The Joker and the Purple Jester

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The Meeting

I was tied up in the back of the large truck along with two other hostages from today's earlier bank robbery. I was only fifteen at the time, but I wasn't scared nor frightened. I was calm.
I could hear The Joker's manical laugh coming from the front of the truck, but I still remained calm.

He was something that I had never seen in Gotham City, he was the face of destruction.
I smiled when I heard his laugh, behind the duct tape, that is.

In the back of the truck, there were two other hostages, along with myself.
They were crying, afraid of death, but I was not.

The Joker looked back, looking us right in the eyes and laughing at us.
I laughed back, with a grim smile.

The truck made a wide turn, and the three of us slammed together. The man in the middle pushed me back to my spot feriously, and yelled out loud.
"You bastard! Let us go!" He screamed as loudly as he could.
The Joker just turned back in his seat, with the knife facing the man.
'Do it' I thought. 'Just do it'.

The man cowered and The Joker's laugh echoed in the truck once more.

"Why so serious?" The Joker says with a wide smile, laughing hysterically.

We then stop, at an old warehouse, and the Joker pulls us all out, throwing us onto the cold barren floor. The other men shiver and shake as the Joker circles around us, threatening us with the knife he's holding.

"Wanna know how I got these scars?" He said, shoving his grim smile in all of our faces.
"You're a freak!" One man yells, and then he closes his eyes in fear.

The Joker pulls the mans body in front of the two of us, and pushes the knife along the corner's of the man's mouth.

"It's simple" The Joker says, "First we just-" He says.
I cut the Joker off.
"I'll do it." I say.

Both the men and The Joker seemed surprised.

"But, you'll have to untie my hands" I say to The Joker.
He smiles, and throws the man over to me, and pulls me up, ripping the duct tape off of my arms.
I stretch my wrists, and take the man into my vacinity.

I grab the knife that The Joker slid towards me.
"Let's see what you've got kid." The Joker says, resting his leg over the other as he sits on the chair, patiently.
The man shakes and tries to get free from my grip, but I hold onto him with all the strength I've got.

"Don't do it! I'll scream! People will hear me and save me! Batman will come!!" The man in my arms yells.

The Joker is furious by this statement that the man has made, and stands, getting closer to the man.
He picks the man up by the collar of his jacket, and gets personally close to his face.

"Your going to learn to keep your mouth shut." The Joker says, and slams him down by me.

"Do the job, if you've got the guts" He says to me. The Joker sits right next to the man, and places a gun along his temple.

"Either you cooperate, or you die." The Joker says.

I place the edge of the knife along the corner of the man's mouth, and rub his skin gently with it.

"I hope this will be as fun for you as it will be for me" I say, and I rip open the side of his mouth with the dull blade. The man stay quiet, in account for his plausable death.

I smile, and continue, creeping the knife to the other side of the man's face, and cut the corner of his mouth once again, reveiling a large grin on the man's face. He sobs loudly, and becomes dizzy.
The man passes out, and the blood from his mouth drips onto my lap.

The Joker claps, and looks down at me from the ground.

"Well, well, do you think you have what it takes to do it a second time?" He says, waving his hand towards the other hostage.
I lock eyes with the man, and he falls to the ground, doing whatever he can to get the hell away from me.

I nod my head, and stand, quickly catching up with the man.

"Help! Someone help me!!!" The man yells.

I kick him in the stomach, and pull him back with my foot.
I creep down to his level, and place the knife on his face. I was not planning on touching his mouth this time. This time, I was going to give his eyes a new look.
I place the knife slowly into the mans eye, and he screams bloody murder.
The Joker places a long strip of duct tape over the man's mouth, and I continue to stick the blade into his eye, until the end of my hand touches his eye. Blood drips down his face, and out of his eye socket.

The man quickly faints from the pain, and I step away from his body.
The Joker walks up to me, and I now have a clear look at his face.
The white face paint, and deep red lining around his lips.
This was the man of pure terror to a normal person, but I only saw him as a man of life.

"What's your name, little girl?" He said.
"I have no name" I replied to him, with a smirk.

"Well, you're going to need a title if you're going to work with me" He said.
I closely looked at his appearence.
A purple suit, which immediantly stood out to me.
Purple was my favorite color.
I smiled.
"Call me, The Purple Jester" I said.

The Joker reached out a hand to shake my hand.

I also reached back, and instantly,
I knew,
That this man, would be the man that I idolize forever.

No, I was not any normal fifteen year old, in fact, I had been facing serious issues with my pyschological issues, and also my multiple personality syndrome.
I sometimes am faced with the pyschopathic menical serial killer personality ,and then there's the cheery normal teenager stage. But lately, I've become more and more like a pyschopath, I rarely every change back into the normal state.
I'm not sure what's been happening, but I like the changes.

It suits my new self quite nicely.

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