Real ? Not Real?

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His lips were almost on mine. I closed my eyes and leaned forward.But I was suddenly pulled back by a hand on my arm.
"Jimin-ah!  What are you doing? "
" I.... I wa... I was-" i looked up at Tae i didn't know what to say.
"Why were you standing alone here with closed eyes?  Are you okay? "
Alone? I was standing alone?  I quickly turned to look at....  No one? 
He wasn't there anymore i didn't even realize when he left.
" Jiminie , what are you looking at?  "
" n.. nothing , let's go" i pulled him out of the bar with me. 


" Jimin wait we have to tell others we're leaving " i said stopping him
" I'll text Hobi hyung, let's go "
"Okay" what is he doing?  He's acting strange .but a didn't want to push so i just left the bar with him.
When we reached our home he still looked confused.
" yah!  Jimin-ah tell me whats wrong? "
"When i left you all what did you see? "
" nothing you just excused yourself, i thought you were going to bathroom .why? " why is he asking this?
" I was alone? "
"Of course you were " has he really gone mad?
" oh okay it was nothing.  I thought i saw something , let's get to bed its late,  we have school tomorrow" he's really going crazy? 
" okay goodnight jiminie"

Jimin's PoV:

Was i imagining things or he was real?  No,  i can't imagine a person I've never seen before, maybe he had to leave ,but again why didn't anyone see him??  And am i crazy?  What if he is real how can i let a complete stranger kiss me. I almost let him kiss me. Gosh!  This is crazy.
These thoughts kept me from sleeping.  I finally fell asleep around sometime in morning.


" Hobi stop winking at every single person or I'll push your eye into a permanent wink" Suga growled as Hoseok
" aww are you jealous " Hobi teased him
" forget it " with that Suga went to his class
" ya!  Wait I'm coming too" both of them were our seniors they had most classes together.
I saw Namjin walking toward us
" hey,  where did you both go last night, i was stuck with this drunk ass alone in the bar after Suga and Hoseok left " Namjoon said with an annoyed glance at Jin who duty fully ignored it and walked toward his class .
" I wasn't feeling well so we left. Sorry hyung" i lied
" it's fine . Let's go classes before we get late. " i noticed now that Tae has been quite the entire time
" Tae?  You ok? "
" yeah I'm good,  let's go to class "
Now what's wrong with him?



Tae I'm leaving for work ,  c ya later " i said walking out of the house .
When i reached the bar to my surprise He was already sitting there.
"So you're real? " i asked approaching him.
"Why wouldn't i? "
" because no one saw you and you just disappeared" i said
. For the first time he smiled and it was a smile that can make all the stars look dull and rusty.

 For the first time he smiled and it was a smile that can make all the stars look dull and rusty

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With his bunny smile he looked more of an innocent child than the dark beauty I've seen before. I instantly loved it. How can person do both that too without trying? 
"I didn't want to show my handsome face to anyone but you "  this brought back from my thoughts.
"Wha- "
"Oh come on now, don't tell me you don't find me attractive " he said cutting me off
" i don't even know your name " i said
" and whoever said you have, to know someone's name to love them? "
Love?  What?  This guy is mad.
So i just ignored him and got back to my work . I can feel him looking at me but i didn't look at him.  After what seemed like 10 minutes he suddenly said..

"Jeon Junkgkook"
"What? "
"That's my name "
"Oh!  I'm Park Jimin"
"I know"
What?  How would he know my name and why does his name sound familiar ?
" how do you know"
" i have my sources Park Jimin " he said getting up from his seat
" it's nice to see you again. I missed you" and, with that he, walked out of bar. I just stood there staring frozen at his leaving shadow
Missed me??  What does that mean?  We hardly know each other why would he miss me?




Varying Shades Of Love -Vminkook/ Jikook / Vmin  ✔Where stories live. Discover now