its to late.....

ross' pov.

i ran inside to find everything gone! i an and and i ran all around the room

Ross:LAURA! LAURAAAAA! WHERE AREYOU!! (i said while crying a bit)

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