1: Chan Mi

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Chan Mi:

I look at the bruise on my leg. It is now purple mix with blue. A moment ago it is all red and purple.

"That b*tch!," I said. I feel annoyed looking at the bruise, it remind me how my gang got beat up. The leader of that gang beat up a few of my guys, so I have to revenge back. It is a success, but I still got hurt. Now after I beat the crap of them, I went to a near by park to chill. Suddenly I have the desire to smoke. I search in my pocket. Nothing.

Now I feel more annoyed. Just when I'm about to kick the trash can next to me, my phone rings.

I look at the screen and it says "old man". I press the green button.

"Finally you gonna answer?!," the voice is so loud it pops my ear.

"What you want?!," I didn't back down.

"Your being wayward and you shouldn't act this way!"

I roll my eyes, he always try to control me.

"Just tell me what you want"

"Come home tonight," he said. His voice include some begging.

Home? You call that a home when there is nothing like a home? The only person I care about is already gone, so it won't be call home anymore.

"Maybe?," I playfully said. Imagine his angry face make me happy.

I hang up before he can say anything. My hands reflexly search through my pockets. Then I notice I ran out of cigarettes.

I look around and find a corner store. The corner stores always provide cigarettes. Just give them a hint and they will sell you it.

After I bought a pack of cigarettes, I walk back to the same place. At my left pocket, I got a lighter. The lighter is special design by a designer. Special lighter for a special person.

Just when I'm about to light the cigarette, someone take it.


Chan Mi's father, Mr. Chan, sit in his $2,000 chair. He slowly tap the desk in front of him. The tapping noise is somewhat making the atmosphere anxious.

"Mr. Chan, nice to meet you," Lay hang it his hand. Mr. Chan didn't shake his hand which leave Lay awkwardly standing there.

"Ha, maybe we can shake hands after you get my daughter home!"

Lay's eyebrow frown a bit, but he didn't react any bit of annoyance.

"We track down your daughter and Kris is there already. Maybe your daughter is already turning to a good girl"

Mr. Chan laughs," Don't think she is easy."

Chan Mi:

"Don't smoke," the guy said. I look up and see a handsome face. His eyes are big with thick eyebrows. He is very handsome I admit.

"Just because you are handsome doesn't mean I will listen to you"


Suho just texted me where she is. We track her down. Just a few weeks ago, we are hired. To seduce a 16 year old.
The information we got is all bad things about her.

What surprise me is that she doesn't look like a bad girl.

I take the cigarette from her and said,"Don't smoke."

She looks up and this shocks me a little. She have a baby face. She can't be compare with the idol pretty, but she look clean. Kinda funny to say she is clean when she is the opposite.

She have white skin which makes her look like a baby and a big round eyes. How adorable she is?

This thought quickly vanish away.

"Just because you are handsome doesn't mean I will listen to you," she said.

I feel somewhat tricked.

"Why you come talk to me? Is it because you want to take me home and make me your personal doll?," she ask innocently.

I don't know if I should laugh or what. Her thoughts are weird, seriously, dolls.

"Yah! Now shoo!," she wave her hand to get rid of me.

Usually the second they see my face, they will go all crazy. But she is a outliner.

Chan Mi:

He still stand there, like a idiot. Why the f*ck he is here for. Taking away people's cigarettes, mind his own business.

"You shouldn't smoke, you're too young," he said in a soft voice.

I roll my eyes, another nosy person,"Are you my mom?"

He shakes his head. "Then shut. UP"

I pull out another cigarette from my pack;even though he didn't effect my personal feelings, he is annoying.


I stand there quietly looking at her smoking. The way she handles it shows she isn't unfamiliar to this.

She sucks in one breath and let it go. The smoke come out of her mouth and it makes me want to cough.

Why a girl can becomes like this?

The way she is smoking reveal some emotions. I feel sad seeing her smoking. It make her look lonely.

"Want one?," she hands me one. I didn't reach for it and say no. She continue to smoke like I'm not here.

We stay in this moment for another few seconds.

Then she said," Do you really want to taken home and make me doll?"

What she is thinking?!

This makes me regret coming here first.

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