8. Hug me

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As always I wake up from the nightmare and go back to sleep. Everything seems normal, the nightmare, the hate, and the loneliness.

Next morning, I went to school like I use to. Although I goto school more times this week than any other week. Maybe because of Xiumin or Luhan. They are interesting and something new.

In front of the school, I see Xiumin and Luhan. Are they waiting for me? I skipped thinking of that. Maybe I already rely on them more than I thought.

As I got closer, I hear they are fighting.

"Don't do it again!," I hear Xiumin say.

"Nope, I'm doing it," Luhan answers with a ease. Xiumin glared at Luhan and is about to yell at her.

My arms out, protecting Luhan,"Stop!"

Xiumin points at Luhan and at me and he start acting crazy.

"Oh gosh! Chanmi, don't you see Luhan!," he angrily stomps and points at Luhan. I turn around see Luhan's cute face. There is nothing wrong about it.

"Please Xiumin, act like a brother and just let Luhan a bit," I pat his shoulder and walk in the school. After I turn my back, I can hear Xiumin making noises. I know he won't let go so easy.

Xiumin POV:

I really want to rip Luhan's face. If it wasn't because we are in a mission, I would've already kick him in the stomach. As a hyung, he should respect me! Oh well, after this ends, I will let him pay back.

Chan Mi didn't bother talking to us other in the morning. It's not surprising because on the information her dad gave us, she isn't close to anyone. She seems cold, but compare to other people, she is already very nice to us. According to our survey, she gets tired of people in 1 week.

"We need to get closer to her," Luhan elbow me in science.

I elbow back,"Duh, the problem is...our chance is limited. She only appears in school, other than that, we don't know."

The science teacher calls on Chan Mi. She stand up with her back straight, full of confidence.

Luhan and I are looking at her, but continue our conversation.

"Then we need to follow her," Luhan say as he stare at Chan Mi's back. What Luhan said, I did thought about it before. But is it really possible to follow her without her knowing? From what happened last time, she seems to have great reflex.

"I don't know the answer," Chan Mi said like what she said is normal. Luhan start laughing. It is weird how she is confident enough to say something like that.

The science teacher's bald head looks even more shiny when he is mad.

"Sit down!," he yells. Chan Mi just shrugs and sit down.

Chan Mi POV:

Every teacher is the same. Their words come through one ear, gets out through the other ear. With my dad's money, I can just buy my grades. This is the moment when I notice having a rich dad is actually usefull.

The day went well until Angel texted me.


We have your friend.

$100,000 and you will see her.

Send money at XXXXX XXXX Building

After 5 PM, you will never see your friend again.

After I receive the text, I ran out of the classroom right away. I don't care about anything, but she is my only friend. She is the only person I can lean on. If she is gone, I don't know what to do.

"Angel, Angel, Angel," I kept on repeating as I got in the cab. Every second seems like a struggle; time never waits for people. All I can wish is the kidnappers won't hurt her.

On the other hand, I don't have that much money. I saved some money over the years from what my dad gave me, but it isn't enough. I can't ask my dad because that is like saying I'm sorry and losing to him.

It is either my friend or my pride. Obviously, my only pride left is my rebellious toward my dad. That is the only thing I don't regret doing. However, Angel is important too.

"Miss, we're here," the cab driver said.

I snap out of my mind and get out of the cab, paying him the money. In front of me is a old, torn building. The windows are broken and there is graffiti everywhere. This isn't unusual for me since we usually pick fights at places like this.

After many debates, I decide to check the place out first. Even though I don't have the money, I'm sure to get her out of safety. On the ground is broken glass and wooden boards everywhere. Even spider webs are around. It seems like no one came in here in a while.

On the first floor, there is no one, so I move to the second floor.


There is noise on the upper floors. I quickly pick up my paste and sprint upstairs. The noise sounds like it came from the 5th or 6th floor.

Luhan POV:

Chan Mi ran out the classroom out of nowhere. Xiumin and I decide to follow her to see what is wrong. She took a cab while we drive our car. When we follow her to a isolated area, we know something is bad going on.

We try to stay a distance away from her since we don't want her to know. But when we hear a gun shot, we both chase after her quickly.

On the 5th floor, there is less broken glass, but not any better. I slow down as I get closer to where Chan Mi is at.

Both Xiumin and I was shocked when we see the scene. There is a chair in the middle of the room and cut rope on the floor. Chan Mi is curling in the corner, staring at the chair.

I look at Xiumin with concern,"Why don't go and get some water from our car." Chan Mi start shivering. "I think she really need it now."

Xiumin nod in agreement and turn away. I walk closer to Chan Mi.

"No," I hear her mumble,"You can't leave me."

Who is leaving her?

I kneel down and whisper softly,"It's okay."

Chan Mi looks up. Her face is pale as ever and her lips are shaking.

"Hug me," she said. Hug?!

Her eyes are bubbly and it is begging me. Maybe she needs it. Finally I open my arms and put it around her. Her body is small and she is shivering. This is the first time she look hopeless.


I love writing this FF! This is the only FF I actually feel intense about. The characters are very diverse and clear.

Check out my: 20 Facts About Me

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