4: Baozi Plan

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Chan Mi:

Next morning, Angelic still didn't came home. It isn't uncommon because it happens once a while. Sometimes customers want her to stay, so she stay. Usually she will come back home in the afternoon.

Today is Monday, worse day ever. I could skip any day of the week, but not Monday. Our Monday teacher is the most strict, boring, and cranky teacher. Our Monday teacher is Ms. PumpkinHill, just the name show how she is. Ms. PumpkinHill is a old lady, with ugly glasses, can past out anytime, and the principle's wife. I felt bad for our principle when I thought of him.

Anyway, if I don't go today, she will call my dad and try to snitch on me.

So here I am, sitting on my seat with my open textbook. Just looking at the textbook makes me want to take a nap. The bell rings and made me wake up.

Ms. PumpkinHill walking in with her old teacher textbook and a guy following her. Since my seat is far away, I can't see clearly what he looks like. But around the classroom, I can hear girls squeak in happiness.

"This is our new transfer student: Baozi?," she looks at her paper when she reads the name. I burst out laughing when I hear the name. Baozi?! What parent names their child Baozi?!

With my burst of laughter, everyone else start laughing. The kid name Baozi didn't seem to be embarrassed of anything, he still smiles.

"Quiet!," Ms. PumpkinHill hit the desk. Everyone stopped when they hear the bang. "Now....Ba....Baozi, pick a seat."

I snicker as I hear Ms. PumpkinHill struggle to call the name . He didn't even look around and start walking at the end of the classroom. My desk is at the very end of the classroom because I want to take naps.

"Here," before I know it, he stands next to me.

I look up and give him a glare. He sees my glare, but answers with a smile. Lately, people just start to become annoying huh? Just then, am idea pop in my mind. If he wants to sit next to me, then I'll give his a foretaste of how it would be.

He sits next to me and takes out his textbooks. Just 20 minutes of class, I already can feel my eyelids getting heavy. Then, I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder. With my left eye open, I see Baozi staring at me.

"Woah!," I said loud enough for Ms. PumpkinHill to hear me. His face appear out of no where, so I was shocked.

Ms. PumpkinHill give me a glare,"Chan Mi! Answer question 26."

In my mind, I'm cursing how bad luck I am. I look down at my textbook and notice there is no question 26.

"Uhh...where is question 26?," I timidly ask. I hear some giggling after I ask my question. I look on the left and see Hana, my enemy, giggling with her girl friends.

"We are in page 67," Baozi whisper. I'm on page 64, so I quickly flip to page 67. On the bottom of the page is question 26 which is a question I don't even understand.

"The answer is binalaia," he whisper again. I can see Ms. PumpkinHill staring at me aggressively, so I answer right away.


1 second of silence and BURST of laughter. Confused, I look at him.

"I was kidding," he said showing his shiny white teeth. This is when I know I was played! Great, everyone is laughing at me.

My killing eyes stare at him, he winks at me. Inside, I already develop a plan to get my revenge!

"I wish I can see you smile next time!," I use my cheerful smile, but behind it, I'm laughing evilly.


As the bell rings, everyone start to get out of the classroom. Everyone is meeting up with their friends, having fun, and enjoying lunch.
I use to dream one day I can be like them, but I know I never will.

"Hey, you wanna eat lunch together?," the new kid ask. Alot of girls surrounded him when it is lunch time, but he rejects them. He sees that I'm not interested.

He reach out his hands and touch my cheeks. The warmness from his fingers shock me a bit. He then pinch my cheeks.

"Your cheeks are so cute," he said continue to pinch my cheeks. About a second later, I notice what he was doing.

I slap his hands away," Don't touch my cheeks!"

He laughs loudly which makes me angry. Nobody does that to me and he did it twice already!

While he is laughing, I quickly squeeze his cheeks. He stop laughing and look at me like he is innocent. I squeeze his cheeks in different directions and his face change from circle to square.

When I'm finally done abusing his cheeks, I let go. On his face, you can see clear finger prints.

He just rubs his cheeks and mummble,"My precious cheeks."

I proudly said,"It's okay, from now on your cheeks belongs to me!"

Xiumin is so cute~
Wish you guys like the update!



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